We’re Gonna Miss You Very Much

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Last week, I got a call from HR office, telling that they’re processing my application to get transferred to KL.

And Abiy’s name is already in KL office, but still KIV on which department he’ll be in.

Alhamdulillah.. Finally our status could be almost confirmed – soon to be in KL.

As I always said, I really like Miri. It’s a good place to raise a family. With time travel to the office from home is 1o minutes maximum, good neighbours, safe neighbourhood (we have the auxiliary police around), big house with big yards and so on. But now we have big reasons to leave. 1) Tok Ma and 2) Fahry. We cross our fingers for better treatment and therapy for Fahry, which is not available here. And Tok Ma needs company.

So I put Miri in another page of my life diary. Even if I fall in love with this place but another priority comes and the choice has been made.

Sure I’ll miss this lovely neighbourhood. And the neighbours too. The kids play on the road in front of our house without have to worry about cars and whatnot, cos the neighbours are our colleagues, they know how to speed down their cars 🙂

We can meet up with our friends at home anytime, just give them a call if we want to have them lunch at ours. If we go out, we could find our friends’ houses anywhere along the way. This is rumah Auntie ni, this is rumah Uncle tu, etc.

Our house here, oh it’s so lovely… I don’t know whether we’re gonna live in such this beautiful house again. With front and backyard, lots of space for us, 3 empty bedrooms so we can choose any room to sleep, lots of empty wall to put anything on it, an ‘office’ for me and one for Abiy, the whole house is ours, and so on.

In KL, we’ll stay at Tok Ma’s house. Until when? Until when-when. HeHe. Since Tok Pa gone, Abiy replaces him and becomes the head of the family. So we have to stay together-gether. I like everything about staying with Tok Ma (especially part tak payah masak Wallaa!) except for the very limited space. Sekarang pun dak tak tau mana nak campak barang-barang dari sini, especially the clothes. We have 3 wardrobes here, while in KL only 1 cupboard yang dah penuh pun.

Baby cot Fahry pun dunno where to put cos our bedroom kat sana now muat2 for the katil, almari and dressing table. And it is the only space we have for us la. Standard la rumah teres KL kan. Muat-muat for living hall, kitchen, and bedrooms.

download dirty dancing havana nights divx

Maybe Abiy and I have to work harder so that we can buy another, bigger house for all of us (+Tok Ma)?

I took some picture of this very house but I can’t find my handphone right now. Tadi Hafiy calling-calling sape ntah.

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20 responses to “We’re Gonna Miss You Very Much”

  1. Yus Avatar

    lama dah tak tinggal jejak kat sini..

    Lyna..takpe..tinggal je dulu dgn family..
    then, pelan2 cari rumah besar sket..
    pasti ada jlnnya..

    jgn risau ye..

    pastinya kita akan merindui tempat yg dah dekat dgn hati kita..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      doakan kami dapat cari rumah yang besaaaar.


  2. Salwa Avatar

    faham sgt apa perasaan Lyna..lama benar kita tak borakjanji pulut kuning mesti dipenuhi
    tlg update tarikh balik sini
    skrg kita mcmhubby Lyna..tak boleh pindah dari sini, sebab mak ayah tggal berdua,ayah sakit and so on
    so kami kena duk sini/tggal sekali dgn ayah.
    dah plan nak beli umah yg boleh memuatkan kami ber 6+akan dtg punya anak2..

    miri mmg best..sbb kegembiraan Lyna tergambar jelas melalui penulisan
    but knowing u..
    i know u can find ur new happiness in the new place.
    u are an ultimate ‘adapter’

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hehe. dah terasa tu angin2 pulut kuning kat tekak 😀

      insya-Allah, semua tempat pun ada rezeki yang dijanjikan Allah kan 🙂

  3. Hanim Avatar

    Salam Lyna, on/off been dropping in. U working in Miri… in O&G eh? If Shell, back to Semantan, or Petronas back to KLCC?

    Hmm good luck with back to driving in KL yeah!

    Insha Allah everything would be fine, nnt living room, dining room pun jadi the kids place.

