It's A New Year…

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Since ever, new year is a good time, or should I say the best time to put resolutions. For many years, I am taking 1 Muharam as a day to reflect back what I’d been doing for the past year and what would I do next. A Muslim should do the reflection everynight before going to bed, but for some medium to long term things, doing a yearly review is good.

For this coming year of 1430H, I foresee a lot of changes and challenges would happen to our life. However, life is not about what comes upon, but how we go through it and do about it.

New Year of 1430 is not only a new year, but it is very significant for a Muslim. That’s one of the reason I am taking first Muharam as a new beginning. The migration of Rasulullah SAW from Makkah to Madinah is not a small thing. According to the Western orientalists (as you can read in Wikipedia), Hijrah is merely the movement of Rasulullah SAW and the Muslims from Mekah to Madinah.

Actually, Hijrah is very significant and very wide meaning:

  • Jumping out from the current life challenges into a more challenging ones.
  • A thin line between the right and wrong (hak and batil).
  • Change to a better and meaningful life.
  • Be a better person.
  • Do more ‘jihad’.

In my personal life, it becomes more challenging this coming year. I’ll handle a cheeky toddler and a little baby. I’ll juggle with my new(?) works. I am starting something that need me to change thoroughly. Etc…

So it called my Hijrah.

Hijrah, or migration is not a simple thing. It’s not merely jotting it down on your notebook, or saying “I’m on Hijrah”. It has several aspects to be looked at:

1. Body (Jasd)

What is our body for? This is us and this is the thing that make us moves. If our body weak and sick, can we do some Hijrah? Can we face the life challenge when we can’t even move our finger? We have to take care of our body, feed it with good and halal put, do some exercise and take enough rest. So that we can always be energetic.

As a mother, what will happen if she falls sick? Who’ll take care of her children? Who’ll breastfeed her baby (in case she can’t)? A mother is the most important person in a house. She must take care of her health to take care of the whole family. Oh, it’s me!

2. Mind (Aql)

It’s an English proverb says “an idle mind is the root of all evils”. I have to admit this. When you have a baseless mind, you’ll tend to go out of judgement, and later do something stupid that you’ll regret later.

As I said, life is not what comes upon, but how we go through it and do about it. Having a not-that-healthy mind, when something unpleasurable occurs, what do you think will be our reaction? Definitely, it won’t be any “innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun”, but “why should ’tis happen to me???”, “why me???”, “this is cruel!!!!” , etc. Yes, we deserve to be disappointed, unhappy, but remember that, redha is when ‘given or not given, are the same’. So we won’t get pissing off for something unpleasurable, especially what is coming directly from Allah. Instead, we feel happy cos He is paying us so much attention.

To have a healthy mind, is not that hard. Just filling it with some knowledge, Fardhu Ain like Tawhid, Fiqh, etc. and other knowledge like Maths, Science, Geog, etc. When we have lots of things to do with our mind, it won’t get idle, and we’ll get rid of the evilness.

3. Soul (nafs)

This is the most important part. Remember what cause we come here… We are not created to breath, eat, having kids, and die. We are here to serve and devote Allah (check your Holy Quran 51:56). The building of soul is to deliver a taqwa person, that will lead the aql and jasd to the right path. Generally, we are using our body and intellectual (aql) to build a civilization. Thus, taqwa would ensure the civilization built is not a self-conceite but is beneficial for the whole world.

Now we face lots of ‘side effect’ of this civilization… Hedonism, incestion, adultery, fornication (sorry), drug, murder, crime, etc.. OK, look like we are back to Jahiliyah Age, but I think it’s worst, cos Jahiliyah was happen before Islam but we are already Muslims. Haha.

A person with heart filled with taqwa, would he dare to do wicked thing? And if he does, he would repent as immidiate as possible (I guess so).

To have it (taqwa), is not a simple job. We have to fill our heart with loving Allah and His messenger. And love everything around us for Him. And perform the job as His servant and a caliph on the Earth. Take it step by step, insya-Allah.

It’s only has 3 points, but lots of this to do.

I have to change!

And I’m doing something that I never did before.

Hopefully there will be a happy ending.

My new year resolution is to be a better person. A better creation. A better wife. A better mom. A better daughter. A better sister. A bettter friend. A better worker. A better… A better… A better…

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…and a better year for my family; Abiy, Hafiy and Fahry. (Sorry dear for not being a good wife & mommy for the past whole year..)

May Allah shows me the way.


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5 responses to “It's A New Year…”

  1. mira Avatar

    salam,selamat tahun baru,moga tahun baru ni beri keberkatan yang lebih pade kita semua.. amin.

  2. JieyMien Avatar

    Salam Maal Hijrah buat Lina & Family.. I wish you happiness and the very best of everything, that you well deserve my dear.. InsyaAllah, everything will be great to all of us!! =)
    P/s – Harap2, this year dpt jumpa Mami Hafiy, abiy and the superkids!

  3. mamafiza Avatar

    Assalamualaikum wbt,

    Wish ya all the best and happy New Year to lovely strong lady: Miss akachan plus dearly kids >_<

    May God bless your day sayang *hugs*

  4. Iryani Avatar

    Salam maal hijrah buat along sekeluarga.Semoga kita semua jadi lebih baik lagi untuk tahun ini

  5. kombat Avatar

    salam maal hijrah buat Mommy Lina.
    52:56 tu, Surah Ath-Thuur kan? kalau surah ni, ayatnya, sampai 49 sahaja. yg mana satu ye?

    salam maal hijrah kombat

    oh sgt TQ for the comment… hahaha. mmg silap tu, sebenarnya surah 51, adz-dzariyat. hmm.. taip nak cepat xsempat nak check2 😛

    TQ lagi sekali & semoga tahun2 mendatang membawa pembaharuan!

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