
My Toddler Hafiy’s Development at 23 Month

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It’s only one month before Hafiy turns 2! How fast time flies. Rasa macam baru semalam dokong baby Hafiy, now he is Abang Hafiy.

Next month, while Hafiy is celebrating his second birthday, Mommy is starting my first day at work after a very long leave. New office, new department, new environment, new people… Oh I hope I have enough time to catch up everything.

Sementara nak turning 2 ni, Hafiy asyik demam saja. The latest was last week and these are his pictures when we brought him to Prince Court Medical Centre.


Waiting for his name to be called into the MO’s room.

observation room

In the observation room waiting for ubat bontot and sponging. He was 39 degree C then!


Masih larat drive bawa Mommy beli sate kajang kat Taman Melati, LOL.


While waiting for the sate let us…


… main kereta racing kat iPod.

He’s an iPod addict. Memang tak boleh blah. Hari2 mesti mau satu dos. “Mi… Pod.. Mi… Pod”. Other than the educational games, the loves car racing game. Malangnya asyik kalah saja LOL. But he could navigate the program to choose which car, the color, etc.

As he’s about to enter his 2 years old, what I should expect:-

  • Terrible two that might test me to the limit with his tantrum and misbehave.
  • He’ll bite more than he usually did. Not only biting nips but also everything.
  • He’ll start to hit others by kicking, pushing, etc.
  • More and more unexpected tantrum.

Hafiy’s going to nursery by next week, as I want him to familiarize with new environment, new routines and new faces. Even tho I’ll start working after raya but I choose to send him earlier for that purpose (familiarization). I must expect him to have separation anxiety as he hasn’t get separated with me for 9 months. So a month before my working hour starts is good to give him time and allowance to any fever, screaming, sulking, etc 😀

He’s improving in pronunciation, such as calling “Abiy” as “A-biy” instead of “A” or “Biy” like before. He called Fahry as “A-dik” sometimes beside “Ba-by”, and I am still his “Mii”. 😀 He likes to tell story even tho very hard to be understood LOL.

Like other toddler, he likes books and everytime we are approaching our nap time, he’ll bring a storybook for me to read, but usually it is when the room is almost dark (I like to tarik the curtain). To keep his heart I ‘read’ la jugak even tho tak nampak apa2.

He’s a very happy and independent one. And very obedient. When he cries, I’ll say “Hafiy, quite please” he’ll shut up and stay put silently. Huhu. Kesian juga tengok tapi kalau Hafiy menjerit, Fahry pun nak jerit. Wah.. letihhhh.

He has a very high energy, and we plan to provide him with more physical activities. It just that he has a very awkward running style LOL.

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8 responses to “My Toddler Hafiy’s Development at 23 Month”

  1. Nadiah Sidek Avatar

    wah…hafiy dh nk cecah umur 2 thn ye! sekejap aje ye ms berlalu. duk tgk safiyyah ni pun..eh…kejap je rsnya dia berkalih bulan. dh 8 bln dh. rs mcm baru aje lg lahirkn dia…
    .-= Nadiah Sidek´s last blog ..September 5, 2009 =-.

  2. mamasyaza Avatar

    umo hafiy lebih kurang ngan Hamiz Sanim ja…sikecil daku dah 1 thn 9 bulan. macam-macam mende yg dia dah buat…kekdg sakit jiwa…tapi sabar jelah
    .-= mamasyaza´s last blog ..My DeAr HaMiZ SaNiM =-.

  3. littlemama Avatar

    waah.. hafiy almost 2 years already ye.. time flies so fast.. my izzah pun dah nak setahun setengah..
    .-= littlemama´s last blog ..Nuzul Quran & Cuti =-.

  4. sya Avatar

    hmm, memang kena berlatih ajar dia ke nursery.. bukan sahaja untuk dia.. tapi untuk mommy nya juga… berlatih rindu2 kat anak.. hehehehe
    .-= sya´s last blog ..tag dari wina =-.

  5. mamamiya Avatar

    dah nak 2yrs old dah anak teruna ni.

    cute aje gaya dia nak pulas stereng tu. tgh2 tak larat tu ada hati lg nak main2 tu.
    .-= mamamiya´s last blog ..Parenting Tips-Happiest Toddler =-.

  6. Fid Avatar

    Insya ALlah dah lepas usia 2 tahun akan OK..jarang demam ..insya Allah..awal2 ni dia nak bina ketahanan diri

  7. salzahari Avatar

    x pe, dmm leh test immunity system. Aliah pun lari pelik skit, tertonggek2 dan ala2 mcm nak lompat (2-in1 kah?).

  8. dee83 Avatar

    hi abang Hafiy! kak, sy suka tengok gambar dia drive Mami beli sate tu… hensem wooo…serius ni…apa2pun semoga Hafiy terus jadi abang yang baik dan tegas dengan adik2 BUKAn garang tau? sayang adik2 ye?
    .-= dee83´s last blog ..Selamat 27 Tahun! =-.

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