
Considering Extended Breastfeeding for My Toddler

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Hafiy is reaching 2 years old this October, an age where some people think a mandatory to stop breastfeeding. But I am against the idea, because there’s no evidence of the compulsory of weaning at the age of 2.

Myths about the taboo in extended breastfeeding is really popular in our society, such as:

  • The milk is no more nutritious after 2 years. Oh, even there’s suggestion that the milk is not nutritious at all. Kesian kan?
  • The toddler won’t be independent.
  • The toddler will view the breast as sex object rather than source of their food.
  • It will cause the toddler to have blood disease later in their life.
  • The toddler will grow up as an idiot.
  • etc.

I don’t care about the taboos because they had no evidences. Even Hafiy, who is currently 21 months old, isย  quite independent (among children at his age). He can play by himself, can help me, etc. Of course he is sooo manja but it is orait la for a child to bermanja with his mother kan.

Quoted from al-Baqarah: Mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years (if the father wishes) for the suckling to be completed. (2:233)

It is completed at year 2, but not neccesarily to stop.

Even, WHO, UNESCO and AAP are really encourage on extended breastfeeding (breastfeeding beyond 2 years of age).

Quoted from babycenter.com.my “Don’t let others pressure you to stop; there are significant emotional and physical benefits to long-term breastfeeding that can’t be ignored”

Actually, it is not easy (for me) to stick on the decision, especially when everybody around is against the idea (they even doesn’t support breastfeeding). But I am ‘lucky’ because Hafiy can’t take dairy product (even if he can, I’ll still telling everyone that he can’t :P), so there’s no way to give him formula milk. Even there were suggestions to give him soymilk, goatmilk, camel milk and other milk but my breastmilk. It was a bit ridiculous to me, cos all those animals are eating grass and plants (they are herbivor rite?) and I’m eating any kind of food including supplements and nutritional drinks summore. And I take those milks sometimes. It’s just not enough rite? Oh yes, there’s idea saying that ‘breastmilk is not nutritious anymore since modern moms are eating processed foods’. Hmm.. but I’m thinking that formula milk, or even pasteurized milk is ABSOLUTELY processed!

And also, people are worried if I’m gonna face difficulty in weaning Hafiy later. He should be weaned off sooner or later rite. Why people keep on worrying, I don’t know. My sister’s friend had been breastfed until she was 5 or 6, or 7? And now she is taking medicine under JPA. She even went abroad for almost 3 years.

Because he is a very picky eater, I tried him on mealshake sometimes. It is soy based protein source provides 30% of the Daily Value for protein and 35% or more of the 19 essential vitamins and minerals. It is good sources of dietary fiber. Taste so good, like vanilla ice cream. But this is not for weaning purpose. I take this as giving him other food (since he doesn’t eat much and variety of food to make sure he gets all the vitamins and minerals), and he has variety in his drinks, rather than drinking other flavoured drinks.


So Hafiy will still be breastfed tandemly with Fahry, until the time when he wants to stop, or maybe when another baby is coming.

Talking about tandem nursing, most of the people I met was astonished by it Maybe the myth about ‘boys drink a lot‘ was so popular and they don’t even know that breastfeeding boy is possible, so tandem nurse a pair of boys is something illogical. So when they saw me breastfeeding my sons, and they look very healthy, most of them would say “Is your milk enough??”, “Wow, you have abundance of milk!”. Well, yeah, all praise to Allah. And it is not comes easily even if it is naturally if I don’t obey the rules.

What makes me happier is some friends of mine were inspired by my tandem nursing. If before this they were told that “Breast milk won’t be enough to cater you baby’s need, so you need to supplement with formula“, now they have reason to object the idea

I love to have both of them on my chest…

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41 responses to “Considering Extended Breastfeeding for My Toddler”

  1. oya@mamahamzah Avatar

    well… congratulation coz till now you can bf your children… go on and don’t bother with other cakap cakap belakang… you know yourself better than other, so why must worried? i absolutely agree with your opinion although i can’t do well as you… so keep it up… i’m happy to know someone so super mother like you…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      TQ Oya!

      yes, cakap belakang memang tahan, yang cakap depan2 tu yang agak menduga kesabaran. hehehe.

      oh, saya bukan super mother, biasa2 je. sure you can do better than me!

