Are You Ready to Breastfeed?

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Breastfeeding, to me, is easy, mudah lagi memudahkan, but it takes lots of sacrifices, and times, and tears as well. Hehe.

To breastfeed or not… itu pilihan masing-masing kan. Over ke tak over ke, itu pun pilihan masing-masing. Ada orang senyap2 je, dan ada orang suka show-off (macam saya). Tapi tak salah kan show off atas benda yang bagus. Hehe. Lagipun, sape nak advertise tentang breastfeeding kalau bukan kita-kita kan.

Most of mothers yang tak dapat BF adalah kerana kekurangan ilmu. Try ask some mothers yang tak dapat BF their first, second or third child tapi berjaya utk the next one… most of them would answer, β€œTak cukup/tak ada ilmu”. Bila dah ada ilmu, insya-Allah semuanya dapat ditempuhi. Even mothers with PCOS pun boleh BF. One of them is Makcik Salwa kita.

Kalau tak dapat BF untuk anak sebelum-sebelum ni, jangan susah hati or berasa β€˜loser’. Tak ada mak yang taknak bagi anak dia yang terbaik kan. Cuma, mungkin belum rezeki lagi. Benda ni bukan pelik pun dalam kehidupan kita. Tak semua benda berlaku dengan ideal. Macam kita masuk U pun, semua nak berjaya, tapi ada je yang β€˜grad awal’ without any sijil….

If you think you really want to BF the next babies, the first step is, carilah ilmu terlebih dulu. Kalau tak nak, nobody will paksa pun.

And I don’t think there is a paksaan to BF. Even if there’s several imams yang put β€˜BF is a compulsory (wajib)’ but not for some others, like Imam Syafie. Tak berdosa pun if you don’t BF. Tapi if you tak sembahyang tu berdosa besar πŸ™‚ I BF not because of the pahala or whatnot, no. It is my responsibility, as a mother to give the true food to my babies.

I’d like to share some tips, for BF-moms-wannabe and moms-to-be out there. Just a piece from my experience breastfeeding these 2 heroes.

If you plan to breastfeed, make sure you:

  1. Learn a lot about breastfeeding, from the right sources. To find the right source ni agak tricky jugak. Sometimes nurse kat klinik pun taktau apa2 tentang exclusive BF (Sori ya nurse..).
  2. Make good networking with breastfeeding moms. Reading alone won’t help, unless you don’t face many problems to breastfeed during the early days.
  3. Know what to expect when you breastfeed… Sorenipples, engorgement, etc.
  4. Know where to go when you face problem. Definitely not your makcik who never breastfeed her babies. Go to LC or any friends who experienced it.
  5. Smart enough to differentiate between β€˜excuses’ to not to BF and the true things those make you fail to BF.
  6. It’s from you. Say you want to BF. Not you have to BF. Don’t stressing yourself out just because your friends BF, and you don’t want to be called β€˜a lousy mother’. Every mother wants to give the very best to her baby, ain’t it?

Things won’t make you fail to breastfeed:

  1. You don’t produce milk during the first few days. It is perfectly normal.
  2. You undergo c-section. Kak Fid also a c-sec mom tapi dah dekat 4 tahun BF his lovely Akif.
  3. You give birth to a boy (There’s a myth says that a baby boy’s mother can’t breastfeed cos the milk won’t meet the baby’s demand). I BF boys, dua2 orang lagi tau. Serentak OK!
  4. You don’t have β€˜urut lancar susu’.
  5. Your baby has jaundice. Breastmilk jaundice is normal, bukan sebab susu tak serasi dengan baby.
  6. You don’t produce milk during pregnancy.
  7. You didn’t do breast and nipple exercise during pregnancy.
  8. You have small breast.
  9. You have inverted, flat or small nipple.
  10. You don’t eat any lactogenic food.
  11. Your mom, sisters, makciks, bini Penghulu Kampung failed to breastfeed.
  12. Your baby cries out his lung.

Breastfeeding is…

  1. Natural BUT needs effort.
  2. The best beat for your baby.
  3. Supply vs demand concept. The more the demand, the more the supply.
  4. A commitment.
  5. FOR YOU! Yes, YOU!

