Mistakes and Misconception in Handling EBM (Expressed Breast Milk)

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**Based on experience and observation.

For SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom) this could be no problem, since most of the time, a SAHM would direct breastfeed her babies, but for working moms, it is a vital to follow the right handling method for EBM, for it is not easy to manage and need to be prepared very carefully.

Some mistakes could be made by either the mother herself or the babysitters that should be paid attention to, because sometimes it is just not a common sense.

1. Two-Layered Milk is Not Unsafe.

I have a friend who threw out all her 2-layered milk for β€˜susu basi’. Breast milk (BM) contains lots of nutrient including fats and water. When it is expressed and put in fridge, the fat would go up (fat is less dense) making the milk turn into 2-layers, thicker on the top and lighter at the bottom.

As long as you follow the guideline to store BM, it is definitely in good condition, no matter how many layers it formed into.

2. Avoid Storing a Full-Bottled of BM in A Time.

The best is, store the amount your baby needs at one time of feeding in a bottle. e.g., your baby drinks 3oz per feeding, so store 3 oz in one bottle, to avoid waste in unused breast milk and to avoid mishandling.

3. Pouring Freshly Expressed BM Into Frozen BM is Extremely Dangerous.

Adding freshly expressed BM (at body temperature) at the top of frozen EBM will thaw a part of the frozen one and allows bacteria to grow. If you need to β€˜top up’ your previously expressed milk with the newly expressed one, keep the previous one cold in fridge and chill the new one until both of them reach the same temperature. Then only you may add them together.

4. Make sure one bottle of EBM is enough for a feeding.

The bacteria from baby’s mouth can get into the milk in the bottle. So do not reuse the unfinished milk. Once your baby has drink in the bottle, discard the milk when she done. Do not re-fridge it nor keep it for the next session. The bacteria has ability to multiply rapidly and can make your baby sick.

5. Don’t shake the EBM!

When we thaw or warm the milk, sometimes it would be in 2-layers. Twirl it gently and do not shake it, for it will break its special properties.

Somebody said that β€œBM is the best milk, created by The Creator so it can’t be that sensitive”. So I asked β€œHow about you? You’re created by Him as well, but it may hurt if someone say something bad about you, let alone if someone hits you, isn’t it? You’re the best creation what… If that so, you should not feel anything”.

6. EBM has foul smelling.

Yes, it has. Especially the frozen one. It is perfectly normal and nothing wrong with your breast milk. If your baby refuses to take your EBM because of its smell, you can scald the milk to get rid of the enzyme that cause the smell. Milk for bread and donut usually undergoes scalding process.

7. First In First Out (FIFO) is Only For The Frozen Stash

One of my friend put all her EBM in the freezer, and eventually gave her baby the β€˜First In’ EBM. FIFO concept is not applying to the entire milk, only for the stocks. And not all EBM should be placed in the freezer. Keep the EBM as fresh (non-frozen) as possible, so that the baby will get all the nutrients and antibodies. Freezing process will diminish the antibodies and nutrients, so only use it once in a while to top up the fresh one.

8. Oily Breast Milk

One of the breast milk’s constitution is fat. So it will leave the trace of β€˜oil’ in the milk bottle. This fat is very good for your baby’s physical development.

That’s all I can think by now. I know you might have other inputs, so please share, so that others, especially a mommy-to-be can get the benefit.

I have a bad experience of mishandling EBM during my working days, not to mention by whom… That’s why, one of the reason why I am not working is because I wanna give β€˜safe’ BM to my babies.

This is a challenge for a working mom, cos EBM is not as easy as pouring milk into the bottle and give it to the baby. A working mom should sometimes β€˜re-check’ and β€˜re-brief’ the babysitter about EBM handling, to avoid any mistake that may put our beloved baby’s health in danger.

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45 responses to “Mistakes and Misconception in Handling EBM (Expressed Breast Milk)”

  1. Joely Avatar

    thawed breastmilk must be used within 2 hours (if i’m not wrong)..baby might drink little by little..but after 2 hours, discard the remaining milk..for hygiene assurance, please make sure the bottle and the teats are really clean before giving milk to the baby..and also, please, and please, there is no need to wipe up the baby’s tounge by giving her plain water…breastmilk itself contain of water that the baby needs..when preparing EBM for bbsitter, we can mix with the stored(frozen) and EBM that’s expressed the day before. But make sure don’t totally mixed the thawed and fresh ones without allowing them to have the same temperature…however, it best to prepare EBM as per feeding consumption…we won’t waste lots of EBM then (if you are having difficulties in keeping stocks)..and always keep positive mind about your breastmilk…it may not come out like waterfall everytime you expressed it…it takes determination and motivation to get through the BF process….i believe, BF is not as easy as pull up your shirt and..here you go cheeky…mothers are advised to have a relax and calm condition while BF…so it will helps the milk to flow smoothly and also…we hope the child is also relax and calm..if you get angry…never ever give your direct feeding…let yourself to calm for hour or so…then feed the baby…you might face problem in milk flow if you are touched or emotional…..that’s only what i can remember for now to add up some point from along…good job along..keep on delegating this type of information from time to time…..:)

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      tq Joely! Lots of infos!