  2. mamadanish Avatar

    I support you..
    I pun kena hentam macam-macam cos continue breasfeed danish sampai sekarang ..together with arissa..
    Kata-kata kutukan..cemuhan..Sebelum ni i rasa i takkan terasa with all those words,but bila dah kena its hurts a lot.
    Tak cukup ngan kawan2 seopis mencemuh cos i stil pump for both of them, saudara mara pun ada jua mencemuh!!Sungguh penyibuk mereka itu, tak ade ilmu tapi nak juga mengata.

    Kalau cemuhan anak manja or tak berdikari semua i leh terima lagi, tetapi bila ada orang kata i nak berjimat sebab tu i buat mcm ni, rasa mcm sedih gila..tapi lantakla..bukan i pi pam susu depa pun!

    Sedangkan depa tatau peluang bfd anak takkan kembali, masa ini takkan kembali dah kemudian hari…so hargai lah!
    .-= mamadanish´s last blog ..aktiviti luar =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      sedangkan decision nak bf pun dicemuh2 inikan pulak bf kanak2 hehehe.


      paling2 tak pun org ejek “tak maluuu dah besar pun nenen lagiii”

      1. lydzar Avatar

        my hannah mmg selalu sgt kena ejek mcm ni dengan nenek dia on both sides. cian hannah. tp mama dia buat muka kering je. hehe

        ermm berapa harga drinks kt entry tu ek? hannah pon sgt picky eater la. i tatau dh nk kasik dia mkn ape ๐Ÿ™

  3. mama emma Avatar

    ‘The milk is no more nutritious after 2 years. Oh, even thereโ€™s suggestion that the milk is not nutritious at all. Kesian kan?’

    statement tu akak kena.. nak lg best, bukan after 2Y, tp 1Y.. kesian x?? & this statement comes from a mother yg dok bf gegirl dia… like APAKAH???

    x bkhasiat after 1Y, what a statement daaaaaaaaaaaa
    .-= mama emma´s last blog ..-HIS JOURNEY (& MINE TOO)- =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      susu dia agaknya. susu kita tak!! kan kak???

  4. babycomel Avatar

    Nak share citer nie, aritu kan (last week) ada seorg member nie kata kat saya ‘nak peknen kena stop BF anak sulung klu tak susah nak peknen’, ‘tak bole nyusu masa peknen coz nnti bb kat dlm tu tak dpt cukup khasiat’. Kesian member saya nie, dahle krg ilmu pastu dok ‘telan’ kata2 org yg ntah hapa2 ntah bulat2…

    1. Hanz Avatar

      Salam babycomel, about preggie & bf, actually memang ada kaitannya, it’s all back to hormon…

      As we know bf mom biasanya lambat dapat menses & bf sendiri adalah salah satu langkah menjarakkan kelahiran…bukan nak kata bila bf susah nk preggie but influence dia tetap ada…

      And, kalau dah preggie & masih nak bf, bukan x boleh langsung tapi firstly dapatkanlah nasihat pakar dulu, dikhuatiri boleh affect kandungan especially the 1st 3months, coz bila si ibu bf ia akan mengecutkan uterus & if si-ibu kurang kuat, boleh menyebabkan keguguran…

      Hope this helps…
      .-= Hanz´s last blog ..Vote Me for Breastfeeding Photo Contest =-.

      1. Hanz Avatar

        oh, lupa nak add, that’s why Islam sendiri menyarankan 2 tahun to complete bf for a child, which is actually secara halusnya jarak (siblings gap) yang ideal untuk anak2.
        .-= Hanz´s last blog ..Vote Me for Breastfeeding Photo Contest =-.

