Mommy's Role in This Financial Crisis

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Are we in recession? Yet? I don’t know. I heard the ministers said we’re still safe LOL.

But there are factories reduce their production. There are factories had total shut down. There are factories even close operation. Is it a sign of stability and prosperity?image

Recession affects people differently. Economic meltdown makes some people lose their jobs while some are still enjoying their Pavilion shopping.

For people like us, where money doesn’t grow from trees, have to do some adjustment on our daily life. At least some of it.

Furthermore, I made a big decision to take unpaid leave and raise our maid’s salary LOL. Bibik is richer than me now. (Was it a wise decision taking unpaid leave during crisis?)

Even if we may not be affected by the global recession, but to prepare for it, it’s better to make some plans. Better safe than sorry ain’t it.

Comfort the husband. Crisis makes some people lose jobs, and for those who are still hanging there, the workload may be doubled, tripled or quadrupled, or ten-pled? It’s my job to make sure Abiy is emotionally healthy and strong enough to withstand all the challenges brought upon on him.  

Stop hunting for ‘the wants’, and don’t exceed ‘the needs’. Even if I am not a shoppaholic, but I still have lots of things, all the wants in my list. But thanks to my non-shoppaholic profile, it takes me time to think about the worthiness of spending money on what I want. Eventually, I usually leave it there.

Exhaustive cost saving initiative. So far we are using cloth diapers and grow some vegetables in our backyard. Not including breastfeeding both Hafiy and Fahry! While Abiy tapau his breakfast and coming home for lunch everyday.

Diversify investment. Now that interest rate has declined by 0.5 basis point, fix deposit drops and PNB seems to be giving lower returns. Maybe this is the time to try stock market?

Diversity our sources of income. Makan gaji is not the only way to make money. Maybe just because you don’t know, it shouldn’t stop you from grabbing such opportunities. Maybe you have some ideas, but don’t know where to start. Wish to partner with me? Drop your idea here or contact me personally. Only serious people please. And willing to work 174 hours per day 😉

C’mon mommies, let’s face a worry-free financial crisis!

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11 responses to “Mommy's Role in This Financial Crisis”

  1. anasfadilah Avatar

    kak lina

    dan dua bulan saya risau pasal financial

    walaupun husband tak kena buang kerja tapi gaji dia lani masuk lambat,jadi kena pakai gaji saya dulu buat sementara waktu.

    gaji saya tak banyak,memang tak banyak..risau juge bila pikir pasal anak

    saya juga nasiblah bukan shopaholic..tapi tulah,kadang-kadang teringin juge kan?

    ada la buat beniaga kecik-kecik…tapi tulah…takat tu aje

    recession does effect my life

    kadang-kadang buntu juge..

    p/s::try duduk di penang,dengan kilang punya banyak…dan banyak juge kene buang kerja…memang terasa sangat recession nye

  2. kakyong Avatar


    kalo tanya saya.. my recession period dah mula setahun sejak setahun yang lepas..

    I share with friend buat bsness consultancy ~ more on accounting & advisory sevices.. baru nak bertatih, ribut lah pulak.. i pregnant again, 3rd pregnancy & my 2nd baby baru jer 3 mths.. huhu.. sedey.. & the tiredness due to the 3rd pregnancy memang required lot of rest.. so I can’t take up my role effectively in bsness.. even masa tu masih ade client.. then my partner hilang.. ade krisi rumahtangga pulak.. so lepas bersalinkan yg no3, i decide to stop the bsness. I can’t take up anymore.. pastu ade pulak org amik client kita.. well. fine..

