
Start Online Business but Limited Capital. USD100 for You Then

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I got many messages asking about my SusuSihat’s sales page. It’s my pleasure to share about how the website had been up and published that way. And lots of my friends claimed that they were inspired to do the same thing.


However, after I shared about the cost, most, if not all of them would stop talking about it.

I knew that most of my friends who are doing online business, like to find the cheapest, if not free to start up their business online. One of them ever said to me “Poor you..” or “Orang yang sangat kasihan..” after knowing that I have spent hundreds bucks on things he got for free! (I guess you can see it if you know that I paid for this Thesis wordpress theme). However, to me who is a risk taker, I rather pay for something I measured as ‘berbaloi’, even if it is just ‘balik modal’ only; Of course after doing some researches, studies and calculation to avoid doing stupid things. But since out there are lots of non-risk takers, not only to avoid doing stupid things, they’d avoid to do things at all including researches, studies and risk calculation and finally they have to bear the cost of doing nothing.

I really want to help my friends who are really serious about making money online. That’s why Mommy Cash’s plan exists. And it takes a lot of hardworks. I know out there, many are very eager to start their own online business, but with some start-up cost, and the non-risk taker profile they had, it is not easy to convince them that putting some money is a must in order to make more money. Maybe they want ‘easy money’ or maybe they do not really understand about business and investment nature that you have to put some capital.

Lionel Luthor once said to Chloe Anne Sullivan “You have to GIVE, to GET”

If I have extra RM300, (if I am given that amount), I will help my friend (who is really keen on online business, but has not enough capital or afraid of losing money at the first place) set his/her very first money-making and cash-pulling website. I dare to put that money so that he/she won’t stop pursuing his/her future business online just because of the cost that he/she afraid to bear. For me putting some capital on something will push us to keep on running to pay ourselves back thus we’ll strive more. So, if any of my friend really admire and has a good business plan, I rather work on it so that he/she will get more than RM300 that I invested on him/her.

I’ll present him/her a sales page as nice as this and this. And he/she must prove to me that he/she can be like me, enjoy GIVING others before GETTING paid.

Dare to take the challenge?

*written for Yoyooh Week 7 challenge.

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4 responses to “Start Online Business but Limited Capital. USD100 for You Then”

  1. sitisifir10 Avatar

    Beberapa hari lepas akak tya soklan ni kan? Nampak mcm awak bz utk jawab…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      saya sudah menjawablah!

      mungkin itu YM yang wenggggg~ uhuhu

  2. littlemama Avatar

    ramai yang nak berjaya dgn online business but tak mau invest a bit on a real website with own domain or mini sales page… for them if they can get a site for free (like blogspot) why shud pay something similar?

    it never cross to their mind that their hardwork would be gone *pooff* just like that without notice (just like what happen few months back to many bloggers)… that’s the price they pay for doing business on something free

  3. mama emma Avatar

    boleh ke akak katakan mekapblog akak tu as my bizz? hehe.. cam lawak je… tp lawak2 pun ada la jugak uang masuk.. nak tunggu duit nuffnang or adsense mmg idok le.. lalala….

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