    I live with my in laws (no way out :p), so LO has her mini playland in living room, verandah, MIL’s room, her room, our room. Rumah besar pun lonely gak…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Salam Hanim,

      kalo dah kerje kat Miri tu kalo tak cikgu mestila O&G kan. ahahaha.

      hopefully budak2 lagi senang nak adapt kat sana 🙂

  4. qay Avatar

    lyna, insyAllah evrytg will be ok..nk pndh dr satu tmnpt yg kiter dah tramat biasa mmg pyh..but insyAllah it will be for the better kn…nnti u sng blik kb…bleh jmpe i..hehe

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      ahah. kalo keje macam kami ni mmg expected akan hinggap sekejap2 je kat mana2 tempat pun. hehe.

      tp best la balik KL bole salu balik KB hihi.

  5. yatie chomeyl Avatar
    yatie chomeyl

    xpe .. niat baik nak blk jaga tok ma kan? u wont regret it…trust me 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      yang penting bole duk sama2 sekeluarga kan 🙂

  6. nur Avatar

    salam mummylyna,

    dah nak pindah ye? baru teringat2 nak ziarah bila berkelapangan.. saye dok brunei je, tu pon baru je 7bln. maybe lame lagi dok sini. anyway bile awak akn pindah kl? area mane?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      salam Nur,

      itulah… since last year lagi dah usaha nak balik KL family matter… alhamdulillah akhirnya pintu baru terbuka.

      nanti insyaALlah tinggal kat Saujana Damansara. hehe.

  7. Asiah Abd Jalil Avatar

    Sebagai ibu, apa-apa future planning kita pun, semuanya kita akan consider pasal anak-anak kan?

    As for me, memang tinggi melangit cita-cita nak jadi practising lawyer. I minat criminal law, jadi Public Prosecutor best juga, tapi kena kerja dengan government, commitment kena tinggi. Kalau kerja dengan firm orang, nanti asyik kena ikut cakap bos. So probably nak buka firm sendiri, suka hati nak pergi kerja pukul berapa, nak ambil berapa kes dalam sebulan, nak ambil cuti anytime boleh, should my children sakit ke, ada hal sekolah ke, etc.

    Tapi I tak sampai hati nak sacrifice my children’s well being. Kot-kot esok lusa rasa macam susah aje, sudahnya I jadi law lecturer aje, relax…

    Same goes to you. Children are put first. Your intention pindah KL sebab nak dapatkan the best treatment for Fahry is so noble. You ambil one year unpaid leave pun dah so touching. Tak kira tinggi mana pun kita mampu terbang, demi anak-anak, kita sanggup lepaskan banyak perkara. Isn’t it?

    Along, moga Allah permudahkan urusan. Nanti dah duduk KL, boleh kita jumpa selalu. 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      betul tu Sah…

      dah ada anak2, derang yg jadi first priority. ye la nanti kita dah tua2 besok, selangit mana pun kita pegi, anak2 jugak tempat kita nak bergantung harap kan.

      nanti kita jumpa di KL ye!

  8. Millie Avatar

    Bila dah ada anak2, terutamanya masa umur2 mereka kecik2 mcm ni, our schedules infact our whole life evolves around them, right? Sebab itulah I buat keputusan untuk jadi WAHM. I dont get to go out as much, dont get to hang out for coffee with friends that often anymore. Walaupun kdg2 pening dgn antics diaorg tu, tapi puashati sebab cuba yg terbaik utk mereka.
    Harap2 mereka ingat lah pengorbanan kita bila mereka dh besar nanti kan 🙂
    Hope you settle down nicely in KL.

  9. ida Avatar

    huawaawaa:(( sedey.. jgn tinggal daku…

  10. mirah Avatar

    oh that’s good news.
    Adatlah kan nak kan sesuatu, mesti ada yang lain kena korbankan. But let’s take it into a positive side k..
    Wah blh jumpa nnt ni..

  11. suri Avatar

    wah fahry nak balik kl ke..
    boleh la aunt cubit2 pp kamu..:P

    pengorbanan mami HF mmg tak ternilai..

  12. mama emma Avatar

    apakah kita boleh bjumpa bila lyna dah pindah sini? huhu

  13. tuki Avatar

    hmmmm lina, long time no seee…
    the last time we met masa kat sko… tu pun dah 6-7 bulan dulu.. heheh

    fahry… sound macm watak utam AAC, Fakhri

    wa dah nak transfer kL semula.. ok la tuh.. better life kot utk ur kids…

    c yeah.

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