Overcoming Bloggerโ€™s Dilemma

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*WARNING: This entry is not suitable for bloggers whom โ€œI blog for myselfโ€ or โ€œaku pedulik apa orang baca ke takโ€.

As real life always put us in the state of perplexity, so does blogging world offers. For some bloggers, either uncertain in themselves or outsider-influenced, blogging always put many of us in dilemma.

Below are some the bloggersโ€™ dilemmas, especially for newcomers to this blogging world.

How Sticky Is My Blog?

You can use www.alexa.com to evaluate your blog. Comparison between a famous and a not-that-famous blog:

famous blogย  (not mine)

infamous blog (also not mine)

You can see from the traffic rank, the famous blog ranked 300k, which is very good for a personal blogger, while an infamous blog ranked 9millions.

Readers get engaged with the famous blog for 3.3 minutes average, enough time to finish reading an article and maybe to drop some message. But for the infamous blog, the average time readersโ€™ spend is only 30sec; which most probably they just scan the whole blogย  (looking what is interesting) and close the window (after find out the blog is not interesting enough).

Before you start a blog, ask yourself, whose blogs you like to read, and why? 85% of the blog readers have the same idea with you. You can imitate the โ€˜why I like this and that blogsโ€™ before you start blogging, if you want your blog attractive (or sticky) enough to many readers.

Remember my previous tips about being unique, you donโ€™t have to be an alien to be a famous blogger. Just be yourself and find which area in you that maybe others would like to know and would like to โ€˜followโ€™. This is important if you want to attract a complete stranger to read your blog, rather than just regular friends and relatives.

For example, you want to blog about your house. Then, whatโ€™s the special about that? Everybody lives in a house, so who cares what happens to your house, regardless your friends and relatives? Find a point about your house that relates to other than your friends and family. Maybe some tips to decorate a house, gardening and so on. Most people like to read what relates to them, so be as close as possible to your audience.

Except, if you own a house that is so spectacular that an average person will never have it, e.g. a mansion at a beach. There are people who like to read about unique experience and lifestyle that they donโ€™t or canโ€™t have.

Depend on who are your target readers, plan before you start blogging. Be connected to your target audience. Unless youโ€™re already have the credibility or earned such celebrity, that time even if you write about โ€˜Today my house is sleepingโ€™ pun peopleย  will follow. Just like, people want to know how Siti Nurhaliza’s house look like, but do you think people want to know yours?

Get close to your readers before they can trust you.

Key to kick this dilemma out : Set your target audience and write what you think they’ll like to know.

Google Adsense and Nuffnang Are Just Crap!

You canโ€™t deny that lots and lost of people are making money from Google Adsense and Nuffnang (just to name a few) but when you tried to do it, you donโ€™t even get any single cent.

This is relates to point no. 1 above.

But, before you decide to make money from anything, you HAVE to know how the system works. I dunno if you believe in Skim Cepat Kaya or such, but believe me that thereโ€™s no easy money. You think Google and Nuffnang are charity bodies ke?

Advertising company like Adsense & Nuffnang basically will pay you from the clicks you get (let alone CPM, CPE, CPA, etc.). If nobody clicks on the ads then no money. Thatโ€™s why you have to undertsand your audience and watch your advertiser very carefully; your job is to connect them both. If you can master this single technique alone, the money will come to you very much easier than you can imagine. So, try to undertsand why people should click on your blogโ€™s ads (unless youโ€™re the one who ask them to do so).

Targetted traffic is the most important crtiteria if you decide to make money from blogging. After all, do you think Celcom or Maxis will iklan in TV3 if not enough youngsters watching the channel? So make sure your blog visitor are โ€˜potential readerโ€™ who are seeking for information rather than reading for fun. The possibility for information seeker to click on your adsense is 989% higher than other kind of reader.

Key to kick this dilemma out : Understand what your advertiser want, and give them what they need.

I Need Comments On My Entries, Not Myself!

