Peluang Pelaburan Hartanah Bila Harga Rumah Jatuh in 2011 ???

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Peluang pelaburan hartanah sangat banyak tahun 2009. If you follow this blog religiously, you must know it oledi LOL. Kalau anda belum follow this blog lagi, make sure subscribe my RSS Feed before you continue reading; hehe. I just nak make sure you don’t lose any such FRESH valuable investment insight (when it come to investment, it is not my style copy-paste or copy-cat from mana-mana news portal wokeh). Somore, FOC! Apa tunggu lagi?

OK2, lets start…

In 2010, harga rumah naik mendadak; as high as 30-60% terutamanya for some HOT landed properties! Actually, hartanah yang not so HOT pun ikut-ikut naik starting from Q1 2010 to the end of Q3 of the year. Fyi, Q1 = suku tahun pertama (Jan-Mar) & Q3 = suku tahun ketiga (Jul-Sep).

Sebab utama hartanah naik in 2010 ialah bila kebanyakan (“kebanyakan” tau, bukan “semua”) pakar ekonomi bersetuju yang krisis ekonomi dunia kesan US Sub Prime Market dah pun berakhir. So most pembeli rumah tidak lagi rasa ‘uncertainties’ samada majikan mereka bakal lingkup or not.

Kedua, kadar faedah untuk pembiayaan rumah awal tahun ni adalah yang terendah dalam sejarah; BLR@5.55% dan boleh dpt -2.4% equal to 3.15% only! Ask you parent berapa interest masa beli rumah yg mereka duduk sekarang; I bet mostly akan jawab sekitar 7-11%. So logik la kan bila semua orang melulu beli rumah; it seems “cheaper”.

Thirdly, sebab OPR banyak kali diturunkan untuk 10 tahun yg lepas, faedah simpanan dalam Fixed deposit pun turun. So, sesiapa yang banyak duit tak sanggup nak tengok duit mereka dapat 2-3% je setahun dlm FD. Alternatively, they beli property. Somore Malaysian property known as “safe” and very “defensive” kalau nak dibandingkan dengan hartanah tempat lain. Kenaikan nilai hartanah 3-5% setahun almost confirm.

Semua tiga faktor di atas menyebabkan harga hartanah “artificially lifted” in 2010 more than just supply-demand. Kenapa am so confident cakap articificially lifted? One of the simplest way ialah tengok berapa yield untuk sesuatu hartanah tersebut. Klik sini kalau nak tahu cara lain menilai hartanah (dari perspektif pelabur).

7% yield untuk condo consider good. Tapi sekarang nak dapat 6% pun belum tentu. Yield can drop for two reasons; 1) nilai sewa yang jatuh sebab supply makin banyak from new development (petanda over-supply), dan 2) harga rumah naik sesuka hati tanpa sebab fundamental yang kukuh (petanda spekulasi hartanah).

Untuk sebab no 1 tu i think is quite obvious; especially high end condo in HOT areas & middle end condo at some areas. Untuk no 2, selagi these spekulator boleh hold, it will be continually high. Tunggu bila dah 1-3 tahun vacant, baru derang sedar they are “losing” at that price; hence kena la kurangkan harga just to jual. Be prepared for this “window” sebab in very fragile economy macam sekarang + jumlah condo yang ada berganda banyaknya berbanding tenant yang can afford = peluang membeli satu unit dengan harga yg “lebih berpatutan” lebih CERAH.

For now, i dah notice some owner in some “market” yg dah start rendahkan asking price masing-masing. **CLUE: market yg very sensitive to OPR yg naik tahun ni. If you pun dah perasan, i think you are in a good shape to grab good property in months to come. It can be so good bila dikenang tahun 2010 yg kebanyakan owner kemain belagak letak harga super-tinggi & still taknak jual.

If you haven’t notice yet, start doing your reasearch now. Sebab, peluang HANYA akan datang untuk sesiapa yang tahu SAHAJA. If you missed 2009 property shopping, sure you dun wan to miss this another “window”.

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12 responses to “Peluang Pelaburan Hartanah Bila Harga Rumah Jatuh in 2011 ???”

  1. z@m Avatar

    sy br nak berjinak awal thn 2010. skali tgk hike mendadak. lgsg decide to put on hold. skrg dah nak ada commitment baru, mcm masih berfikir2 whether ptt ke x nak pursue blk.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      takpa. semua benda boleh jalan bila kita bersedia 🙂

  2. noor Avatar

    pernah ke harga rumah jatuh? tapi I can see some houses dah berapa kali keluar kat mudah, still selling at higher prices than the original developer prices. Tapi I don’t think it can last long, sbb dah almost a year, the house is out on advertisement in “mudah”. Tapi itu bukan rumah teres, tapi kenapa berita drp developer, harga rumah teres akan naik jugak utk near future developed house? In my case, rumah utk tempat tinggal dan untuk anak2 tinggal saja (in future lah), tapi bukan utk investment pun 😀

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Maksud harga rumah jatuh ni bukan la semestinya cheaper than devepor. Tp murah la sikit drpd harga skng ni gila-tinggi. Some “correction” akn normalisekan harga. Max 10% naik per year is normal & healthy. 50% per year is crazy. Unless super high end punya property la sbb duit dema byk tak terkira (price inelastic sudah)

