Fahry's Progress Up to 20 Days

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Alhamdulillah Fahry is getting better and better. This week, on Monday his weight was measured and recorded as 1.33kg, and on Wednesday it is measured again and recorded as 1.38kg. 50g in two days! What a progress! We expect he’ll hit 1.4kg something by end of this week. so, 200g to go before he can get out of the incubator.

To bring Fahry home, after discussing with Abiy, we decided to do it after his operation done. We are yet to discuss with the doctors, I think they are not bringing Fahry’s case in serious discussion before he’s really ready to be brought to the OT.

Fahry is still taking 30ml per feeding in 3 hourly. Alhamdulillah my milk getting better, and it always ‘untouched leftovers’ cos I usually send more than what he takes, in case he increases feeding. EBM for preemie, when keeping in refrigerator have to be consumed within 24 hours. I usually bring back home any ‘yesterday’s milk’, and keep it frozen in our freezer. The nurse also asked me to bring home the ‘expired’ milk (for preemie baby like Fahry) or else they’ll throw them out.

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But I’m still keep on pumping even if the milk sent is more than enough to ensure my supply would at least maintained. I am lucky cos Hafiy is still breastfeeding so I have extra stimulator. For moms who are depending on pumping alone, they need to pump longer, at least for half an hour to stimulate prolactin. However, I’m still pumping for half an hour.

For now we still sending the EBM twice a day, during weekends every morning and night, during weekdays, at lunch hour and night. I try to make at least 6 containers per trip, of 35ml per container.

As usual, there were some ‘advices’ regarding the right feeding, such as, ‘give him FM so that he’ll gain weight faster’,’add cereal in his milk’, etc. πŸ˜€ Well, thank you for the concerns but so sorry I can’t follow the suggestion because Fahry could only takes his mommy’s breastmilk. His digestive system is immature, even a full-term baby can’t take such cereal and so on.

We are lucky cos at this baby-friendly hospital, breastfeeding is given a big priority. It’s a good feeling when the nurses always try to ‘stop’ some mothers who insist to give their babies FM. Even there are mothers who dilute FM at their home and bring it to the nursery, but the nurses and Paed knew.. πŸ˜›

This week, we had many visitors, including friends, UTP Alumni’s reps and our HR Office’s fraternity. But none of them were able to see Fahry, except Uncle Ady. Hahaha.

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6 responses to “Fahry's Progress Up to 20 Days”

  1. suealeen Avatar

    sapa yang bagi fm kat preemie tu? pandainye dieeee…. fm for preemie must be prescribed by the paed. usually deme ada yang ready made specially made for preemie. tu pun deme bagi kalo dah teruk sangat dah supply si ibu tak de (but they’ll ask your EBM 1st). fm kat luar untuk preemie ada… contohnya neosure. tapi sangatΒ² susah untuk mencarinya. and not to mention the price!

    you’re lucky as you’ve an original stimulator at home! without baby at home, i must admit, the pumping gets harder! the supply will drop as the sucking method is just not the same.

    to those who have babies on their side, be grateful… you can still sleep with him, feed him directly…

    its happen tau kak, ada mak yg dilutekan FM kat umah & presented it as EBM. hehe. tp nurse lg smart la… last2 dia kene paksa pam kat spital & bg terus kat baby hehe.

    penatla sebenarnya nak pam selalu huhu. (saya mmg dari dulu malas nak pam). tapi demi anak, takpela… malas ke penat ke itu belakang kira. yang penting anak kita dapat susu ibu dia & membesar bagai johan!

    if there’s moms yg tak sanggup nak BF sbb sakit badan menyusu malam2… hmm.. ok… no komen…

  2. dayah Avatar

    Go Fahry go.. u’ll getting better very soon…to enjoy the life and to thank Allah for his Nikmat n Rahmat

    Fahry kan minum susu Mummy je…mesti la kuat n sihat..

    Mommy~~ nak susu…


  3. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    oh, ada jugak yek org nak buat trick gitu? πŸ˜‰

    hope fahry will gain weight so that he’ll be out from the incubator. insyaallah πŸ™‚

    buat trick camtu maybe sebab nak mudah kot. ye la.. bukan senang nak menten susu dgn pam je kan… maybe jgk derang takde ilmu pasal BF..

    Ameeen.. cepatla Fahry kuar dari tabung tu hehehe. nak kiss2 dia!

  4. mirah Avatar

    mmm..klu kt hosp serdang dulu, sapa yg mmg takde susu, doc allows lah bg fm tapi dia marah2 gak lah suh pump susu juga. Tp nasib baik for me, alhamdulillah susu byk juga lah sampai tak perlu top up dgn fm and doc pun puji. Mm..suka lah hati masa tu.. haha..

    anyway, ya better bagi yg fresh ebm kat fahry. Dan salah satu cara mirah guna nak suh berat khadijah naik cepat (indeed mmg sgt byk naik, cantik je graf tu) ialah dgn every time pump susu, i only bagi yg pekat tu. Err mcm ni, lets say kita pump dapat 4oz rite, after kita pump tu, susu yg pekat which is lemak akn jd layer atas kan. Jd, mirah akan took out 1-2 oz, put in other bekas then bawak tu bg baby. Yg lebih tu, biasanya aisyah yg minum.

    owh… camtu caranya… tapi i tak penah dapat 4 oz, huhu. mana yg dapat masa pam tu cukup2 je utk dia, kalo lebih pun dalam 5ml camtu je…. yang jadi leftovers tu sebab kerap pam & jadi banyakla collection. tapi sekali pam ciput2 aje…

    semoga makin banyakla susu… bole buat camtu nanti πŸ™‚ ameen.

  5. Fid Avatar

    siapakah yg menasihatimu itu?
    doktor tak suruh depa plak suruh

    biasalah masyarakat kita kan suka nasihat menasihati antara satu sama lain πŸ™‚

  6. tuty Avatar

    owhh.. mmg la paed dgn nurse tau kalau dilute fm.. FM dgn EBM bau lain~.. kaler pun lain. ermm biasa la masyarakat malaysia ni prihatin. boleh dgr, tak payah ikut. hehehe

    mcm tak biasa kan.. πŸ˜€

    haha betul tu. bila Hafiy dah FM, tengok rupa FM & BM mmg lain terus!

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