Landed Property vs. High Rise Condominium or Apartment

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From previous Ultimate dream home

article, it seems that most of us prefer to settle on landed property. As some suggest, most of us like the feeling of having ‘own land’; for our kids to play together with some gardening too.

But, it is wise to only consider landed property for your next purchase?

Before you answer that question, let’s remind ourselves the advantages of high-rise properties.

Compared to landed properties, the selling price for condo or apartment is normally cheaper than the landed properties on the same location. For example, double-storey terrace house in Mutiara Damansara cost about RM600k compared to nearby condo which cost about 25% less for the same build-up area; although the maintenance fee for high rise properties can be slightly higher than regular security fees in landed properties.

For RM600k terrace house, assuming you pay 20% down-payment (RM120k) with the balance to be paid for 30 years (6% interest), you’ll end-up with RM2.8k monthly mortgage payment.

However, for the same build-up, you only have to pay RM2.1k instead if you decided to buy nearby condo (20% down-payment). Since most condo is having 30-40% less build-up area compared to double-storey terrace house, your monthly payment for condo can be reduced to RM1.3k very easily (after 20% down-payment).

That’s more than half discount compared to landed properties!

After 10-15 years down the road, your family member grow bigger and makes you want to ‘upgrade’ for a bigger house, which then you might have to consider selling/rent out your existing house.

Case 1: You’ve bought the landed properties

Since landed properties can easily fetch double in price (depend on strategic location), you can sell your existing terrace house for RM1.2 million and then buy semi-d at RM2 million.

After paying the balanced loan, you’ll gain about RM17k which you plan to use that ‘gain’ to fund your next purchase of RM2 million. Therefore, other than paying RM200k for the down-payment, you pay only RM183k from your own pocket. And after that, your monthly payment will be about RM10.8k per month for another 30 years!

Regular terrace house can be difficult to rent out because the increase in price can easily out-paced the increase in rental cost. From my personal observation, most terrace house can suffer negative rental income for 10-20 years.

Meaning, monthly loan payment is higher than the monthly rental.

This can happen when the developer tend to over-charge their new house in the beginning. As a consumer, you won’t notice the over-price part because these developer did a great job in justifying their initial selling price by

watch core the in divx

  1. having nice-looking interior design that makes you unconsciously say “wow, cantiknya!” to your spouse,
  2. promising you that the area will be having rapid development in the next 12 months (which mostly takes 5-15 years to be matured)
  3. guaranteeing you that the property will yield 5% rental yield when it completed

…all these, despite the fact that, there are very-very far away from the area of demand. Just ask yourself, which one you prefer:

  • pay additional RM200-500 rental per month for the same housing area but nice interior design, or
  • save that RM200-500 per month to get your dream home faster?

Therefore, rather than renting your landed properties, it can be a better idea by just selling them to fund your next house. Unless that property has settled its loan…

Case 2: You’ve bought the condo will smaller build-up

Condo or apartment price doesn’t increase as much as landed properties over time. Reason being, there can be ample of condominiums around which results to lack of ‘scarcity factor’ that landed properties have.

Having said that, one good thing about high-rise property is that, the cost to rent a condo or apartment can increase quite steadily over time. On strategic location, the rental cost can increase 5-10% per year.

Assuming the initial rental cost is RM1.5k, in the next 10 years it can increase to RM3k per month. After paying the RM1.3k loan, you can still get RM1.8k income in months to come. If you were to buy the same semi-d mentioned before, you are literally paying RM9k only per month.

Considering these two situations, we are looking for strategic condo/apartment to start with. If you know any property that’s strategic & valuable price, pls let us know!

Going back to the nature of high-rise properties, they can give good rental income in the long run for various reasons. The most obvious reason is the nature of the tenant itself. Normally these tenants are willing to rent because they worked in the surrounding area.

To save on transportation cost, they opt for nearby properties as close as possible. And most of the time, the high-rise properties surround these so called strategic locations build to be tenanted.

