How to Measure Excellence in Children?
Rentetan dari a new topic in MSK Forum. (If you are yet to register, please do so, who knows your input is very much needed by mommies in that…
Are You Ready to Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding, to me, is easy, mudah lagi memudahkan, but it takes lots of sacrifices, and times, and tears as well. Hehe. To breastfeed or not… itu pilihan masing-masing kan….
Bukan Salah
hmmm…. ntah cemana nk cakap. bukan salah bagi anak FM. & mmg xsalah pun. FM mmg dicipta utk baby.. lainlah kalo kasik Susu Cap Teko. saw ii online yang…
7 Habits of A Highly Effective Nursing Mom
mula2 sekali Mami tukar paradigma pemikiran kepada “SAYA BOLEH!” walaupun ramai org2 keliling kita yg gagal. so what? ramai orang pegi audition AF ok tp berapa belas orang je…
Abi's Plan for You
i read several baby and parenting books, but i never see any single phrase about ‘financial’ (or, do i need to read more books?) unless in books that really…