On Solids, Puasa & Fever

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Mommy initially wanted to exclusive breastfeed (with no solids & no other liquid) until you’re a year old. but Abiy would like it to be a bit later. Abiy, as possible as it can be want you to be breastfed exclusively (with no solids/other liquids) for 2 years. but it’s seem like we have to change our plan because at 4 month:-
  • you started to get ‘over excited’ on foods (initially Mommy has to prepare an empty plate for you during mealtime but nowadays you know it’s empty).
  • you can sit by your own on baby’s high chair.
  • you don’t drink during daytime (when Mommy’s at work), [only 2 oz for all day long!] and even not so frequent during nighttime.
Mommy discussed with Abiy, that the best time to introduce solids is when you reach your 6 month. even if there’s ideas of introducing solids at 4 months but Mommy found out that it’s the age for formula-fed babies, and since you’re a breast-fed baby, so the best time is at your 6 month, where at 4 month old, your system is just getting itself prepared for solids, not actually ready. Mommy said, it is ‘amber light’ and not yet ‘green light’. even if out there many moms start at 4 month, but we beg to differ. we prefer later.

Mommy doesn’t concern about introducing solids too early that may affect your young digestive system that will disturb your insulin production and lead to diabetes type 2 when you grow up. but what she concerns is, about exclusive breastfeeding as long as she wants. Mommy doesn’t like the idea that we HAVE to give solids at 6 month, or else the babies will not get enough nutrient. and we think it is optional, since there are some stories from our Prophet’s seerah telling that ‘under 2 year old exclusive breastfeeding boy’s urine (boys who ONLY have their mother’s milk) is najis mukhaffafah (the lightest ones)’. we think it’s not a ridiculous rule, it’s just out of our normal practise (even in our society people start to give babies solids at 2-3 days old..).

when you don’t like to have EBM in any ways, Mommy suggested that we intro you to solids at 6 month, but Abiy prefer later. the earliest is at your 8th month. we’ll see how…

Mommy ain’t happy with the idea because you start to not gaining weight. 8kg now and 8kg then. she thought it’s because of your ‘puasa’. and secondly she gets tired to see your behavior toward food.

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  • sangat teruja sampai meleleh air liur everytime tengok kami makan.
  • tangan sangat teruja mencapai segala sudu, garfu, mangkuk, pinggan, foods.
  • bile tengok food, dah tak ada benda lain bole distract.
  • selalu kacau Mami makan dalam flight. sibuk nak pegang food & cawan.
  • always mimicking our kunyah2 when we have our meal.
  • you know what food is.

that’s the sign for ‘get prepare for solids’ but not necessarily ready. Mommy said even if you’re physically ready, but we can’t see what’s happening inside you, and it’s irreversible. your digestive system might not ready and it might not react now (for introducing solids too early) but it might be in another 40-50 years. even if there’s people say, it doesn’t matter about solids, even a baby who had solids at 2-day-old, still alive & become somebody now. but we don’t bother. that’s their choice and this is our choice, and you’re our son after all.

today your body temperature went up to 38degree C. we took you to Ampang Puteri too see the doctor. we thought it’s because we brought you to the hospital the other day, when we went to see Tok Pa. the doctor at Ampang Puteri advised us not to bring babies to any wards, for you guys are very fragile, when exposing to many kuman2 in the wards. oh poor my boy, how silly we were…

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13 responses to “On Solids, Puasa & Fever”

  1. MommyAdam Avatar

    alamak…yeke takleh bawak babies to any wards….

  2. Fid Avatar


    dia melelh air liur tu sbb nak tumbuh gigi kot
    tp mmg mana2 budak pun gitu..sifat semula jadi

    ahaa better elakkan bawa gi ward….

    bkn budak jerk org2 dewasa pun sebenarnya bahaya juga
    ingat lg masa preggy dulu
    hubby yg tanpa pk hal wifey dia ajak akak gi melawat ntah sapa ntah sedara dia punya anak sedara..jauh la hubung kait..balik tu demam teruk eden….

  3. ct Avatar

    lina, u can delay the solid to be given to ur baby. breastmilk is more than sufficient enough.

    memang bawa baby gi hosp nih not recomended kan.. tak pasal2 dpt penyakit pulak.