Some readers just like to say โ€œYouโ€™re so prettyโ€, โ€œYouโ€™re loserโ€, โ€œYouโ€™re too fatโ€, etc. rather than giving constructive comments on your blog post. Some bloggers are just donโ€™t care but thereโ€™s bloggers who really care about comments given.

This one you should re-check your writing style and how you presenting your blog and blogposts. You might be too emotional, or too โ€˜exposeโ€™, or too over, etc. Write in natural and avoid being emotional.

If youโ€™re not sure, after you finish writing an entry, save it in draft first, go out take fresh air or a cup of coffee, and read it back. If you smell of โ€˜emoโ€™ in the entry, do some editing. And you might reduce sticking your own photos in your entries to avoid any negative comment about your physical look (if you just care!).

Key to kick this dilemma : Re-evaluate your post before publish.

I Know Lots Of People Reading My Blog But Why Donโ€™t They Leave Comments?

Unless the reader has nothing to do, you need some sparkling elements to trigger the comments.

Example, if you write about โ€œToday I eat nasi, I feel kenyang, alhamdulillah..โ€. Some readers can la.. leave comment like โ€œGood!โ€, โ€œGood for youโ€, โ€œCongratulation!โ€ but some others just like to keep it to themselves je since it is not enough aura to attract comments. But if the commentators are your own friends, they definitely donโ€™t mind what you write, theyโ€™ll leave their comments.

Unless if you write like this about the same topic (kenyang makan nasi) โ€œNasi contains fibre that is very good for your guts and it will converted to glucose to give you energy. Because of its properties, nasi can make you fullโ€. Same topic but readers have many angles to put their comments on, isnโ€™t it? Some maybe say โ€œOh I dunno about this, thanks!โ€, or โ€œCould you please elaborate more in converting nasi into glucose?โ€ or โ€œWhat is fibre doing with gutsโ€ or at least โ€œA very good infoโ€. See?

You can tweak your writing style into something that makes people eager to know more or eager to comment on. Should not use any bombastic words, enough with how you arrange the phrase and the sentences. And how you make the issue โ€˜livelyโ€™ even if for the common ones.

I suggest you to read a lot, especially good blogs that get many comments, how the blogger writes and elaborate the issue.

And donโ€™t forget to reply to each comment! (This is also my weakness)

Key to kick this dilemma : Be creative and dare to write from different point of view.

I Don’t Know What to Write ABout

Everyone of us have our own specialty. It can be lesson learnt from our day-job, conversation with friends or just something you keep on thinking yourself. If there is, just write about it. Whether you noticed or not, there are someone ‘out there’ begging for information that only you have it; without you realized. Bringing up to the world can be a noble way of “giving back to society”.

I totally agree when Dr M said last Tuesday (appear in STAR), “Malaysian bloggers should promote critical thinking among themselve”

If you totally have no idea what to write, this tips might spark some idea. you can go to alexa and type in your favourite blog. Then, click on the “keyword” tab. You’ll notice some keywords that you can write on. I find this strategy very useful if you want to make money from blogging in Malaysian market…

I Don’t Have Good Writing Skill

Who cares! You are not writing for English or BM teachers here. But you need to strike a balance between formal & informal writing. Reason being, too formal article can be so boring to most (as if like reading newspaper/journal) at the same time people tend to discount the quality of the article if it sounds too informal. What is balance like is again depend on your target readers.

I Donโ€™t Know About The Current Hots and Nots..

Donโ€™t bother! Write anything that meet your interest. You need to have passion in your writings, so write about what you like (and have knowledge) the most. If you like your baby the most, write about your baby. Find uniqueness about your baby and what youโ€™ve been doing with your baby that you think others can benefit.

Most readers like things that relates to their life, and talking about your life can get them close.. but make sure you find the โ€˜conversionโ€™ point. Instead of just talking about your baby.. baby bangun baby tidoโ€ฆ, share some tips, your readers must love it!

Key to kick this dilemma : Let your passion rules that can helps your readers!