    Now I put my priority towards anak2.. lagipun susah nak cari org.. nak amik maid.. huhu.. my $$$ not permit.. my hubby only bsness kecil2an.. my salary used to share with my mom, since adik2 I ramai yg masih sekolah & i hv no choice, pelaburan utk masa depan adik2 harus juga didahulukan.. on top ade la savings a bit.. tp for the past 1 year, savings pun main susut.. ade la juga amik part time job, buat acctg job at home.. not much, boleh la cover monthly housing loan & a few bilss..

    berjimat ~ hidup spt biasa, bcoz i ni bukan jenis mewah2.. asal memang org susah.. masa susah dulu, dah biasa makin bubur nasi & kuih garam.. not even kicap.. so la ni kalo dpt makan nasi dgn ikan, tempe ker sayur 1 jenis & ade buah2an.. enuf dah.. as long ade khasiat. yang penting skrg ni keperluan anak2.. Alhamdulillah, Aliya (my 3rd) still breastfeed..

    brg2 rumah ~ seriusly my hall @ ruang tamu memang kosong.. no sofa.. dulu plan nak beli, tp sbb fikir adik nak masuk kolej & adik yg lelain ade juga keperluan sekolah.. jd duit tu channel pada adik2.. definitely i pun teringin nak rumah cantik, ade brg2 rumah (yg berpada2 lah).. bior le apa org nak kata.. brg2 yg sedia ade di rumah pun i beli seblm kahwin.. suami cuma ade kereta sebiji..

    org mengata ~ usah dikata.. even my mom-in-law pun pernah terlepas ckp.. tp i buat derk jer.. ishh, takkan lah nak harap i sediakan semua.. so now, I’m really tired dgn anak2, dgn kerja2 rumah.. kdg2 bila down, terasa diri ni mcm babu.. Astagfirullah.. sbb tu la i keep my streamyx.. tak rela kalo kena potong.. rasa mcm hilang arah nanti..

    new opportunity ~ Alhamdulillah, ada kwn yg offer new venture.. definitely in my field… Insya Allah, ade lah rezeki nya nanti.. even terpaksa buat part time.. I will.. tidur sehari 3-4 jam tu dah biasa..

  3. kakLuna Avatar

    akak pun rasa jugak sbb tu plan nk buat tanam cabai fertigasi tp tu pun baru nk mula..baru nk blajar…nk buat scara besar2an belum tentu coz smua tu nk pakai modal. dpt gaji, smua abis byr bil,loan etc.

    nk kata x jimat, mmg lifestyle dh camni..x de nk beli2 brg2 mahal.

  4. nurul Avatar

    nk jadik ur partner blh.. hehe..
    nnti reply my email tau! i minat business (actually, nk tmbah pendapatan) tp still dun know where to start.. nnti dlm email kite discuss k!

  5. ummi Avatar

    wanted to take unpaid leave this yr but not approved. wanna share abt OKU. we’re frequenting this psychiatrist in KL who has all sorts of info on her wall including benefits OKU get. nanti next visit I’ll try tanya2 kan. nice blog u have and informative too.

  6. mama emma Avatar

    nak mjual, x pandai… sbb otak slow nak ingat product…
    nak design, x kreatip… tgn kayu…

    so, mharap kat nuffnang je la… itu pun baru rm1.20

    tgk la.. kalau rajin, nak tlg biz mak akak yg bcabang2 tu.. huhu

  7. kakLuna Avatar

    dh abis le peraduan Norton Antivirus tu ye…

  8. kakLuna Avatar

    hehe..mcm dh kalah je…:P
    tak de rezeki..huhu

  9. Salwa Avatar

    saya memang rasa sangat economic recession ni. suami la yang sangat merasa tempiasnya. memang sangat sedih bila kena camni disaat2 anak nak membesar.

  10. Salwa Avatar

    Lya please write sumthing specifically on this ::

    Comfort the husband. Crisis makes some people lose jobs, and for those who are still hanging there, the workload may be doubled, tripled or quadrupled, or ten-pled? It’s my job to make sure Abiy is emotionally healthy and strong enough to withstand all the challenges brought upon on him.

  11. salzahari Avatar

    terasa jgk tmbh co.hubby yg kecil boss dia tak fikir staffs mcmana. buat kenduri utk anak yatim dsb boleh,tp bagi staff gaji separuh2 kdg dah 2,5hb baru nak dpt cek!

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