  4. Dandelion Avatar

    hafiy ni kecik2 dh practise puasa bagus betul lah. sian dia demam. moga cpt sihat. i pn plan to introduce solid selambat yang mungkin. tp itulah belum face d consequences with my own baby lg so xtau la mcm mana. mebbe jugak akan akan hdpi dilemma mcm u hmmm…

  5. Mr. and Mrs. Mokhsin Avatar
    Mr. and Mrs. Mokhsin

    hmmm..sebut pasal bagi solid nih..tringat la dulu2 when I had my eldest doter, biasala…kita baru ada anak2…so ramai la yg nak mengajar itu ini….whne sophea was only 2 months,this hamba Allah dah bising suruh me bagi solids to sophea…when I said nak bagi when she turned 6 months…their response was “eh..budak2 skang dah boleh dah bagi makan….anak akak si **** akak bagi masa dia omo 2 bulan lagi…tak der apa2 pong…” .I didn’t give any comments…neither follow nor reject…this is my child, I’m responsible of her…luckily it wasn’t my mom or any of my sisters.

  6. umi nadhrah Avatar
    umi nadhrah

    yep… it’s your choice becos hafiy is your son… ada my fren yg bagik anak die minum susu sahaja sampai 1 thm.. sbb anak die mmg tak berminat nak makan.. bile start makan terus makan nasi.. advance… huhu

    hafiy minum 2oz jek waktu siang? sbb tak suke minum dlm botol? cube try suap susu tu gune sudu? there are some mothers yg very particular with breastfeeding sampai tak bagik EBM dlm botol.. they spoon fed the milk…sbb taknak confuse ngan nipple.. just a suggestion

  7. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    a ah. mcm kak fid ckp kat atas tu.. hehe. byk koman….!

    kak fid,
    haha. ye kot. tgk fud je meleleh liur, menda lain xleleh pon. aduh jgnla tumbuh gigi lagi. ayak! cakit kene geget nanti!
    olololo.. ciannye preggy2 kene demam sal g visit org kat spital. huhu.

    itulah.. we want to exclusive BF him sampai lebey 1 tahun kalo bole. huhu.
    tu la mula tu degil sgt nk bawak p spital. padan mukeku xtido malam. huwa2x.

    haha. ntahla. sian kat dia xminum siang2… tgk bln depan kalo x OK lagi, 6 bln igt nk kasik dah, tp Abiy dia la plak nk suh tunggu at least 8 bulan. hrhr.

    kak jaa,
    haha tu lasss. mentang2 kita baru bulis anak, pakat nk mengajarla belaka….

    umi nadhrah,
    hehe. actually itu guna sudu yg masuk 2oz tu. kalo botol mmg langsung dia xndak. huhu.

  8. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    teringat apa kita discussed abt giving solid last time 🙂 the choice is urs 🙂

  9. kasutVincci Avatar

    lina buat lah yg terbaik utk afy. Mungkin perancangan awal perlu diubah. Hehe

  10. Dandelion Avatar

    Lina..I want to ask bout Milkmaid Tea sbb u ada mentioned u consumed. U agak2 if I bli the big size bottle and minum once a day, bape lama leh tahan ek. I can’t imagine la. I’m now ordering brg2 from my mom to post. I xtau nk tanya sapa dh but I need to know this very immediately. Hope u can answer me. Sorry for bothering n thanks in advance. 😀

  11. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hehe. lari dari teori kedoktoran bukan?

    kak KV,
    haha, napok gaya macam gitulah.

    ina D,
    aha… i xminum everyday la ina. hehe.

  12. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    kak lina, tak lari pun. sbb apa, mmg dr zaman rasulullah lg mmg wujud ank yg di BF smpai umur lebih dr setahun. kalau tak, takde la istilah najis mukhaffafah bg air kencing kanak2 lelaki yg hanya menyusu dr ibunya je kn. sy klu boleh nk nasihatkn ibu2 yg lain, klu nk start pun, tunggula umur 6 bulan. setidak2nya ank dh ada gigi. teori yg org kata klu bg makan solid lg awal lg cepat tumbuh gigi anak tu, huisshh.. takde la tu. lainla klu Allah dh kata kun fayakun umur anak tu 4bln tup2 dh ada gigi. age range anak start tumbuh gigi 6 m/o n above 🙂

    hafiy hensem, sila dgr hajat mommy n abiy tu ok. for the time being, silala minum susu mommy tu. jgn kurus2 sgt. tak comey nnti tau.

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    hi lyna!!!salam to u n your family!
    sorry i’ve been buzy hibernating..hahaha..thats y la takde update..i’m due on may so u tau2 je la org preggy dah sarat nih sgt la pemalas…hehe..so many things to write but i’ve been sleeping all day..haha
    oh btw tertarik dgn entry u nih..just nak suggest why dont u try bg hafiy directly from a cup/spout bcoz my hafiy pon anti bottle..dulu try bg bottle dia tamau so apa lagi bg je pakai cwn dah dia suka sgt ajuk kitaorg mkn/minum..surprisingly dia bole minum pakai cwn just u have to be careful la suap pelan2 n jaga tgn si kecik tu..believe me tgn kecik tu akan sgt sibuk nak pegang cwn tu jugak nak minum sendiri..hehe

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