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    Menjawab Persoalan Anak Dengan Pintar Agar Anak Menjadi Pintar


    Semalam Mommy bersama-sama Fahry berborak-borak tentang masalah dunia.. Tiba-tiba perhatian Fahry berpusat pada kedua kakinya. Dia memegang kaki kiri dan kemudian memandang ke belah kanan (yang tiada kaki). Berkali-kali….

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    Fahry and His Fruit Diet


    Unlike Hafiy, Fahry loves his new food very much. Hafiy still love to be contented with my breastmilk, even until today. As I started with mashed avocado for Fahry,…

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    The Benefit of Avocado for Fahry’s Intro to Solids


    As Fahry reached 6 month old, his Paed, Dr. Anna recommended us to start him on solids, since he didn’t gain weight since last month! And he showed interest…

  • Pengalaman Melahirkan Fahry


    .!. Rasanya hari tu story tentang kelahiran Fahry secara ringkas je. Kisah asalnya lebih panjang ceritanya…. Ia bermula pada hari Mommy sepatutnya balik ke KL (masa tu Mommy tengah…

  • Our Kids Are Superb! Do Not de-Superb Them – P 1


      4 bulan lalu… (Fahry umur sebulan lebih)   Hari ni.. (Fahry 5 bulan) Alhamdulillah… kalau dibandingkan sangat jauh bezanya. Itu belum dibanding masa dalam inkubator yang ada harinya…

  • Do You Believe In Paranormal?


    My children since ever are type suka nangis2. But to my family (parents) this is normal. I even have a brother who cried all the time, except when he…

  • Cerita Fahry Mendera Bibik


      I went out for lunch (periuk semua dah masuk kontena) with Abiy and Hafiy, leaving Fahry with Bibik to limit his exposure to the debu-debu kota, sorta… Alang-alang…

  • Something I Think I Can Get For Him


    Sangat susah nak pakaikan socks pada kaki Fahry, sebab sock tu tak boleh nak padan dengan betis kanan dia (Tak perlu cakap banyak kali tentang keadaan kaki dia). Kalau…

  • Fahry Smiles


       Nampak lesung pipit? Sape tak nampak…. hehehe… tandanya…. watch last boy scout the in divx Eventho Fahry tak adelah sebesar gebebob (he’s only 4kg something at almost-4-month old)…

  • Fahry Baby Ajaib?


    OK, Mommy selalu dapat email-email tentang keajaiban kejadian Allah Taala la konon -kononnya. Macam-macamlah yang merapu sebenarnya. Contohnya email tentang budak perempuan yang derhaka dan bertukar jadi makhluk seakan-akan…

  • Fahry, Anakku Yg Kurang Upaya


    Ceh, tajuk macam meminta simpati je LOL. Reading Jiey Min’s blog about this, recalling my conversation with Kak Tina’s sister, Kak Lina, last month about OKU registration. But I…

  • Meeting The Orthopedist


    we went to the hospital at 0930hours. the waiting area was crowded. ye la, the only hospital we can rely for specialist kan. Fahry slept all the way after…

  • Like Father Like Son


    Ini bukan kes dera bayi atau accidentally terselimut satu muka. Ni memang keje Fahry. Dia memang suka tido macam ni. Kain kena tutup hidung, at least. Ops, it’s not…

  • Fahry Says Hi to Everybody


    download cliffhanger online shallow grave divx download tak nampak lar lesung pipit… download hitcher the dvd

  • Fahry Kebanggaanku


    knock off movie download weekend at bernie s ii dvd   free living daylights the Picture worth thousands words. (I’m still not feeling well to write longer entry)

  • Fahry is HOME!


    We got a call from SCN yesterday telling that we can take Fahry home. But we were on our way to Brunei, bringing Pak Uda jalan-jalan. So we asked…

  • He Has The Sexiest Smile!


    We discovered that Fahry has dimples! None of us have dimples (but Sis Nonie105 said I have, do I?). Haha. I always like people with dimples and I wish…