While renting the properties, they are actually saving some money to buy their own properties later on. In other words, landlord is actually helping them with affordable temporary shelter before they can afford to buy their own home.

As there are more and more “orang kampung” want to come over to KL for jobs, the number of immigrants will increase over time and the cycle will keep on going. As long as the properties are in strategic location (putra, kl area, facility etc), there’ll always be interested tenant if the landlord can offer the right price.

And as long as there are interested tenants, you can make money out of them as long as possible…

How about you? Do you prefer case #1 or #2?

Or just buy the first house and never pindah2?

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55 responses to “Landed Property vs. High Rise Condominium or Apartment”

  1. zoora Avatar

    this is a very good write up!!

    and as this refers to KLians, i think i wouldnt write any opinions here, for now.. but really want to know what others got to say about #1 or #2

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      nanti taknak ‘balik KL’ ke?


      1. zoora Avatar

        wow.. betul gak kan? hmm maybe la kot.. lepas pencen ke, or after after all these chinese kick us out from penang ke.. alamak.. mas tu baru nak beli rumah kat KL? mati la mahal sah masa tu…..

  2. aidie Avatar

    if i were to buy landed property, i would spend a lil bit more to get a house which is near to
    1- my working place (so that i can go home faster to be with my kids). i hate spending most of my precious time stuck in the jem to balik rumah yg sgt jauh…
    2- the surrounding has been developed. wic means the value of the house can easily goes up in a matter of time.

    #2 is applicable if u wanna but condo for investment purposes. n i have to agree with u, the rental costs do increase gradually BUT it has to be in a strategic location. we r thinking to buy another condo in Tmn Melati area..for us its a good investment and near to our current house so that we can monitor the penyewa :).

    ideally most of us wanna have landed house. tapi knp is sgt mahal…kalau tak beli skrg, later lagi mahal kannnn

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      totally agree. bak kata org property, the key will alwiz be location, location, location…. cuma yg landed property ni i think the price super high and will be getting higher becos the demand is super strong. almost all msk reader je pn nk landed property kn? and now, almost everywhere, min price for double-storey terrace house is around RM350-450k already… 20 years back dh boleh dpt semi-d dh with that kind of price.

      so aidie, how’s your current condo is doing? dh positive cashflow?

      1. aidie Avatar

        alhamdulillah..masa start rent out pun dah positive cash flow 🙂

  3. mama emma Avatar

    akak nakkkk sgt landed property, tp uang kurang cukup, so menyewa je la.. kalau nak landed pun xleh dok kat area yg ramai org.. area yg jauh mcm rawang mmg murah..

    beli rumah atas awan nie ok gak, silap2 leh trus p kerajaan langit.. lalala.. hehe.. tp jgn lupa pasal strata title ek..


    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      tol2. my office colleague byk dok area2 rawang wolopon little bit far. tp kalu nk ckp far pun, shah alam pn far from kL what? kn? so i think rawang should be ok kot…

  4. mommy nazeef Avatar

    Hi along…most prob u dunno me. tp, saye selalu ikut n bace blog u.bes :).mcm jd spy je…but today, i officially jd follower…, ekceli i’m UTPian gak tau.tapi nape xkenal mase along kat sane yek?i know u since gune blogspot lagi…through mira, nolee n ain. okla…till then. 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hey mommy nazeef, hopes u enjoy reading my blog as much as i love writing them all ya! so takde la i syok sendri, huhuhu

  5. Azza Avatar

    i suka beli, jadikkan asset and collect duit sewa. if duit sewa tuh byk, i leh top up untuk beli my dream house.

    P/s i lagi prefer landed than apartment..

    1. suealeen Avatar

      This was what my husband and I did when we’re not married yet. We bought 2 separate apartments at the same area in Damansara. Very high return, over 50%. Meaning we have to pay for installment only at half price of the rental. Rental guaranteed!