  5. isabelle Avatar

    me too. adam is turning two this sept.
    after much consideration, i’ll just let it be. bila dia nak benti, pandai2 dia la.
    harap2 by the time dah ada adik, dia bagi chance la kat adik pulak.
    .-= isabelle´s last blog ..Indo vocab =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hehe ada adik boleh kongsi2, macam hafiy

  6. yatie chomeyl Avatar
    yatie chomeyl

    jolor doh doh tu mommy lyna…x molek nok pakdo2 budok tu brenti deh. bilo hafiy raso puas doh dgn susu mommy dio..pandailah dio brenti sendiri. ore dulu pong muloh ma cerito sampai masuk tadika pong, kade2 cari susu ma lagi..berebut dengan adik. tapi ma bui jah jugop…besar molek cerdik supo ore laing jugop hehhehe
    .-= yatie chomeyl´s last blog ..VOTE BPC39 Yatie Chomeyl : Breastfeeding Photo Contest 2009 =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ha.. kelih kelih. siap bleh g jepung lagi. kawe huk FM ni pom do ajing lg jejok kaki Jepoonnggg

  7. salzahari Avatar

    yerlah Lyna..walapun depa dah nak turn 2, tp tak fikir lak nak wean them off! biarlah selama mana dia nak, nti stop jgk kan?!! hopefully bila i pegnant,Aliah akan stop sendiri…oh bilakah saat itu

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      pregnant dulu wean off kemudian or wean off dulu pregnant kemudia? ahaks

  8. wawa Avatar

    i am still breastfeeding my soon-to-be 3-year-old boy.
    I have tried a whole lot of tricks to wean him before but none succeeded.

    He is now weaning himself bit by bit.
    it will comes naturally, i believe so.

    All the best and ignore all the nonsense.
    .-= wawa´s last blog ..English style =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Congrates! Tak ramai dapat melakukannya.

      Tak tau bgaimana rasanya dia nk wean off besok. Oh sure merindui detik2 dia menyusu.

  9. Hanz Avatar

    Lyna, keep on going, yeah! Masa my 1st child dulu, nak dekat 3tahun, baru dia berenti sendiri tau..takder nak paksa2..macam petua2 orang kata letak, asam jawa kat breast-lah, tah haper-haper..nasib baiklah me ni gedegang x nak dengar idea2 tu..eventually your child will know when to stop..so now worries, be happy!
    .-= Hanz´s last blog ..Vote Me for Breastfeeding Photo Contest =-.

    1. Hanz Avatar

      i mean no worries, bukan now worries (sorry typo)..
      .-= Hanz´s last blog ..Vote Me for Breastfeeding Photo Contest =-.

      1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
        Mommy Lyna

        Dont worry, im happy! Nanti pandai2 dia nak wean off kan.

  10. mama qaisara Avatar

    sya lom decide ape2..still early..biarlah sara dpt nenen puas2x……..nanti dia dh besar,mesti rindu saat bfeed kan dia..
    .-= mama qaisara´s last blog ..Breastfeeding photo contest (VOTE NOW!!!) –> (This is sticky post, for newwest post, pls scroll down..tq) =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Kalo dah ada adik2 kot tak sempat rindu agaknya kan? Bz dgn adik2 dia plak. Hehe.

  11. Lana Avatar

    Lyna just nak share crite, I hari tu kononnya nak wean hQ tapi tak berjaya langsung, haiQal is totally a NENENholic until this very moment. nak tido kena nenen, bgn tido nenen lagi. wahahha. wean pekebendanye tu? And he’s turning 2 in 2 months. Nampak gayanye until 4eva lah nenen.

    Yg kelakarnye, b4 this ada jugak lah suara2 pedih yg mengatakan I ni kedekut nak spend duit on FOrmula milk sampai paksa anak minum susu badan. camtu sekali. Sedihnye terasa amat sangat sampai x tau nak cakap ape.. tak berilmu lagi nak fitnah orang. cam haram lah kan. isk2. sakit hati.

    tapi kelakar lah u punye taboo tu, where did u get those? kids jadi idiot? dpt blood disease? so not clinically proven. ada jugak org pk camni. haisyy pening2 mengalahkan masalah dunia.

    papepun keep up the good work BF-ing the boys.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Oh yes i remember ur story nk wean hQ.haha.hQ bijak he knew m0mma ada syusyu lg!

      Those myths tu bkn sbarang2 orang tau yg ckp.. S0me faymes pers0ns. Weehu!

