
Planes, Trains and Kids? Tips from the Experts for Traveling with Children

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As summer approaches and families are beginning their preparations for traveling be it to summer camp, national monuments, or grandmas house, the key is to be prepared. Family trips are often our best memories of our kids young years. The laughing, the discovery of new and exciting places, and for some just being away from home and experiencing life in a hotel room. While traveling with children can be enjoyable, any parent can tell you, a long plane or car ride can be challenging with little ones in tow.

In speaking with Penny Cohen, Child Development Specialist and Speech and Language Pathologist, she offered the following tips for traveling with children. Keep this list of tips handy when you start to pack it will be a great resource and help everyone have a safe and memorable trip.

For happy travel with children:

  1. If you can, plan to leave late, so they’re only awake for a couple of hours of the trip – or time it for naptime so they sleep part of the way
  2. Allow plenty of time for stops (restrooms, food, run around time) – consider planning a mid-point side trip that will force you to stop and give the children time to stretch and be active. A picnic at a park will give them a few minutes to run around and give you some time to take a breather.
  3. Bring hand held games/toys a lot of toys are now available in hand-held models and can keep preschoolers busy for a good period of time
  4. Meals in the car can also help take up time (or can provide a much-needed break). Pack plenty of yummy yet not messy foods and beverages in spill proof cups with straws. Aim for healthy snacks such as trail mix, cut-up apples, cheese cubes, food that will provide nutritional value. Bring a small cooler with cold refreshing fruit, juice and water.
  5. Sing songs and play games to pass the time
  6. Listen to kids tapes/CD’s w/ music or stories. Many story tapes have books that go along with them. Consider purchasing mini tape recorders with earphones so they can control what and how many times they listen to the music or story.
  7. Buy small, relatively inexpensive toys and wrap them to surprise the kids. You can give these out at certain mile-markers during the trip.
  8. Consider renting a portable DVD or TV/VCR combo that plugs into a cigarette lighter.
  9. Bring a portable desk (beanbag with a hard writing surface or a kitchen breakfast tray) for doing arts and crafts.
  10. It’s worth bringing a training potty if your child has need-to-go-NOW emergency. Pack some wipes as well and a plastic baggie. This is easier than trying to find a bush.
  11. Bring plastic cups; band aids, a dishtowel; Frisbee and ball for rest stops, and baby-wipes no matter how old your kids are.
  12. Explain your travel rules/car rules before the trip (ie. No kicking the seats. Keep your arms and legs to yourself. Always ask for things with please and thank-you).
  13. Dont try to do too much in one day. Plan on one major activity and if all goes well you can add another activity. Do not mention the other activity since this may cause disappointment if it doesnt happen.
  14. Involve your child in choosing their most favorite activities but explain and teach cooperation and compromise by voting on what to do if there is a disagreement. Everyone should have a chance to pick an activity throughout the trip. Help your child deal with changes in plans, by explaining why there is a change and WHATEVER YOU END UP DOING WILL BE FUN BECAUSE YOURE ON VACATION!!!

Car Games

I Spy – Pick out an object that everyone can see. Then give them a clue by saying, “I spy something …” (Say its shape, color or size) The other players ask questions about what you see and you only answer with “yes” or “no”. The first player who guesses right becomes the new spy

A to Z Find words beginning with “A”, on signs around you or items beginning with the letter. Have the players take turns, after “A”, go to “B”, and so on. Can you get to “Z” and finish the alphabet? Alternate the starting person at the start of a new game, so that everyone gets a chance with the challenging letters. (For younger players you may want to skip the difficult letters.)

Im Going on a Trip? – Start this game out by saying, “I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing…” . The first player should name an item. The next player will say the same thing and add another item and so on.

Guess the number – Let your child think of a number between a stated range of numbers. You try to guess the number by asking questions. Here’s a sample of how it might go: Your child: I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 100. You ask: Is it more than 50?

Find the numbers – Have the kids watch for numbers on streets and buildings, phone numbers on the sides of trucks and other vehicles, dates on buildings, or business signs with numbers in them

Circle Story One person starts making up a story and each person adds to the story. Let the story be silly, creative and fun.

20 Questions Have your child think of an object (ie. animal, food, toy.) and everyone can ask yes/no questions until you’ve asked 20.

Car Color Game Choose a color and find as many cars as you can with that color

Remember, even the toughest travel moments with your little ones will end up as wonderful memories once theyre teenagers.

Author: Heidi Niehart
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
Provided by: Excise Tax

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One response to “Planes, Trains and Kids? Tips from the Experts for Traveling with Children”

  1. salzahari Avatar

    good tips…rajin baca n research. i tulih based on experience je! 😉 tu pun langkawi, sat je..hahhaa tp merasalah naik plane, boat.

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