      Lagi satu cara nak collect duit sewa ni dengan beli tanah. Buat rumah setingkat (kena hanto plan ke PBT la) berderet dalam 5 biji pun cukup. Sewakan je dengan harga RM300/bulan contohnya. Sebulan dah dapat pendapatan berapa. Mana da orang nak sewakan rumah RM300 kan.. Benda ni banyak orang buat terutamanya di Klang. Antaranya Dato’ Jamali Shadat

      p/s : Akak and husband both kerja dengan developer.. I was in project dept, he’s in finance dept.

      1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
        Mommy Lyna

        wow, mind sharing which area tu? dh takde lobang2 yg murah2 ke? kitorg pn tgh survey gk nih… on convert tanah to housing, i normally nampak kt area2 kampung je. in kL area pon boley ek? mcm mahal dh je tanah2 area kL/Sel nih.

  6. UmmiKhayra Avatar

    Salam Mommy Lyna,

    Kalau saya, untuk duduk, saya prefer beli landed house. Sebab kita nak duduk terus. 😀 Sebab tak mampu untuk landed house, beli apartment dulu. Then kita boleh buat sebagai investment. 😀 Kasi sewa kan. Area, pilih kat kawasan yang dekat and senang dapat public transport n kawasan U.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hey, same strategy as mine! u skng dok area2 mana? agk2 brape tahun ek your property nak dpt monthly cashflow positive? or lps beli je terus dh boley buat duit?

      1. UmmiKhayra Avatar

        Sekarang saya duduk shah alam. Sekarang ni tengah dalam process nak beli apartment kat bangi. So far, dah tengok and survey sewa2 kat area kawasan rumah kat situ, insyaAllah, dah boleh dapat +ve cashflow. 🙂 Harap2 semua berjalan dengan lancar.. 😀

        1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
          Mommy Lyna

          bangi pon ader aprtment ek? bukan tanah banyak je ke situ?

  7. Asiah Abd Jalil Avatar

    Err… Along, are you money-minded? Hehehe…

    We’ve bought a semi-D house kat Kuantan, dan tak cadang nak pindah-pindah sampai la ke tua. Dah terbayang-bayang, buat majlis kahwin anak-anak, jaga cucu, semua kat rumah ni. Sebab tu beli siap-siap rumah yang besar dan ada halaman yang luas, in case nak expand rumah bila anak makin ramai.

    And yes, we plan to buy another properties. Tapi tak pernah terfikir nak beli properties untuk buat duit. Kalau ada rezeki, nak sumbang untuk gerakan Islam, NGO, PASTI, sekolah tahfiz, etc. Jealous tengok kawan-kawan jemaah, ada yang dah beli rumah, terus infaq kat yang memerlukan, even ada yang dah sponsor buat rumah anak yatim…

    1. aidie Avatar

      waaa..i like this a house for charity..insyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki tercapai cita2 itu. another azam for years to come 🙂

      1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
        Mommy Lyna

        haha, nk bli propety tuk infaq pon kena la survey2 jugak kn? else kena pancung je nnt. tp as long as we really ikhlas fo Allah, shouldn’t be problem la

    2. kakyong Avatar

      i love this idea… bukan senang tu nak mengikhlaskan hati nak infaq hartabenda… unless dah rasa cukup serba ada & merasa lebih bahagia dpt menginfaq utk kepentingan jemaah @ yng memerlukan spt anak2 yatim…

  8. zuhaini Avatar

    wah.. berfikiran jauh tu!

    well, we bought a two storey house.

    memang kalau boleh nak yang dekat dengan ofis, but area mont kiara ni banyaknya apartment / semi d / banglo yang harga seunit half a million. haha..

    even area keramat pun rumah yang baru develop area setiawangsa tu harganya 400k – 500 k above.

    so kami beli di sg buloh. yup. jauh sikit la, tapi nak buat macam mana, dah nak rumah yang Murah, dan Corner Lot! haha..

    so kesimpulannya itu lah dia..