  2. niza Avatar

    susahnye nk bg babysitter fhm how to handle ebm..esp the more senior baby sitter…huhu

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Mmg betul. Especialy bila BM tak bergumpal macam FM,dia ingat susu tu elok je sampai ke petang.hahaha.

  3. fid Avatar

    I kan masa I ada banyak EBM frozen….I tak heran pun apa rupa EBM I asalkan tarikh tak luput….adakah saya melampau???

    untuk babysitter…day taker etc tu….i selalu wat test tanya mcm mn uruskan EBm..nasib la…i memang cerewet!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Tidak melampau.

      Kamu memang cerewet. Hahaha.

  4. mama qaisara Avatar

    mcmane ye..saya dulu penah suarakan psl isu ni kat baby sitter taska anak sya..tapi tu la dorg ni suka ikut kepala dorg..
    anak saya dh 2x demam masa dok kt sana..
    tensen jugak..yela, sya rasa salah satu punca anak sya selalu tak sihat tu pn psl dorg handle tak betul..dh bekali2 ajar pn masih mcmtu..tensen jugak saya.

    by the way, saya nak tny..betul tak kaedah ni?
    utk frozen ebm tu..letak kt luar utk cairkan dulu..cara cairkan either letak dlm semangkuk air sejuk/biarkan cair sendiri dlm suhu bilik tanpa masukkan dlm mangkuk air sejuk tu..
    then bila nk guna baru dipanaskan..still nk tau, tempoh sejam utk penggunaan susu tadi ni dikira dari masa dipanaskan atau dari masa dh start cair tu? sbb skrg ni sya guna kaedah ni…
    puncanya, sebab kadang2 tu pengasuh saya ni suka panaskan terus susu anak saya dlm warmer..lepas tu kadang2 anak saya tido..tak surela dia bangun pukul brp(mestila dh lebih dari 1jamkan dia tdo..), and sometimes dia re-heat susu tu..so utk elakkan benda ni jadi, sya buat cara tadi tu..letak dulu susu di luar then biar cair sendiri..dah cair, bila baby nk minum baru sya panaskan. and saya tgk pengasuh sya ikut cara saya ni.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Alamak, dh ter reply kat box lain ler. Kat bwah plak :p

  5. aidie Avatar

    good info thanks! mama qaisara, what i usually do for the frozen milk, i turunkan from freezer to fridge a nite before.let say i want to use it esok, mlm ni i akan letak dlm fridge, so that dia akan cair by tmrw but still sejuk. so bila nk guna just warm it.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Cara ni paling mudah kan πŸ™‚

  6. Babe Avatar

    no input….heheheheh

    ni pass link aku ha…sorry tak reply sms kau. Network problem:D

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Haha. Tuko je henpon. Huhu.

  7. intan Avatar

    setuju dgn aidie… mama qaisara, turunkan dulu susu yg nak guna esok dari freezer ke dlm fridge. so esok pagi dah cair dah. jadi lebih mudah utk bbsitter guna.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Setuju juge!

  8. zuhaini Avatar

    satu soalan : boleh tak breast milk ni kita reheat berulang kali…? (saja je curious..) πŸ™‚

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      As long as belum diberi pada baby, boleh. Tp biasanya kita panaskan utk bagi baby kan, bila baby dah minum, susu lebihan dh tak boleh simpan lagi dah. Kena buang dah. Sebab tu kena isi cukup2 amaun dia minum dalam botol susu supaya tak membazir.

  9. Nic Avatar

    scaldig tu macamana ya.. juz panaskan sekejap atas stove ke?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Scalding – panaskan atas stove sampai dia mencapai 82deg C, pastu cepat2 sejukkan & simpan macam biasa.

  10. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    it is not advisable to thaw frozen EBM at ro0m temperature for it might take longer time to completely thawed. EBM patut di thaw dgn cepat, sbb tu advised utk thaw undr running tap water/rendam dlm air.

    Neway cara aidie tu bagus, letak kat fridge bwah utk thaw sbb suhu dia sentiasa sejuk. Jimatkan masa babysitter juga.