  12. Hanim Avatar

    Great job mommy! Manader logic even medically those things they’re saying. I wish to BF till 2yo, but she weaned herself off *sob, sob*. Now super duper clingy, even more manja than before.

    Among 2007 kids, I think she has prematurely weaned herself. But they know when to wean off.

    Oh, I think ur BM is still sedap… coz u’re BF Fahry. Weaning BM (like mine the last few mths) looked different than the creamy BM.
    .-= Hanim´s last blog ..busy busy =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Oh yala,make sense jgk susu i stil rasa cm dulu. i dh met beberapa babies yg wean themselves off b4 they turn 2. Bahagian msg2 kn.

  13. Pnut Avatar

    Masa bersalinkan anak pertama kurang ilmu sangat bab BF, masa bersalinkan anak ke2 nekad nak BF, but again, still tak full term pregnant, takat 30 minggu je, breast pun baru nak bengkak membentuk susu… tapi kita dah dibersalinkan, dan tiada lagi hormon pregnant dalam badan…
    but again mungkin dah niat nak BF anak juga, usaha sehabis mungkin, amek supplement, masuk forum sana sini bincang bab BF,

    Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan, walaupun 88 hari baby tiada di sisi kerana berada di NICU, akak boleh BF baby wityout failed, pump hantar, pump hantar, sekali pump bukan dpt byk pon, takat 3-4 oz je, pastu sejam juga nak dpt amount tu, baru hilang sengal mengepam, lagi dua jam nak pump lagi.. gitulah, masa tu agak down sebab imagine kalau baby boleh direct feeding mesti lagi banyak susu terhasil. tp kuatkan semangat.

    Malangnya menjelang bulan ke 5 dan ke 6 usia dia, susu very-very low, even kerapkan dia feeding, telan maxolon, telan itu ini sama juga hasilnya, very low produk, setiap kali dia feeding pastu mengamuk sebab tak kenyang, pilu sangat hati, i have no choice, terpaksa abgi FM sebab kalau dia tak cukup susu camner berat nak naik, dah la prem. Really buntu dah, sampai nanges2 depan doktor frust sebab tak dpt continue BF, akhirnya terpaksa juga bagi FM…

    but saya kagum dengan semangat ibu-ibu BF ni, kalau susu banyak, itu kurniaan Allah, tak semua orang dpt nikmat itu. But ada kalanya manusia ni terlalu berbangga sehingga tanpa sedar kita mengguris hati orang lain merendah-rendah emak-emak yang tak mampu BF baby. Bukan semua emak sengaja nak bagi FM kat baby, kalau jenis emak susu melimpah ruah, tapi sengaja tanak bagi bf memang melampau.

    erkkk sangat panjang boleh buat entry blog sendiri. ok at least blgo berupdate esok dengan kesah BF…
    .-= Pnut´s last blog ..DL5 conference and public transport =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Betul kak, sy pun Fahry lahir at 28wik,xdpt bf dia. 1st day pam dpt setitik je. Tp sy lucky Hafiy ada, bole tolong stimulate & Fahry kat SCN 42hari.

      Kira akak bjaya bf Alesya tuh! Mybe bahagian dia utk dpt susu lain. Rezeki Allah bg tak sama tp setiap pemberian kita kena syukuri kan.

      Tulisla kat blog akak. Tulisla. hehe.

  14. fid Avatar

    kakak sokong kamu
    kakak pun tak tau lg bila nak berenti bf gedebi nih bln 9 ni 4 thn
    tapi tiada gambaran nak stop
    so layan ja laaa
    apa plak x ckpnya apabila dah besar ni anggap le BM ni suppliment kahkahkah
    .-= fid´s last blog ..gossip artis versi fid..kahkahkah =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Takyah stop2 la gedebi. Dajah 3 baru stop. Aci? Wiahahahaha.