  3. Izwan Avatar

    ppl nowadays ramai yg mampu beli rumah pada permulaannyer. based on
    a) low bk interest ( – blr, no interest for 5 years )
    b) installment yg panjang (umur 50-55 years is norm, tp yg lagi nak kurang installment smpi 70 thn, suh anak cucu bayorkan)
    c) mof yg tinggi (ada bk yg bg 80% dari gaji)
    d) pembiayaan yg hebat (smpi ada yg 110% for new housing)
    e) interesting home loan package (sum of all the above)

    but….the problem will arise after 4-5 years. maybe ada yg after 2-3 years. bila interest dah naik B.L.R + 2% for second 5 years,B.L.R + 3.5% the rest of the tenure. time tu utang dah bertambah. keta nak besa,anak dah nak masuk skolah.umur dah meningkat nak carik keje lain pun takut. time tu drpd byar installment 1000 p/m jadik ker 2000 p/m. tu lum lagi kalo dipikir kalo B.L.R naik. maser tu lah byk rumah dilelong. seriously, bk and agent just nak jual rumah n carik untung for the present time. after that u sendiri tanggung. janji manis mmg biasa. baru nak pk….”menyesal tak ambik islamic loan” tp nak ambik islamic loan mmg takder lar dpt beli rumah ratus2 ribu. kalo gaji skang 2.5k pun paling tak dpt ler beli umah 250k. tu pun kat nilai. 🙂
    so, i still think our govt have to come out with a better system. its good when bk negara suh buat 70-80% jer loan. lg 30% pandai2 carik. kalo tak mampu, carik lar umah kecik sikit. but yg tak bestnyer ikan bilis yg terasa. yg kaya makin kaya.

    anyway,,,,that just me thinking…. 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      No doubr. Point a-e mmg valid. Usaha gov nk bendung spekulasi is in place. Malangnya, its not that easy nk seimbangkan economic activity dgn hinder speculator. Too tight, developer takde projek bila demand slow. Peluang pekerjaan terjejas (xde new employment, no bonus, no increment etc). Too loose, inviting mid-rich speculator. You decide how to tighten tanpa effect market. More detail comment in my next posting…

      1. Izwan Avatar

        As my first comment before this. Govt should kategorikan projek perumahan to A-B-C-D.
        A= org2 kaya gile. rumah smpi 7-8 bijik. aset jota2
        B= org2 yg kaya rumah. ader rumah 2-3 bijik. aset berjota
        C= org senang (middle income). rumah sebijik. aset ratus ribu.
        D= yg kurang senang. takder rumah. aset ada lar puluh ribu
        and so on.
        then, regularisekan yg cat atas takleh beli cat bawah,tp cat bawah boleh beli cat atas. income semua boleh dipantau pakai income tax. mase tu maybe takder lagi demand melebhi penawaran. and nasib org2 yg mcm I (huhuhu) akan terbela. mase tu maybe baru lar pengagihan property kat msia (especially hot place) akan lebih sama rata.
        AND,,,setiap projek perumahan mesti ada semua type cat. tmn2 yg sedia ada pun kene ditetapkan cat. (tiada lagi harga bumi or non bumi?? hmmmm).pendek kata, govt,rehda,spnb semua yg berkaitan kene jalankan tugas dgn lebih kuat.

        but that just me thinking……;)

        1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
          Mommy Lyna

          I ya, betul. But there is always a loophole. I can limit one nama beli X property. Yg lain pakai nama bini, ank, cucu etc. And susah2, they buy under nama syarikat. Kerajaan nk limit? Kng kena tuduh bukan pro-business. Sume pelabur cabut? Kena pulak reg for kerja amal. How? Bottomline, its not as straightfwd as it may seen.

          1. Izwan Avatar

            mmg betul tu ML. every systems by created by human sure ader loophole. but after that we can learn fr mistake. it might not be that perfect in the beginning, but we can always try to cover the hole.
            our govt or bank negara have to do something. takut nnt bila harga rumah dah naik gile2 smpi tahap mengarut yg mampu beli rumah just Non-Bumi. hot area just ader 3-4 family melayu jer yg duduk. nak beli yg harga bumi pun tak mampu. pas tu ape akan jadik kat kite? ooooo…balik kg…oooo..balik kg….

            1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
              Mommy Lyna

              Oledi happen in uk (local hanya mampu sewa rumah milik foreigner). Almost happen to some in Singapore. Sgt susah not to happen in Malaysia in by 2200.

              Kalo ade tanah kampong kira ok lagi. Kalo itu pun tak mampu? Buat rumah kt selat melaka & laut china selatan la kita ni gamaknya.

  4. zik Avatar

    mahu juga beli rumah… banyak lagi kena selongkar library akak nie..

  5. eliss Avatar

    dah jadi panduan membeli rumah dah untuk eliss belog mommy lyna ini.
    apa2 tak faham , eliss selongkar entry lama2 🙂 tak sabar nak beli rumah ni.

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