I remind again, you might not need those tips if youโ€™re โ€˜blogging for funโ€™, just write it for yourself, etc. But Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll appreciate my points if you blog for something, especially to gain more and more visitor.

To Post or Not to Post

Just do it!

As long as youโ€™re not breaching the โ€˜blogging actโ€™, youโ€™ll be safe ๐Ÿ˜›

*I think now blogging is not the right channel to shout your dissatisfaction on some organizations. Could this be a dilemma to bloggers who blog about politics?

-this entry is written for Yoyooh cabaran minggu ke-3-

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25 responses to “Overcoming Bloggerโ€™s Dilemma”

  1. suealeen Avatar

    Orang yang berblog pasal politik ni kebiasaannya orang jarang komen artikel dia unless kenal individu/blogger itu secara personal. contohnya Albanjari Online. I know him personally. Politics or current issues are both my interest plus health, tech and medical since Syafiah is a hydrocephalic. Kalau cerita pasal topikยฒ ni seakan memberikan kepuasan. Blogging about politics or current issues doesn’t mean you have to HANTAM some organizations specifically. If you are neutral, you can sometimes HANTAM both sides. You can do it better and mature way. And not to forget jangan HANTAM individu dengan tujuan character assassination.

    My dilemma for sue-aleen.blogspot – the topic won’t attract mothers or ladies to read, except few and if I change the whole blog to be personal again (tak minat sangat pun), I’d disappoint readers from 3 major referers for my blog. I dun mind pun orang baca tak tinggal komen as long as I know ada orang interested nak baca. Boleh tahu dan nampak orangยฒ ni datang dari sumber berkenaan bukan takat sekali dari satu IP, malah berkali-kali dalam satu hari. Mungkin disappoint sket sebab tak diupdate.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Good thought Kak Sue!

      ya la, most of Malaysian readers like light and leisure topic after a tiring day. Maybe u can give them some jokes about politic and current issues?

  2. zuhaini Avatar

    erm.. saya pun pernah terbaca.. org blog tentang sesuatu in particular interest.. macam kereta ke.. rumah ke.. tp blog alia (www.my-alia.com) adalah rojak! hihi.. erm.. maybe i should do something about it… (tapi apa ya..? buat satu lagi blog…?) ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Mungkin rojak itu the uniqueness about yr blog ๐Ÿ˜€ tak payah buat blog baru if nak tuka style, just continue je sbb dah byk entries.. tak payah susah2 nak build reputation kat Google.

  3. mama emma Avatar

    mcm nak try alexa tu.. tp mmg konpom aaa kuar nombor corot… huhu…

    btw, best ke yoyooh nie??

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Check je alexa, free je. Hehe. Takde maknanya nombor corot, lainla kalo xde reader langsung. Huhu.

      Yoyooh? Ntahlah. Nanti dah habis ni br leh storimori.hahaha.

  4. QueeNin Murni Avatar
    QueeNin Murni

    hehehh!! exactly.. dillema eh. especially for me yg kejap aktif kejap tak aktif.. kuang kuang kuang!

    harus try alexa nih! (jgn kau lepas? :p)

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Ahaha. Pesanan hotlink: aktifkan duniamu!

      cek je alexa, cek blog2 yg konon2 femes gak, tgk baper alexa derang. Hehe.

  5. farah Avatar

    patutlaaa..baru saya paham pasal earning utk nuffnang/adsense tu…rupe2nye takde org click…tp cemane nak buat org click ads tu yer…do we have to blog about the ads?

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Hmm.. I should blog about this later! Miahaha.

  6. fid Avatar

    tips yg bagus

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Siapa bagus??? Saya! Hehe.

  7. Mynie Avatar

    very good info! (to borrow one your comments examples hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Sila2. If it is beneficial ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Azza Avatar

    i like this article…

    and ur blog also. mesti singgah hari2.. hehe

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      TQ azza!

      U really make my day ๐Ÿ™‚ glad that u like it!