    (saya tau saya x menjawab soalan.. tapi saja je nak habaq cerita kami. haha 🙂 )

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      area2 mont kiara mmg la sgt mahal. tu tpt2 expatriate je tuh.

      actually kn, byk rumah2 corner lot kt area2 my housing ni semua converted jd tadika/nursery. kalau population tpt u ok (indicator plg senang kalau ada condo nearby), pengusaha tadika/nursery sanggup bayar premium tuk sewa rumah u tau!


  9. sya Avatar

    kalau saya, nak beli rumah bawah.. ada tanah. senang anak nak main.. lagipun, saya gayat… hehehehe….

    memang ada bercadang beli tanah kampung dan buat rumah.. tapi, kena tengok persekitaran juga.. budak2 kampung sekarang tak macam dulu2 main lastik ke, main askar2 ke… sekarang baru 10 tahun dah pandai melepak, merempit… persekitaran yang tak sesuai untuk anak2… huhu.. kena cari kampung yang betul2 ok…

    dan, kalau boleh, sekali beli terus duduk untuk selama2nya.. (penat pindah-randah nih… :P) tapi, kalau ada duit, boleh lah cari rumah lain untuk investment…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      org yg dok kg skng dh tak sama mcm kita kecik2 dlu. drug edit pun ade! siap curik besi lerik lg. rumah kitorg slalu jek jd mangsa takda api or line tepon putus sbb kes2 curik2 besi kt kg. kt kg plk tuh, mana la org nk jaga tiang letrik mlm2. tol x?

  10. lilyazliyana Avatar

    klu saye, sy lebih suka duduk di rumah ‘atas tanah’. but still berangan utk beli sebuah apartment for investment..

    klu ikut rumah idaman mmg nak yg ade tanah luas. dpt semi-d teres pon ok. tp sbb harga rumah yg melampau2 mahal nye skang, just dpt beli rumah teres 2 tingkat jek dulu. tp impian nak rumah besar tu still belum terpadam..=p

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      same as mine

  11. mamaadib Avatar

    my house…. tengah buat lum siap pun lagi kah kah

    beli apartment ajer sbb beli kat kl ni, kalau nak landed kurang 400k looor. (ada saper2 nak bagi loan dan tolong byr bulan2 kaaa)

    apartment di pilih sbb murah skit dari landed,dokat dengan bandaraya kl nih, ada security and kut2 tak mau tinggal situ leh sewa or jual loooor.

    impian nak jugak yang landed, tp tunggu laa bila ada rezki lebih nanti.

    umh yg my hb beli kat seromban landed, tp huhu bagi sewa kat orang, alahai… tak lepas kitaorg kena bayar bulan2.
    silap gaya kat soramban tu kitaorg akan jualkan.

    dah tua2 bukan nak dok situ pung, sah2 balik kelate or menetap je kat kl nih.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      u bli aprtment in wic area? pricing ok x?
      my bos dulu kje ulang-alik soramban gk. mybe u should try jugak? huhu… mmg pnt r~

      1. mamaadib Avatar

        beli kat danau kota, pricing ok laaa under my budget hu hu tp dokat 200k jugak.
        tp kurang2 dari bayar sewa bulan2, baik beli umh, kalau tak mau duduk nati boleh sewakan or jual .
        waktu survey ritu,if sewakan akan lepas dengan monthly yg perlu kitaorg bayar.
        another reason beli kat st, sbb keja d kl, oooh tak sanggup ulang alik redah jam tol bagai kalau beli jauh dari kl.
        paling seronot 10 min jer umh tu nga tempat keja keh keh keh.

        yang berkenan tapi takmampu (ha ha naper ntah rasa kalau apartment or kondo above 250k cam dah terlalu mahal),
        kat wangsa maju nie, tp rega min 250k above, mak rasa amat cantik n dokat giler nga K4, 10 min jer if amik hway ke KLCC.

        ulang alik soramban tu?? hu hu tak terlintas dlm fikiran.
        sooner or later kena jual laa rumah hb looooor beli umh tak fikir panjang time tu.