Breastfeeding is not…

  1. Only for this and that type of mothers.
  2. Only for lucky mothers.
  3. Only for mothers who have normal deliveries.
  4. Only for mother who claims she wants to give the best for her baby.
  5. A luck. It’s an effort.
  6. A magic potion that makes your baby a superhuman.

Are you willing to…

  1. Keep on breastfeeding despite your baby cries, wind, gets jaundice, unwell, etc.
  2. Pekakkan telinga, butakan mata on any unsolicited advise.
  3. Lose good night sleep for night feeding.
  4. Sacrifice some of your working hours to pump.
  5. Take a very good care of your food intake to ensure a high quality breastmilk.
  6. Be in deep worry when your milk supply turns haywire.
  7. Labelled as this and that, just because you wanna give the best for your baby.
  8. Fill your freezer EBM stocks.
  9. Telan anything on Earth to boost up your milk supply.
  10. Berkejar ke sana sini cari pertolongan when problem arises.
  11. Perkara yang boleh membawa depresi ialah drop in supply.
  12. Bring all your pumping gears when you go outstation.
  13. Have your blouse wet just because you forget your nursing pads.
  14. Tahan your breast bengkak when the baby is not with you and you don’t bring breastpump and you don’t know how to express by hand!
  15. Face the ouch! of cracked nipple, engorgement, biting babies, etc.
  16. Learn.
  17. Breastfeeding in public.

Do you think you’re ready to breastfeed? Think again (Wah,macam National Geographic plak).

Iklan sikit —>> Get A Special Nursing Cover from us!

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32 responses to “Are You Ready to Breastfeed?”

  1. Azza Avatar

    memang rase loser sebab dapat bfeed my baby masa dlm pantang jer. Doa-doa tuhan bagi reezeki anak lagi untuk saya dan saya berazam nak exclusively bfeed nanti. CHewwaa.. Semangat nih..

    Malaysia boleh! AZZA BOLEH!
    jadikan kisah semalam sebagai batu loncatan utk masa depan yang lebih gemilang! (cewah)

    cane2 pon takde mak yang loser. menjadi seorang ibu adalah satu kejayaan hakiki πŸ™‚

  2. mama emma Avatar

    i’m always everready!! πŸ˜›


  3. fid Avatar

    saya saya sedia…..
    saya suka BF anak saya
    saya mmg gila bf anak
    saya mmg over..saya memang weng
    saya memang sokong breastfeeding
    saya show off ka????

    tapi satu ja..kalau join ngan BF mom..anda akan jadi weng macam saya tapi macam saya ok) jgn macam lyna hahaa
    lyna jgn marah…..
    (jelir lidah sikit)

    ya ALlah mlm tadi daddy tegur akif jelir lidah..padahal daddy selalu jelir lidah jugok!

    saya jadi macam ni sebab tepengaruh dgn cik pid.
    ntah apa spell dia cast ntah.

    jelir lidah = saya ckp kat Hafiy ‘itu dog’ hihihi.

  4. Jade Avatar

    hehe.. kluar pulak entry ni after my entry pasal i tensi sbb tak dpt BF my baby..

    so lepas ni dgn semangat yg baru i akan berusaha ke arah mem”BF” baby ke-dua [sekiranya ada rezeki]..


    mesti boleh!!!

  5. suhainini Avatar

    suka la entry ni…bfeeding ni mmg memerlukan org yg show-off mcm lyna and fid :).barulah org yg baru nak belajaq/yg dlm masalah bersemangat dan tak putus asa…

    tapi kadang2 show off disalaherti.
    tapi takpe.. biasa la tu kan. hehehe.

  6. kaknon Avatar

    mengaku ajelah hang tulis ni semata2 sebab nak promote nursing cover tu kan? kahkahkahkahkah!!! πŸ˜›

    anyway, i’m in!!!

    hah!!! cemana kak non tahu!!!!!????!!!!

  7. Sya Avatar

    saya antara mommies yg fail to fully BF my eldest doter.. tp takde laa terasa diriku ini LOSER.. πŸ˜€

    bukan fail, belum masanya lagi. hehe.

  8. aishah Avatar

    hi..i lebih suka kalau BF che’wawa secara terbuka..x kisah ler org nak cakap aper kan..but i feel so proud kalau dapat BFkan che’wawa tanpa perlu berselindung…..

    hahaha betul2. i dont use any cover pun. hehe… orang pandang suketi kau la, bukannya i tunjuk aurat pun:)

  9. salzahari Avatar

    kdg2 rasa loser jgk sbb belum 18months pun dah won’t stop terus selagi belum masanya/ Aliah sendiri nak stop πŸ˜‰ eager to improve on coming babies!

    yaaa!!! mari kita sama2 mengimprove performance!