  11. mama qaisara Avatar

    ok..kadang2 sya buat mcmtu..thawed bwh fridge utk kegunaan esoknye..cuma nk tny, kalau dh dicairkan kene guna dlm tempoh 24jam gak kan?

    bs sya tu, kengkadang tak abiskan stok utk aritu..sya budget ngam2 4 botol dicairkan tapi kdg2 tu guna 2 botol je..taktauler dia tak kasi anak sya minum ke ape kan…syg je kdg terbuang..sbb i tak pasti boleh ke guna utk esok ari nye lagi..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Just nak tanye, sya bg bs berapa botol sume skali including fresh & frozen?

      Cadangan saya.. Let say 4 botol, byk kan fresh ebm, i.e. 3 botol fresh, 1 botol frozen. Then suh bs guna yg frozen dulu. Then yg fresh yg tak diminum tu bole -either guna utk the next day (ebm bole simpan 2 hari dlm fridge) -or jadikan ia frozen stock.

      Cuma cadangan ya!

      1. mama qaisara Avatar

        mommy lyna, thanks cadangan awak tu.
        sya selalu wt mcmni..
        utk selasa-jumaat, sya akan bagi fresh ebm 4 botol. tapi utk isnin je sya akan ambik 4frozen ebm. sbb weekend saya tak pam susu..so mslh frozen ebm ni selalunye ari isnin je..ari lain ok.

        1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
          Mommy Lyna

          OIC.. Skg br dapat the whole idea πŸ˜€ tp kinda weird jgk kan, 4 botol anta, 2 botol tak pakai. Either baby minum 2 kali je or dia keep on giving the same bottle sampaila licin..

  12. farah Avatar

    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…..rupe2nye ebm yg ade bau semacam adalah normal….ingatkan saya punye je macam tu ahaks..thanks for the info…saye kadang2 sampai tak puas hati siap rase lagi susu tu elok ke tak ni…apesal bau lain mcm je….pastu kadang2 ade yg di buang sbb ragu2 takut tak elok dah…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Ya, ramai yg salaherti kan baunya itu. Biasala kan, food kita kalo dah bau pelik2 tu means tak elok dah kan.

      Baunya disebabkan oleh enzyme Lipase, yang bole di’de-activate’ dgn process scalding.

  13. aidie Avatar

    itu la kekadang maid/babysitter ni sesuka hati bila nk bagi baby minum.kita kena pantau gak. let say we expect baby ada 3 times feeding a day while kita keje. then kita prepare 3 bottles. make sure by the time kita blk..no more extra milk.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Oh, teringat kisah sedihku. Isk3x.

  14. Hanz Avatar

    Hi All. Just want to add, if thawing using warm water, with no feeding yet, can last 1 hour only. If using warmer (like me), the thawing EBM can last about 3hours with regards it keeps warm (suam2 kuku, kata orang tua2) inside the warmer. Though not so advisable, but if it does happen thaw EBM with NO FEEDING yet, can be put back inside the chiller (keep only 1 day, no more). I did this sometimes coz when I’m just about to reach home, my mother-in-law has warm or thaw the EBM but not feed my baby yet, so I just put it back in the freezer to chill with in mind must finish it tomorrow or else I’ve throw it. (sob,sob).I’ve confimed these with LC.

    And further explanation about not shaking the EBM, I’ve copy-paste it here from my previous posting in my blog.
    “Shaking expressed mother’s milk (or boiling or freezing it) denatures the shaped molecules of the protective proteins leaving only the pieces – the amino acids – the parts. Lactoferrin, lysozyme and other protective components work their protection magic when they are in their original shaped molecular structure. Some components remain intact even during freezing, shaking or heating. They not only protect the gut from many kinds of infection, but also prevent inflammation of the gut lining. Even broken up, the separate amino acids are still really good stuff and are digested by the baby as nutrients.”

    Hope that helps.

    1. mama qaisara Avatar


      oo boleh ye rupenye susu yg dipanaskan tapi baby tak minum lagi tu dimasukkan dlm fridge semula eh?
      kalau tau la, sure takde berlaku pembaziran susu..sbb selalunye bs sya akan panaskan susu tu then anak sya tak minum..baby sya bila dh ada dgn sya,mmg tanak isap botol dh..so tepaksala susu tu akhirnya dibuang..huhu

      1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
        Mommy Lyna

        Tq Hanz for the good info!

        Yes mama qaisara, still bole keep for another 24 hours. Cuma jangan refreeze & make sure it wasnt expose to anything.