  12. Ayuarjuna Avatar

    landed house for me…huishh anak ramai tak sesuai la ngan apartment..bukan hanya kerana size…tapi “tanah diluar” tu penting untuk my kids yang agak aktif-…wahwah..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      bulih r nnt hafiy & fahry meriahkan majlis u jugak

  13. suealeen Avatar

    Banyak perkara perlu diambilkira selain daripada keadaan kewangan seseorang:

    1- Freehold / leasehold tak kira landed atau tidak. Jika leasehold, nak jual lebih mudah pada Bumiputera. Jika bukan bumi, permohonan perlu dibuat dan akan ditablekan dalam mesyuarat Exco negeri.

    2- Prosedur. Freehold lebih mudah sebab tak perlukan kebenaran dari Pejabat Tanah untuk tukar nama dalam geran dan tidak perlukan kebenaran untuk mencagarkan geran kepada bank. Leasehold perlukan kebenaran daripada Pejabat Tanah untuk tukar nama dan untuk mencagarkan geran kepada bank (sekiranya mempunyai pinjaman). Leasehold bila tempoh tamat (contoh 99 tahun) property tu akan sama ada diberikan kebenaran untuk meneruskan pajakan atau diambil semula oleh kerajaan untuk tujuan lain² seperti pembangunan. Sekiranya kerajaan melanjutkan tempoh pajakan, tuan punya tanah dikehendaki bayar premium kepada Pejabat Tanah. Quit rent dan premium adalah 2 perkara yang berbeza tapi dua² ni bayar di Pejabat Tanah. Cukai pintu pula bayar pada majlis.

    3- Documentation. Landed – proses pengeluaran individual title cepat. Strata – proses pengeluaran individual title keluar lambat (ada yang 10 tahun).

    4- Maintenance. Strata ada sinking fund (dana penjelasan untuk baiki bumbung, cat bangunan, kemudahan bersama atau apa² yang difikirkan perlu untuk keperluan bersama). Kena bayar maintenance tiap² bulan. Meter air adalah bulk meter. Kalau tak bayar maintenance, kemungkinan pihak pengurusan bangunan boleh sekat bekalan air. Pemaju perlu menubuhkan joint management committee (JMC) dalam tempoh setahun selepas handing over of vacant possession. JMC ni wakil developer hanya seorang selebihnya adalah penduduk sendiri.

    Apa lagi ye…? Entah la…. nanti fikir²

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      price tuk freehold mmg super mahal. kalau kitorg bli yg leasehold je ok kn? sbb bumi?

      my MIL pnyer rumah ni pon leasehold. price cuma RM250k je in 2003. i think now pon still tak mahal sgt. ngn kL pon dekat, masuk hiway plus ni 15-20min bley smpai kLcc (pagar rumah to car park KLCC convention center); tp ni kalau traffic tak heavy sgt like mcm cuti skolah now la..

  14. Watie Avatar

    as for me kan Lyna, i ada 2 opinion…

    for me & my family, of course i prefer landed property, ada tanah, so anak i leh main2 keliling rumah ..hehehe..(alhamdulillah, dah dapat rumah idaman , mmg landed , so of course i bias lah kann ..hahahah)

    tapi kalau i ada extra money (betul2 extra to make sure kalau takder penyewa, i can still pay the rental huh…) then i akan invest in condo. i agree with u that the rental of the condo lebih stabil & always increase.

    so condo is my choice to rent out & landed is my choice to stay ..(sampai mati lah ..hahahhah) unless kalau rumah i naik harga 2 juta, maybe i jual dan beli lagik besar ..hahahahah…ntah bila lah tuh ..doa2lah dorang buat satu lagi KLCC kat klang aman perdana nih ..ahaks ..KLANG CC namanya …hu hu…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      good for you to have that landed properties already. area2 kL ni mmg melampaus mahal. sebek my company ada increasekn housing loan from max rm250k to rm600k sorg. kalo x, mmg apartment jela jwbnya…