  10. kakyong Avatar


    kakyong BF my 1st & 2nd less than 5 months, tp aliya has gone beyond it.. BF ni lebih mudah, kalo nak kuor memana tak yah pk flush air panas, btl aor suam, botol susu, tin susu.. huhu.. bawa bdn jer,…

    anyway goodluck utk yg bakal jadi dpt baby..

  11. LeeN Avatar

    idoppp lyna!!! eh silap. idoppp BF!!!!

    btw, this is really are the important points for BF mother. especially pada yg baru nak BF anak. oleh kerana leen kurang digging dulu, so point2s mcm ni sebenarnya merata2 (sbb takde orang nak compile mcm ni)

    so bila da ade senang maaaa nak tahu.

    i bet, most new / becomin mommies ingat BF ni senang.


  12. iv Avatar

    suka entry ni..bangga membacanya.. iv salah sorang yang bf anak anak.Tidak pernah rasa susah tapi rasa amat bangga

  13. qay Avatar

    sy pun.trasa rechrge smngt nk bf lg n lg…moga trus istiqamah..tpi mmg hnya bf mother dpt bg smgt pd org lain utk bf..its the Bf’ing mothers bond…heheh

  14. shakila fajirin Avatar
    shakila fajirin

    salam p’kenalan…sy pun tgh eager gila bf my 2nd baby(sbb dah cukup ilmu…hik..hik..)…tp sayang my 1st son not fully bf..

    1. shakila fajirin Avatar
      shakila fajirin

      as for me mmg saya dah cukup ilmu, kalu berlaku masalah , saya dah tau jln penyelesaiannya ..tak la clueless tak tau nak buat apa… i know breastfeeding journey is not as smooth as u think…

  15. fid Avatar

    saya akan jadi menteri nanti!awak pula bagaimana???
    saya nak jadi menteri yg related ngan BF….

  16. fid Avatar

    lyna panggil i FID laaa…ishh! dia nih!! ishhhhh…

    lyna..akif kata dog cute..dia kata dog menjilat! bukan jelir saja2…hahaaa

  17. wawa Avatar

    saya copy sikit checklist you mommylyna, but of course, the credit goes to you.


    hail to breastfeeding mommies.


  18. zuhaini Avatar

    saya sokong! πŸ™‚ wah.. very informative!

  19. mama emma Avatar

    note utk cik shakila fajirin: sy kurang setuju part dah cukup ilmu tu.. sbb kekadang masalah dlm journey bf kita nie ttiba akan muncul..

    mcm kes sy nie, anak dah 17bln, baru la nie output susu sy merundum dgn teruknye.. so sy still dlm proses mcari ilmu…

    tp xtau la kalau ada antara otai2 bf nie suka mdabik dada.. huhu…

    ampun kalau ada yg terasa…

  20. Hanz Avatar

    Great to be in like-minded mummy di sini. Comforting to knows that I’m not alone in this bf journey. Keep up the good work Mommy Lyna.

  21. shinta musraika Avatar

    bila my supply merundum 2 hari lepas.. risau.. kecewa.. sedih..(wlaupon berkali2 ingatkan diri.. jgn tertekan nanti tambah merundum supply)

    Tapi bila supply kembali macam biasa hari ni maka senyum lebarlah diriku ini!

    Dan.. sy mmg show off sikit pasal BF ni. Memang betul sangat2 lah mommy Lyna.. kalau bukan kita yg promote2.. war-warkan sapa lagi.

    jiranku baru seminggu lebih deliver. dia ckp susu kurang & dah bagi FM kat baby boy nya. sedang dlm di lema & tercari2 akal mcm mana nak goda agar dia terus BF & stop FM. masalahnya dia dah anak ke 3.. dia lebih seniorlah pasal anak2 ni.


  22. ummi salsabila Avatar

    slm perknalan.good info & Tq for sharing.saya mmg sokong BF and sy suka show off jugak! hikhik proud to be BF mom! :-)nnt let’s join us at HS module..

