Do you practice read aloud?
Since I back to work, our routine changes very significantly, but one thing I try to as much as possible to stick on, is reading aloud with them.
If you ask any expert in children early learning, reading aloud is the number one suggested approach. Children get many benefits from reading aloud, such as building knowledge, development of cognitive skills, and to build social and emotional growth.
As you already know that children is like sponge (Montessori suggests that 0-6 years old as the ‘absorbent minds’), so does they react when you read to them. One of my friend shared that her son, at 3 years old could repeat the story she told him a year ago.
Now usually we read aloud in the car, or before going to bed. I read anything of everything (kids’ books) for them, using small books so that it is easier to hold. Now even Hafiy will ask me to read for him, sometimes if I don’t do it 😀
Why read aloud?
Even older children love to be read aloud. Apart from introducing reading, vocabulary, grammar, language, etc. you name it, it is also to build bond between us and the kids. Reading aloud is a good time for this, especially for busy parents. When we read to them, they’ll sit or lay down closer to us, listen to our voice and respond to our stories.
It is the non-expensive way to spend time with our children. Even, if we don’t have much money to buy books, we can borrow them from friends or library.
And, not only using books, read aloud also can be done with newspapers, signboards, tags, and even from computer.
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