  9. Hanz Avatar

    MommyLyna, me dilemma about link within tu, baru je add last thursday I think, tapi macam ‘mengong’ jer…why a? maybe lyna boleh up post pasal tu ker? (suka2 hatiku jer nak suh orang post topic, he, he..)tengok orang lain cantik jer link within tu meng-suggest earlier post, me balik2 topic tu walhal topic under the same label tekder lak nak suggest…makes me wonder how it function????

    setakat ni i x amik pot adsense & nuffnang but letak jugaklah…rezeki mana nak tahu, kan..i still improving my content & writing style sambil2 improve layout jugaklah, trial & error, but another ad i put did generate some…he, he….coz it does’nt totally rely on clicking…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      I think it just randomly pick keyword that u frequently use in the particular post and match any entry yg ada same keyword, if it is not talking about the whole same idea.

      Example, if ur current entry ada banyak keyword ‘makan’ so it’ll randomly pick any entry yg ada word ‘makan’ even if u werent talking about food pun, i.e. makan suap, makan hati, etc.

      Ehe, cuma my tot je ni w/o referring to any sources.

  10. erynn Avatar

    benci kamu along! haha

    kalau dilemma nya ialah: saya tidak mahu menulis di pejabat sbb nnti menyalahgunakan harga syarikat, dan hanya boleh blog dirumah jika tidak tertidur sms menete*k kan anak (which happens everynight)? huhuhu

    hakikatnya byk sugguh idea untuk menulis tp hanya mampu menulis komen di blog kamu saja!benci!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      Apa kata kamu menulis saja dalam notepad/word dan bila balik rumah, copy paste saja & publish.

      Cuma jgnle tulis masa meeting. Cut time lepak2, borak2, ngumpat bos, communicator… Hehe.

  11. kakyong Avatar

    SALAM mommy Lyna,

    kakyong suka entri ini… tertanya2 pulak, adakah kakyong dlm dilema… hahah, ๐Ÿ˜€ mungkin tidak.. sbb asal berblog sekadar isi masa boring di rumah & terapi, tetapi setelah bbrp lama menulis & punya kwn2 yg ramai yg ramah tamah lagi mesra, buat lagi semangat nak menulis.. tetapi sejak buat schdelu utk HS fikri.. masa utk diri menulis & melompat blog kwn2 jd terhad…
    at least dpt update apa2 catatan, is just good enuf utk kakyong.. sbb catatan itu adalah utk diri sendiri juga…
    check kat alexa… haha.. 2 bulan lepas ranking kakyong 12 juta.. skrg 5 juta… ade le sket peningkatan… :))

    Lyna ~ bila kakyong boleh subscribe kotak komen u ni… cuba le buat cam cik fid tu…. *request kali ke 2 ni*

  12. sya Avatar

    hmm, entry ni buat saya berfikir semula tentang blog saya… hehehe.. yup, mungkin di sebalik kehidupan seharian tu ada sesuatu yang unik boleh dikongsikan… akan ku cuba cari keunikan itu… hehehehe

  13. neeza Avatar

    again. i like this n3. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. ida Avatar

    ooo..saya jgk mengalami dilema ini dan akhirnya mengambil keputusan utk membuat blog utk tatapan sendiri sahaja dan mungkin anakku bila dia dewasa kelak. but u give me some kick starts here. thanks

  15. shy Avatar


    wah….terpanggil sungguh utk bg komen kt entry mu yg ini…hhehhee..
    as you know la kan, shy ni silent reader setia blog lyna ni tp tak penah tggl sebarang jejak kaki!..huhu..shame on me :p

    entry lyna ni bebetul buatkan shy terbukak hati and biji mata yg dah sedia besar ni utk berblog. walaupon dah lama jd silent reader for certain blogs(byk jugak blog yg shy baca sbnrnya since 2006; also as silent reader je). maka dengan ini, sy berikrar akan cuba jugak sedaya upaya sy utk berblog…amennn ameennn…(now hati nk berblog dah tak kecik lagik mcm dulu)

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