
Thrush and Candidiasis Among Babies

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Fahry had something on his tounge, it was like milk ‘stain’ and I thought I was so. But after 2 days, the stain was still there, and getting intense. It was like oral ulcer but with no red spot, I still thought it was because of milk.

Several days passed and the stain was still there, getting bigger and whiter.

I was very sure that it wasn’t just a normal thing. I remembered my readings about thrush and I suspected Fahry had one.

So we brought him to Klinik Kanak2 Dr. Altaf at TTDI (Taman Tun, not TTDI Jaya). Dr Wong was in and as he checked Fahry, he confirmed it was thrush and prescibed Daktarin oral gel to be used for 3-4 days.

Thrush or candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by candida. Small amounts of the candida fungus are actually  present in our mouth, digestive tract, and skin. It wasn’t give any harm as it is normally kept in check by other bacteria and microorganisms in our body. But when the equilibrium is upset, might be by medication (Fahry took pcm syrup last week), it upset the balance and cause candida to grow.

Candidiasis is something like this

and it often mistaken by ‘sisa-sisa susu’.

To indicate whether it is thrush or milk, try to get rid of it using wet cloth. If it is easily wiped, it is milk but if it’s stay, it could be thrush. It started with a very small white dot and keep on growing. If not treated, it might grow on the whole tongue like the baby in the picture.(crtsy :doctorspiller.com).

Dr Wong told me to not letting him sleeping on breast-pacifier, as the milk might flow while he’s sleeping, and worsen it.

Oral candidiasis, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oral candidiasis (also known as “Thrush”[1]:308) is an infection of yeast fungi of the genus Candida on the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is frequently caused by Candida albicans, or less commonly by Candida glabrata or Candida tropicalis. Oral thrush may refer to candidiasis in the mouths of babies, while if occurring in the mouth or throat of adults it may also be termed candidosis or moniliasis.


Oral infections by Candida species usually appear as thick white or cream-coloured deposits on mucosal membranes. The infected mucosa of the mouth may appear inflamed (red and possibly slightly raised). In babies the condition is termed thrush. Adults may experience discomfort or burning.[2]

Special risk groups

* Newborn babies.
* Diabetics with poorly controlled diabetes.
* As a side effect of medication, most commonly having taken antibiotics. Inhaled corticosteroids for treatment of lung conditions (e.g, Asthma or COPD) may also result in oral candidiasis which may be reduced by regularly rinsing the mouth with water after taking the medication.
* People with an immune deficiency (e.g. as a result of AIDS/HIV or chemotherapy treatment).
* Women undergoing hormonal changes, like pregnancy or those on birth control pills.
* People with fresh oral piercings coming into regular contact with yeast.[citation needed]
* Denture users.
* Smokers.

Thrush and breastfeeding

Because of the increased use of antibiotics in laboring women to reduce the transmission of Group B streptococcal infection to the infant, thrush has become more prevalent.[citation needed] Symptoms include an oral rash in the infant’s mouth, a diaper rash that does not heal with conventional diaper rash treatments and ointments, or burning, painful nipples of the breastfeeding mother.

The rash and pain experienced by the mother can range from severe to mild and may complicate breastfeeding. Treatments include good hygiene of the nipples; oral probiotics containing L. acidophilus;[citation needed] and over-the-counter antifungal cream containing nystatin, clotrimazole, or miconazole on the nipples. Some clinicians recommend washing the cream off before breastfeeding.[3]


Oral candidiasis can be treated with topical anti-fungal drugs, such as nystatin, miconazole or amphotericin B. Topical therapy is given as an oral suspension which is washed around the mouth and then swallowed by the patient.

Patients who are immunocompromised, either with HIV/AIDS or as a result of chemotherapy, may require systemic treatment with oral or intravenous administered anti-fungals.


See the white little thrush on his tongue?

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12 responses to “Thrush and Candidiasis Among Babies”

  1. jiji Avatar

    Ni nenek I punya cara ni, zaman jepun dulu (ye dia sebut zaman jepun) mak dia guna -(neknyang i), gulungan rambut ibu lilit kat jari dan bersih kan lidah anak tuh.

  2. ayu the sun Avatar

    my nephew, bigD pun penah kena ni.. kesian derang kan? nak minum susu pun macam tak selesa jee..
    .-= ayu the sun´s last blog ..Blogger’s inspiration ~ Project Alpha =-.