  15. qay Avatar

    i prefer rmh landed..i cnnot bear ddk tggi2 n kete ku jauh d bwh sb riso kn kopak dok d kndo d bts dulu pun i tksukerrr..

    so dok klate ni, umah affordable..i suke…tnh luas umah insyAllah ini umah smpi ank cucu klo pjng umur ku…
    i cnnot bear pk nk pg dok kl serabut stlh lm ku d klate ini..haha..

    adakah ini bmkna ku sdh mnjdi oghe kelate???

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      klate kampongku! sgt best!

  16. farah Avatar

    i prefer no 1..kena kerje gigih utk kumpul duit beli umah landed jugak..

    tp case no 2 pon ok husband prefer this..die kate beli untuk investment…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      case #2 ok gk sbb smbil2 nak tggu rental naik duduk2 dlu 2-3 years. kalau dh cashflow positive, boley carik rumah landed and sewakan condo. tu pun hopefully landed property ni tak naik byk sgt r in 3 years. susah gk tu kan?

      1. suealeen Avatar

        memang landed akan naik mencanak.. even dalam tempoh 3 tahun je.. sebab mengira kos material dan juga kos bahan bakar. harga minyakkan nak naik lagi! belum kira bab land cost

        1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
          Mommy Lyna

          last year time semua commodity jatuh, harga rumah tak jatuh2 pun. drg ni, kalo naikkan hrga ok, nk turunkan hampes. kita ler yg jd mangsa…

  17. mamamiya Avatar

    for me, sebelum we decide to buy our 1st property, we pikir on the future opportunities that might come our way. kalau we r ready to settle down on 1 spot & reside there forever, we agree on having a freehold landed property. tp since we all rasa we r too young, future plans still uncertained & tak cukup capital for expensive investment, we decided to buy a condo unit. so apa yg we all buat, we find a good condo at a good spot yg senang nak disewakan at a good price. so selepas 3bulan mencari, jumpalah condo idaman hati. then we stayed there for over a year, sebelum we decided to move to aussie. alhamdulillah, condo tu dpt disewa at the same price kitorang kena byr bulan2 to the bank. doa2 yg the house can continue to pay for itself thru the rent money, then after this i can concentrate kumpul duit nak beli rumah atas tanah pulak bila pulang ke tanah air.

    1. mamamiya Avatar

      lupa nak citer reason y we all nak jugak beli rumah sendiri walaupun duit sikit. kurangnye tiap2 bulan byr duit, last2 jd harta sendiri. kalau lelama rasa tak suka dok kat condo, still can rent out the property. kalau dok sewa aje tanpa ada property sendiri, rasa rugi.

    2. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      lucky u mamamiya! gud investment!

  18. Watie Avatar

    ha, lupa plak nak bgtau ..umah kalau boleh, beli lah yang freehold kan ..i tak minat leasehold nih..masa dulu, plan nak beli area sunway kayangan, tapi dapat tahu least ada lagi 90++ years tak silap, terus tak jadi …then terus carik rumah free hold …alhamdulllah lah dapat … Aman Perdana nih memang Freehold..

    tapi mak aii…mmg mahal Lyna, nak bayar utk this tittle ..i kena prepare nak dekat 15 K jugak for changing the tittle ..i mmg betul2 amik tahu dr A – Z apa yg i kena bayar masa beli rumah nih, so tak lah terkial2 tak tahu apa2 ..coz ada bad experince dulu, my hubby punya kes rumah, masa tuh i lum kawan ngan dia, tapi the prob happend masa we all tunang ..