  15. mamaDhea Avatar

    err, tak tau dah nak tanye ape sbb most freq q dah di tanye.. hahaha.. so, tumpang baca ajelah.. πŸ˜‰

    sya pon selalu simpan balik ebm yg dah di rendam (tp baby blom minum).. sib baik boleh ek.. seblm ni ikut gerak hati jek.. hihi..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Tumpang jgn tak tumpang πŸ˜€

  16. rina Avatar

    nak komen jugak!
    cara saya n mak.. sama mcm aidie, kalau utk frozen EBM, saya akan turunkan dr freezer ke fridge the nite b4. Biasanye ni utk hari isnin punye kes. Bile EBM tu dah cair.. bile nak feed Fatin, mak akan masukkan say 3-4oz dlm botol (baki biarkan balik dlm fridge utk next feeding), n susu yg dlm botol tu yg dia akan rendam dlm air panas. Jadi tak penah kesah bekas frozen saya tu ada bape oz susu, bcoz she will not panaskan semua susu dlm bekas tu, only panaskan yg dlm botol susu utk feeding. Tp saya make sure yg saya cairkan tu mmg cukup2 utk minum hari tu je la, tak dibawa ke esoknye.
    Bile masuk ari selasa sampai jumaat..saya akan hantar gak frozen EBM ke umah mak, tp tanpa dicairkan dlu. Biasa letak 1 or 2 bekas dadih kecik tu (3oz + 3oz). Frozen EBM tu as backup je sbb start Selasa, Fatin akan abiskan susu fresh yg saya pump the day before, sebelum topup frozen EBM kalau tak cukup. Mak akan agak2, kalau dia minum byk, mak akan turunkan la yg frozen tu ke fridge awal2 utk cairkan (say pukul 4 ptg), so bile yg fresh dah abis, baru dia minum frozen EBM. Kalau dah cair, tp tak diminum utk aritu, yg cair tu akan diminum first esok paginye.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Jangan malas2 pam tau!

      1. rina Avatar

        pam mmg sekarang sehari sekali je kak.. tp ni tgh menelan bijik halba.. nak tgk bertambah tak susu.

  17. mama emma Avatar

    kalau akak ckp akak byk try n error xpe x? hehe.. janji ryan x birit2…

    lgpun akak mana ada pengalaman dgn frozen ebm nie…. x mampu nak lakukan.. huhu…. kalau frozen pun x smp 1minggu… huhu….

    waaaaaaaaaaaaa.. susu oh susu… awat la ko makin kurang wei!!!!!!!!!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Weng lak k0men b0x ni.

  18. nadnye Avatar

    good info.. hanz..n mommy lyna…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Tq jgk to all yg bg input πŸ˜€

  19. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    Tumpang jgn tak tumpang. Hehe.

  20. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    Try & error yg paling bagus, dpt experiment sndiri hehe.

    Susu oh susu.. Makin dkt 2 tahun makin mencabar!

    1. babycomel Avatar

      betul tu..sy start aina umur 1thn 3hari dah top up ngan Pediasure coz susu makin krg…sblm aina 1yr mmg tensen giler, pam 6x/day still tak dpt nak consume ckp fresh ebm tuk dia so kena top up frozen…now, dah taknak tensen2 fikir psl ebm, byk mana dpt byk tule saya bekalkan, selebihnye top up ngan pediasure…rezeki aina tuk fully BF smpi 1yr 3days aje, moga2 rezeki BF tuk adik2nye dimurahkan oleh-NYA…Amin…

      1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
        Mommy Lyna

        1 tahun, pencapaian yang cukup bagus!

        BRAVO babycomel!

  21. ummuhakimi Avatar

    salam… sy pn mhdapi mslah yg sama, susu kurang tp bb br je 3 bulan. sedih sgt bila stiap kali pam susu kurang.bb pun mcm xnk direct breastfeed. sy rs sy tsilap masa awal2 lg sbb sy cm pam bila rasa breast tu penuh.. jd bila xpnuh sy xpam.so adakah ni slh satu punca susu smkin kurang?bila tensen kdg2 tfikir nk top up dgn fm tp… sian kt bb dia kcik lg kn?

  22. ida Avatar

    good info momylyna..
    untuk sy,xboleh lah nak bawa turun dari freezer ke bhgn bawah sebab ianya akan stil keras kejung macam tu gak,xcair pun…
    so terpaksalah cairkan di bawah air paip..

    baru ni,sy dh siap cairkan utk bekalan esok ke rmh bs,tapi xjadi gune sbb anak demam,sy xjd htr baby ke rmh bs esoknya…so bile dah semalaman kat bawah tu,susu jadi keras skit2 balik,hehehe

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