  15. aidie Avatar

    my son wean off by himself when i was 7 months pregnant..time he’s only 1 year old. sedih gak la..i bagi gak tapi dia yg takmo..then when i deliver nadhirah, i tried to bf him still dia tkmo. so dgn berat hati i terima yg dia dah tkmo nak bf.sedih sedih…tp lyna teruskan je bf Hafiy till himself yg dah tkmo bf

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      oh ya la… ramai toddler yg wean themselves off bila maknya pregnant lg. Hafiy pun nasib tak lama sebab Fahry keluar awal ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. suri Avatar

    buat tk dengar je…
    kdg2 ada yg saket ati tgk kite ada apa2 kelebihan…
    bkn semua org suka tgk kite senang…

    mr fahry yg hensem apa kbr?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      yezza. TQ dear. mmg camtu la kekdahnya

      Fahry sihat alhamdulillah ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. ma_airiel Avatar

    Base on your experience, how to maintain the breastmilk supply while pregnant? When will the breastmilk will change back to colustrum?
    According to the source about tandem nursing, the taste of breastmilk will be change slightly when the nursing mother get pregnant. Therefore, the child will wean himself.

    I hope my first child still want to breastfed. My aim is to breastfeed my child until 2 years and 3 months.

    Sitilina, please give me your advise base on experience, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Hi ma-airiel

      it’s a thing u hav to expect. If u r working kemungkinan besa akn alami susu kering sbb kita pam & less direct. Ada if u ada masa korek2 my archive ttg pngalaman susu kering tu. Even refer to any LC pun the same answer that kena acceptla yg by trimestee kedua susu akan beetuka rasa n ramai yg wean sdr.

      Personally I tak agree usaha2 tambahkan susu masa pregnant sebab u r carrying a soul yg u kena jaga. Maybe ni time for u nk rest jap. Furthermore most toddler Kn sambung bf. Blk bile adik lahir so still consider full bf walaupun cuti sekejap ๐Ÿ™‚

      take care ye!

  18. Suraya Sulieman Avatar

    Muaz pun mcm ur child. He refused to any kind of formulated milk. Even air kotak dutch lady yg mcm2 flavour pon dia x nak. So, sgt lah susah nak stop bf him.

    Tp my husband ckp kalau bf more than 2yrs, dah makruh. betul ke?

    But, my youngest brother bf smpai umur 6 thn, skang ok jeh boleh berdikari… in fact, dia punya kecerdikan n kebijaksanaan mmg terlebih2 dr org biasa….

    neway, bab makruh tu betul ke?
    .-= Suraya Suliemanยดs last blog ...: 2nd Birthday :. =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      My answer below: ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna


    Never found any dalil naqli says that. Kalu dalil aqli ikut suka hati mmg byk.

    2 tahun tempoh sempurnanya penyusuan, dah tak ada kewajipan menyusu selepas tempoh tu, tapi tak membawa kita menghampiri dosa. Walau bgaimanapun, mmg byk hikmah supaya weaning at 2 tp kalau taknak pun takpe. In fact ada pendapat kata some Imam & Rasulullah sdr pun extended bf (not so sure bout tis but promise I’ll check 4 c0nfirmati0n)

    Tapi if suami tak bagi tapi kita buat jugak tu mmg terang2 la derhaka kat dia (wajib ikut cakap suami kecuali benda2 yg maksiat, berdosa & tak elok dibuat).

  20. siti Avatar

    hi mommy Lyna,
    I’ve just started reading your bf entries and boy am I so proud of myself that i’m still bfing my 3yo darling son.
    1st n foremost,you’re inspiring.bravo.
    recently,he had a 3yo developmental assessment n a nurse actually commented..”sudahlah,takmo mimilk lagi”(at my son)..turned to me and said,”milk got no value lagi lah dear”…son,buat bodoh je & whispered to me that he wanted to get out of the room(so glad he tak defensive or merajok).B4 I managed to reply,hubby commented..”it’s ok,I was bf by arwah mom for 7yrs”…heheh…i jus gave a silly grin(sayang hubby)
    NO value?How about pyschological one for us…sense of security & independence?better health,milestones than his peers that i know..Alhamdullilah,our bf journey was/is somewhat smooth and all we hope was mere support..sadly,even our own relatives qsn our niat..and created nonsensical mitos abt extended bf.hmmm…
    Now i’m planning for #2,googled..and tada…found your site…luv to hear from you.
    take care now….kkk..got to c’nue reading since i cant sleep

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