Indigo Child – Is Your Child One of Them?

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I read about Indigo Child baout 4 years ago, and my first impression was “wow, are they coming from other planets?”. Indigo Child was defined as “A group of children possessing special traits; beliefs about the traits vary from paranormal abilities (i.e. ESP

) to simply being more confident and sensitive.” by Wikipedia. And some others even define them as ‘children of the sun’, millenium children’, ‘the next step in our evolution as human species’, etc. Indigo is a colour between red and blue, meaning that they are dominant in both colors, make them spritually open.

It is a lot of things to say when talking about Indigo Child, but in a nutshell, they: have sixth sense, have extraordinary abilities as compared t their same age peers, are very creative, don’t like to follow rules and order, usually identified as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD (Attention Defisit and Hyperactive Disorder), have phsycis ability, etc. When they grow up, they’ll become someone who can change the world, leaders, inventors, innovators and so on.

Sekadar gambar hiasan.
Sekadar gambar hiasan.

If you ever see a child who is very-very hyperactive and ‘naughty’, yet very clever and creative, could he be an Indigo Child? And somebody with ‘perangai & pemikiran pelik’ is actually an Indigo adult?

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To me personally, I don’t like this. Even if many people say that Indigo Children is not a myth because The West is doing researches and studies on them and it is proven, but for an end user like me, we tend to accept the dead end solution, e.g. Is my child an indigo? or is my child a genius? So, what happen if mine is just doesn’t?

There might be some children with such charateristics and they’re really smart and wit but as all of us are unique, I’d like to accept those as “their uniqueness” rather than calling them by ‘geniuses’, ‘indigos’,’ high IQs’, etc. Putting label on them just like when we were put into classes according to our exam result when we were at school. Of course there’s lots difference on the attention given to the students in A class and E class.

For some school, they’ll give more attention to the E class students so that they can excel or at least upgrade to at least D or C. But in some other schools they rather pay full attention to the A class and let the E class be E class forever.

Furthermore, labeling makes the negative-labeled one have feeling of ‘something wrong with me’.

Just imagine if your friend’s is called genius by the characteristic he shown according to the study but your child is not, example, a ‘study’ said that a heavily morning sickness pregnant mother is carrying a high IQ baby. But how about mothers who have no morning sickness at all? Low IQ babies?

A child born as a white cloth. All children have the same opportunity and choices to excel and success in life (including children like Fahry and his miracle friends), and its depend on the parents on how to ‘color’ their life so that they could be somebody someday. All children are geniuses after all.

Except if I’m in the group of researchers, I might agree with the theory 😀

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14 responses to “Indigo Child – Is Your Child One of Them?”

  1. sya Avatar

    ye, saya juga percaya setiap budak2/pelajar ada kelebihan dia sendiri.. kalau nak genius pun, mengikut bidang masing2… kan ada multiple intelligence?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      kenapakah mereka suka membuat teori yg memeningkan kepala? hahaha.

  2. Hanz Avatar

    Morning sickness is associate with geniuses? I never encountered morning sickness with 1st preggie yet my 1st child is Bright (x nak kata pandai, nanti orang kata angkat bakul, masuk sendiri). With 2nd preggie, bukan morning sickness jer, 24hours sickness sampai quit working, & my 2nd child turn out to be…..

    Yet to see janji Hambali is a happy child!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hahaha. i read somewhere.. kononnya ia ada kaitan dgn hormon masa preggy tu.

      ntah apa la malas nak amik tau.

      to me ia cuma menyedapkan hati ibu2 yg moning sicknessnya teruk gila hahaha.

  3. Jiji Avatar

    Entah la Lyna, kadang orang yahudi dgn nasrani ni ada ada je research dia yang kadang buat kita percaya pastu ganggu emosi /iman kita. Nanti I tanya kawan ni sorang ni bab bab begini dari sudut pandangan Islam. Secara peribadi, setiap kelebihan atau kekurangan yang Allah beri adalah untuk kita bersyukur. Kalo kurang maybe kita makin kerap ingat Allah, kalo lebih maybe kita boleh kongsi nikmat.

    Macam menjaga Fahry, Allah kasi rezeki kat u dapat lihat, dapat jaga kebesaran Allah depan mata u sendiri. Nikmat besar tu. Tak semua ibu-ibu dpt nikmat macam tu.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Jiji tanya la then nanti update kay!

      diorang agaknya dah takde invention nak buat, depa invent teori2 yg memeningkan kepala otak pulak hahaha.

  4. fid Avatar

    saya tegar menyatakan semua manusia ada keunikkannya

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      saya mmg unik lagi indigo

  5. Neroecha Avatar

    Kalau ikut theory habis ler both anak aku skt pun takde morning sickness..aku setuju gan fid

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      huwa huwa huwa

      camtu tak payah susah2 nak mengeniuskan anak. dari awal pregnant dah tahu saya high IQ sapa tak. isk3x.

  6. UmmiKhayra Avatar

    Salam Mommy Lyna,

    Hikhikhik… first time dengar pasal heavy morning sickness, dapat anak IQ tinggi.. Betulla mommy, tu untuk penyedap rasa tuk yang menghadapi morning sickness yang terukk.. 🙂 Setiap manusia ni kan lain-lain. Ada cara masing-masing and gaya masing-masing. Kalau nak anak bijak, kita la sbg parent cuba untuk mencorakkan nya.. macam mana nak merangsang minda dsb..

  7. kakyong Avatar

    kakyong tak ade morning sikckness tapi keletihan yg teramat di ptg hari mmbawa ke mlm…

    i love indigo, put extra red, it’ll be maroon….

  8. mama emma Avatar

    kalau ikutkan akak nie tgolong dlm indigo ppl la… sbb ada 6th sense..

    x caya, akak leh tau yg ryan baru lepak yak2 dgn tgk muka dia je…

  9. Umer Avatar

    Wow! It was a new information for me. Indigo child with extraordinary abilities? I have learned something new . Keep sharing like this

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