  3. lisa Avatar

    hemm..baby i pn penah kena…kesian sgt2…baby asyik nangis jer…tp org tua2 ckp kna slalu basahkan kepala baby sbb bnda 2 naik bila suhu badan bby xstabil…n kna bagi bby minum banyak air…

  4. ida.z Avatar

    balik nak kena check mulut anak lah camni..ehehe..thanks for the info dear!
    .-= ida.z´s last blog ..Nazif nak pegi School?? =-.

  5. fifah Avatar

    salam lyna,

    anak sya yg sulung jadi ni la sampai saya stop bf dia(x de ilmu kan),
    mmg teruk sgt dia jadi..sampai ke lelangit n anak tekak, actually, dia ada ubat,sapu,x ingt nama pa ubat tu…tp p doc tu,doc mst bg ubt sapu…

    refer ngan bidan plak,
    dia kata “kulat” ni sbnrnya buat bebi saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakit sgt dan dia susah nak sucking,especially our niple coz kulit n kulit…bila dia isap jugak…dia akan pedih mcm kita makan cili api. sian kannn…

    so p la jumpa doc…n lyna buleh gak cuci ngan kain lampin basah..gosok2 kt tpt kulat tu..dia akan kuar…n bykkan minum air suam..

    ada petua kawan saya bg,tp x tau la lyna sanggup buat ke x,
    ambik air kencing bebi tu,cikiiiiiiiiiiiiiit je…amk ngn kain lampin la,pastu tonyoh kt tpt ada kulat….hehehehe.ada sanggup? saya x sanggupppppppppppppp

  6. Azlin Azhar Avatar
    Azlin Azhar

    Along, Fahry rasa sakit tak? My children pun biasa ada benda tu, and paed memang selalu bg Daktarin gel. Paed ckp, fungus infection from mouth boleh turun ke genitals, especially budak perempuan. What I always do, bila nampak mulut start putih, sapu sikit air garam around lidah and mouth. insyaAllah in 1 day dah bleh hilang. boleh jugak buat once a week, preventive action.
    .-= Azlin Azhar´s last blog ..My Experience : 2nd Pregnancy =-.

  7. MamaQaseh Avatar

    my baby pon kdg2 notice ade gak putih2 tu kt lidah…tapi come a go laa..ari ni ade esok xde..so maybe sisa susu kot..xpe2 pasni..lap je kalo ade kesan tu. b4 it worsen..kan..cegah lebih baik dr merawat..hehehe
    .-= MamaQaseh´s last blog ..Qaseh dh boleh merangkak.. =-.

  8. Salwa Avatar

    Lyna kalu ada lagi AGEL UMI tu bagi je kat fahry insyaALLAH ithin hours hilg thrush tu
    client2 kita yg anak kena ni depa nagi je AGEL UMI mmg alhamdulillah kat lidah bb hilag kat nipple mommy pun hilang alhamulillh
    thruh ni bahaya kalu tak treat nanti dia pi kat thriat itu jam lagi derita peritnya
    jgn gosok dengan kain kalu silap gosok boleh berdarah sebab thrush ni berakar ke epitilium lidah.
    .-= Salwa´s last blog ..The happiest ‘raya’ event in JJ =-.

  9. ieda Avatar

    oral thrush ni senang jadi but senang sembuh.actually ia tak sakit sgt..not like the ulcer.cuma rasa tak selesa as if ada satu lg lapisan kt atas lidah..saya pernah kena ni masa ambil combination antibiotics utk salphingitis.mula2 tak perasan.cuma masa makan rasa pelik..lepas dua hari baru tgk kt cermin then nmpk lidah lain macam.tak pink mcm biasa & ada lapisan putih.makan antifungal tablet 2 kali dah ok..alhamdulillah.
    kalau babies mmg sapu dactarin oral gel dah ok.
    .-= ieda´s last blog ..MAMATISYA DUIT RAYA GIVEAWAY =-.

  10. eicah Avatar

    good info..tak tau pun ada penyakit mcm ni..my bb masa dia kecik dulu..used to have this..tp sbb tak tau..tak buat apa2 pun..Alhamdulillah tak worsen..
    .-= eicah´s last blog ..LailahaillAllah =-.

  11. ilmucts Avatar

    aduch kasian kalau bayu yang imut terkena penyakit
    .-= ilmucts´s last blog ..Hosting Flash dan Photo Gratis =-.

  12. Shida Avatar

    Hi Everyone,

    I have nothing to say about klinik kanak kanak ar altaf. But i highly recommmended Dr. Musa (KPJ) Damansara Specialist centre
    I hope you baby is better now and if you need help you can always email me. I change my babies product to Boots and it’s good,

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