  23. p-na mama oja Avatar
    p-na mama oja

    Tahniah lyna!! Info2 yg berguna.. terasa betapa betuahnya sy kerana dpt active berblogging.. byk info2 berguna yg sy dpt..

    sy mmg still BF my lil oja smpai skrg (1thn 6bln), walaupn tidak secara exclusive… alhamdulilah susu masih mencurah2…klu sy x berblogging + x meyertai blogger2 mom sekalian alam cyber ini..sudah semestinya sy dh stop BF awal kot, dek kerana kecetekkan ilmu sy..(huhu..bermadah lak rasa..hehe)

    sy akan BF selagi anak sy mahu..hehe..(tp nampak gayanya cam lama lg jer..skrg nie pun dok melekat je memanjang..nmpak mama je tet* x pe sy suka..anak memang over dengan mama yg menet*k nie!)

    Hidup BF!!
    ~thanks to mama emma yg menjebakkan sy dalam dunia berbloging ini~

  24. bAiTi Avatar

    Adei, ni yang mcm tak sabar nak berbaby lagi ni πŸ˜› so that, bleh practise the ilmu, hehehe.. Tapi, mcm kena tggu dulu.. huhuhu..

  25. ummuahmads Avatar

    Nice article mommylyna!!

    Sebenarnya breastfeeding ni adalah fitrah wanita… tapi, kehidupan hari ini telah jauh menjadikan wanita tersasar drp fitrah kejadiannya, sehingga breastfeding terpaksa dikempenkan kpd wanita… dgn pelbagai hujah itu dan ini, semata-mata utk membantu wanita memilih yg terbaik (susuibu). Entah di mana silapnya…

  26. shila Avatar

    my baby will be coming out, anytime soon. and saya sangat2 mahu BF dia sampai 2 tahun. heh, jauh sungguh target. kuikuikuikui…

    sebelom kawen lagi i dah decide, bila ada baby i nak bf. will do whatever it takes. last resort will go and see LC dekat pantai, and suruh dia ajar sampai dapat.

    i’ve done the readings, tanya2 and everything. tapi tu lah, on field training blom lagi. hihihihi. harap2 i am strong enough to get throught everything.

    even now dah bubuh list dekat fridge makanan2 yang boleh boost milksupply so that the whole house is aware of it. lalu mereka boleh sediakan makanan itu untuk saya, kwang kwang kwang.

    hari2 doa, ni nak tunggu baby kuar, tgk macam mana… =P

  27. kakLuna Avatar

    akak rasa title ‘show-off’ ni sbb org yg melihat tu x dpt buat mcm tu. tp biar lah org tu saja dgn alasannya.hanya dia yg mengetahui.

    sama la cam kita kalo x de kemahiran ttg sesuatu, cthnya memasak ataupun kemahiran repair kereta. apa perasaan kita kalo org yg terror tu ckp, ‘smua org boleh buat bnda ni, cuma kurang ilmu atau takde kesungguhan bla,bla,bla’

    jd yg x terror ni akan kata yg terror ni hek off nya. abis tu dh mmg tak boleh, nak buat camne.kalo buat pun jd x sempurna bukan nya tak blajar.

    kesimpulannya kita smua ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2.dan juga ada perasaaan. setiap tutur bahasa kita perlu juga melihat kurang lebihnya diri kita dan juga perasaan org lain.

  28. NeroEcha Avatar

    I like this post….1000xx suke giler…then terus bg link ke pada kekawan yg baru nak belajar psl of them send this msg “ish semngat waja la ko nie ngn bf” and aku jawab of course ler…bf is my passion n my life..

  29. fid Avatar

    saya suka breastfeeding tak kira tak kira

  30. lia Avatar

    kali ke3 percubaan utk komen he3… harap2 lepas kali ni…

    sy mmg suka show off sbb nnt org lain xtau zaman modern ni boleh BF… sbb ada pendapat ingat BF ni utk zaman kuno jer…

  31. Hanis Avatar

    salam to all mommiess..

    Yes..Hidup BF !!Thanks lynna for the great article..I’m BFing my babies too…

    Lynna..saya mintak copy artikel u yek..nak share dlm my blog nnti.SHaring is caring kannn?
    .-= HanisΒ΄s last blog ..HOW TO BUY | SHIPPING | RETURN POLICY =-.

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