    kena becareful jugak tau kawan2 semua ..especially for 1st time buyers…sebab sometime the salesman tak bgtau the payment yg menanti after kita agree nak beli rumah,dorang nak komisen jer kot .. i sound direct jer kat my salesman, better u bgtau apa i kena prepare ..jgn sampai surat datang suruh bayar itu ini, i tak tahu apa2 ..memang kurus u kena maki nanti..hahahaha…terus dia cuak, dia explain jelas2 kat i .. then takder issue lah ..ramai jugak jiran2 i kat sini tak tahu pasal the fee MOT tu tau .. tension jer dorang ..dah plan2 nak reno rumah, last2 kena campak duit utk MOT …lambat byar kena interest plak tuh..siul jer..

  19. aidie Avatar

    oh yes MOT sangat mahal!!! terus tkde saving utk renovate rumah 🙁

  20. suealeen Avatar

    bukan takat MOT & reno je duit ni kena prepare… banyak lagi benda lain kena sediakan duit.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      MOT tu ape ek?

      1. mamaadib Avatar

        mak pun nak tau MOT tu apa

        1. suealeen Avatar

          MOT – memorandum of transfer (form 14A, national land code). Dibuat bila individual title dah keluar. Kalo rega rumah RM150k, the 1st RM100k kena 1% + RM50k kena 2% = total stamp duty RM2k. Lawyer akan charge lawyer fees gak & byran pendaftaran lain. Lawyer bank akan charge utk gadaian kpd bank. So every transfer of title akan ada 2 bil. Its good to do it ASAP tp kalau budget dah paras hidung, KIV pun takpe. Dgn duit lawyer dsbnya maybe around RM6-7K

  21. zoora Avatar

    wah.. byknya experince shared here. .great.. and thanks all.. so sekarnag baru bleh tulis komen :d.

    of course as mommy Lyna said.. sumer org kalau boleh nak duduk umah landed kan.. ada gate, ada garden..anak bleh main basikal kat porch..main kejar2 .. wah.. seronoknya.. suka….
    but for us mmg tak mampu nampaknya.. in our area kat bayan baru penang, the cheapest terrace is now at least 680k.. imagine berapa la bayar monthly tu.. gaji us both pun tak mampu cover… so all we did is buy a condo yg betul2 tgh bandar and make sure lease hold.. centre of everything sbb agen henry butcher kata senang nak sewa mahal and harga senang naik.. later, when we are old.. baru la try carik landed plak..
    to me.. it seems like strategy tak berapa baik – sbb of course harga makin naik kan bila dah tua.. huhuhuhu
    tgk la rezeki camana.. kot kot ada

  22. kakyong Avatar

    rumah yg dok skrg ni rasanya 4ever sampai tua kot.. tak pasti dgn rezeki masa depan… merancang memang byk tp bila dah kes dok diam2 kat rumah & takde income to spare.. so malas nak ckp byk pasal next property..

    at the moment rumah yg 20′ x 70′ ni lah tempat adik2 berkumpul.. kecil pada org lain, tp besar utk kami yg 10 beradik ni, sbb kami penah dok rumah yg mcm reban ayam… tidur berimpit2.. situ lah makan, situ lah segala aktiviti..

    so as for now, ini lah syurga kami… regrdless apa org yg nak kata..

    ipoh ni rumah teres setingkat 20 x 70 masih lagi boleh dpt below rm100K.. 3 bilik 2 bilik air…
    property industries kat Ipoh ni slow lah banding central area.. sini byk rumah siap pun tak ramai org beli, lebih2 lagi malay reserve… housing area yg baru naik (2, 3 tahun kebelakangan ni) di Ipoh ni memang akan ade byk rumah yg kosong.. siap tp tidak berpenghuni…

  23. Jessica Avatar

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  24. Koa Avatar

    Hi Mommy Lyna, really informative blog with clear example. I’m also currently looking for a condominium with reasonable price. But before that, I have done some research on condo living and found this article which make me think even deeper. I believe that for those who stayed in a condo also facing the same problems mentioned in it.

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