
Nuffnang Malaysia Bagus? Terbaik? Are They?

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Remember my entry about Nuffnang vs. Innity?

Innity was my choice for local ads company to generate money from this blog, since I had NOTHING came from Nuffnang for 6 months (or more). Innity gave me good payout, due to it high CPC rate, sometimes they had more than RM1 per click, compared to Nuffnang, only RM0.15 for ordinary dan RM0.25 for Glitterati members, per click. Their CPM also promising, rather than Nuffnang CPM that based on BE Campaign those I havent get any since last February.

After the malware attacked Innity 2-3 months back, I removed all local ads from this blog, except Nuffnang. And gained back my Glitterati status.

When Innity back in action, after the malware had been removed, I caught them back, but the earning was cut to 90%, I mean 90% less than before the attack. I reckoned it was because of the pull out from their advertisers due to the malware case.

At the same time, I got an offer for advertorial write up from Nuffnang. The payment was quite good, close to RM1k! Coincodently, the BE campaign started to mushroomed, I got 5 BEs in a row. So I removed la the Innity that gave me hardly RM1/day (that time lah).

The BE keep on coming, now I have 8 BEs running and 4 MEs. It’s quite a big money. Except one day when my blog suddenly ‘installed’ with ManggaAds by God-knows-who (still mistery, ‘it’ must be a Malaysian hacker because ‘it’ added local ads, LOL), the earning was cut into half, because ordinary and Glitterati members are paid by different rates. Only when I rem0ved the mystery code, gain Glitterati status, I got my money back 🙂

I planned to get rid of Nuffnang after the current highest BE running comes to the end, but it keep on coming & coming. Rezeki… Maybe the advertisers just noticed my blog? Or maybe they increase their budget to ‘buy’ ads space from blogs in my range of daily unique visitor? Or maybe during last February the advertisers cut off their advertising budget? I dunno 🙂

I’m still dreaming of getting Innity back. They are generous 😛 But I’m waiting for the all the big monies BE to end lah. At least I dont lose much. Innity definitely pays more (historically!). By the way the current and future Nuffnang earnings should beat Innity already. Thank you advertiser for choosing me. Choose la lagi! 🙂

To swallow mother dies, to spit out father dies 😛 (rosak bahasa)

OK la, my confession, more BE and I’ll love you more Nuffnang!


How about you guys? Do you have any preferred local ads company?

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2 responses to “Nuffnang Malaysia Bagus? Terbaik? Are They?”

  1. Z@m Avatar

    Sy xde nuffnang segala ni. But now rs a bit meluat bila baca sesetgh blog yg asyik la berblog psl iklan derg. Smpikan yg x pregnant pn, amik gmbr pregnant tipu-tipu dan sebagainya. Kekdg taktau pn tu ads smpi la gi baca blog lain, suma asik ckp psl susu brand sama. Tu blum lg yg jual pb.

    Just my 2 cents….

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      some ppl mmg main income (online) daripada advert. just like org lain buat blogshop, for them it comes from advert. but maybe kat Malaysia orang masih belum boleh terima blogging for money (buat duit drp blog tu sdr, bukan jualan produk yg dipromo kat blog), cos we more on blogging for fun hehe. my 2 cents.

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