Our Wonderful Weekend in Paed Ward

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We were expecting that Fahry would be OK after taking the inhaler. But his condition getting worse and worse. He got cough and wheezing breath.

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Since Fahry’s cough became quite severe on Thursday, I insisted Abiy to take him to the Paed Clinic. So, on Saturday morning, we brought him there.

Initially Dr C told us that Fahry’s condition is not normal, she wanted to give antibiotic. She told us that if Fahry’s condition is still, bring him to the hospital immediately. But eventually, she recommended us to bring Fahry to the hospital right away. She asked us which hospital we prefer? Actually we don’t have the answer cos we didn’t know which is best for us.

Back home, I’m still thinking about which hospital. My parents suggested to go to GH (standardla orang gomen) and most of my Pet friends recommended CAMC (standardla orang pet). So, after discussing with Abiy, we chose CAMC, for the treatment might be the same for lung infection.

So we went to CAMC. After being checked by the MO and confirmed with the Paed… the case was rejected. LOL. They refused to accept Fahry since (1) He’s premature (2) He had been admitted in GH SCN for almost 2 months (3) He looked ‘very sick’ which they didn’t confident enough to treat a sick baby with breathing problem.

Then, GH is the best destination.

After registration, Fahry was given nebulizer and x-ray was done on his chest. From x-ray film, the MO told us that his lungs had been attacked by bacteria. Called it Pneumonia. So he was immediately sent to Paed Ward, GH.

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Just after everything was resolve, then I felt my both breasts were about to explode. Only then I realized that ‘banyak susu rupanya aku ni’, when Hafiy didn’t take his dosage. I told Abiy to go back home, bring my FressStyle and Hafiy along, so that I could breastfeed him. When Hafiy was there, he was already full and refused to drink sampai kering.

So it left me with full bobbies until I had time to pump before went to bed and get 110z! I never collected such that amount in one shot before!

The ward.. was not bad at all. It has  folded beds for mothers, and for each cluster, 6 beds of sick kids were placed. Even if it’s not as comfy as when you go to pvt hosp with personal room, but it’s really OK la. The only thing was, Hafiy could not enter the room, so I couldn’t breastfeed him as usual. It’s just when Abiy brought him over, then he was insisted to empty the tank.

One think I refused to forget is, when a nurse approached me and said “Ibu menyusu badan ke?” I said “Ya” She continued “Bagus, bagi susu badan sampai 6 bulan..bla bla bla (standard biasa)” Then I told her “Anak sulung saya masih menyusu badan” She was kinda suprised “Ya ka? berapa umur nya?” I said “Setahun setengah” She was amazed (OK I made story about the amazement hahaha) “Bagus! Susu mesti banyak kan. Menyusu dua anak ni susu jadi banyak” And I admit it. I never had my breasts engorged, and I had it then! Seksa rupanya. Macam ada dua ketul batu besar je…

Talking about Fahry, he was diagnosed as Pneumonia – lung infection – (but I saw the doctor wrote a long line on his disease, but I didn’t bother to ask :P) and after the blood test, the medical team confirmed that he also has anemia – low hemoglobin due to iron deficiency-. His condition, for both case, is not severe. He was given oral medication – antibiotic and supplement. For the first 2 days, he looked very sick. He cried and did not suckling as usual. It might be because of his breath problem.

But I am still wonder why they didn’t do anything on him during the first 2 days. Is it the GH procedure?

Only after the second day, Fahry was given nebulizer. His breath was getting less noisy and I touched his chest, it was also less vibrating. I asked the nurse about cases like this, for how many days usually the baby would stay in? The nurse said, as soon as the lungs are clear, than we can go back home.

This very morning, during the session of doktor meronda di dalam wad, after checking Fahry, the doctor said “OK, dah bole balik”. What?? That soon?? Yay!!!!!

I called Abiy, excitedly telling that we’ were allowed to discharge.

Fahry looked better, with no more noise from his breath, and he drank longer than the previous days.

The discharge procedure (at any hospital I went) was very slow. Fahry was announced to be released at 10.30am and only at 1.30pm, everyhing was in place. But thanks to Pet for paying the bill, so we dont have to wait for the counter to be opened (it was lunch hour). I just called them after we’re home that the company will sent Fahry’s guarantee letter.

3 days and 2 night in Paed Ward, really make me feel that we’re very lucky. There were lots of sick kids, which I really adore their mothers’ spirit, for rather being there and always put nice smile on their faces, even if have to take care of their sick kids for days. Fahry was not that bad, he didn’t need IV and regular nebulizer sessions.

Most of the kids were having pneumonia like Fahry, and high fever with sawan. I even encountered a boy next to Fahry’s bed had that fit attack while laying on his bed. Alhamdulillah,  even if breastfeeding may not putting away my children from being sick, but they’re not having things like kids I saw in the ward.

Thank you Allah for giving me these very healthy children.

And, staying in the ward reminded me to Tok Ma, who used to take care of arwah Tok Pa for months in the hospital. The ward has no facility for companion. But she never went home then. She even had to go to work! It’s the biggest sacrifice that I can think from a wife to the beloved husband. Hm, I dunno whether I could be one! [God, please bless Abiy with good health so that I don’t have to look after him in the hospital]

***Thanks to all the doa, and a nice visit from adik-adik Bintulu. Allah bless all of you!

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24 responses to “Our Wonderful Weekend in Paed Ward”

  1. dayah Avatar

    alhamdulillah Fahry dah discharge.
    moga akan terus sembuh dan sihat

    take care

    TQ dear
    alhamdulillah Fahry is getting better
    ada lagi bunyi sikit2
    tapi bile letak telungkup tak bunyi dah

  2. adiqsu Avatar

    salaam along..:)
    lama tak tinggal jejak di sini tho singgah selalu. seronok sungguh baca cerita ur boys esp strong lil Fahry.
    Alhamdulillah..berkat SI..Fahry cepat sembuh. 🙂
    I miss BF, sungguh teringin nk dpt #2. doa2 la saya ada rezeki soon..aameen..

    take care!

    ahaks. bole, bole. usaha tangga kejayaan 😀

  3. aida Avatar

    along, poor fahry..Adam pun kene cough and wheezing and was prescribed with the exact same inhaler! i mean the orange one yg ade gamba bear..hehe..adam suka dok main bende tu..but doc ckp dia viral pulak, bukan bacterial like fahry..hope he’s well soon..take care..

    Fahry ok je agaknye sebab dia taktau ape2 kot hehe
    tapi kalo ubat mmg susah nak makan
    semoga anak2 kite cepat sembuh..

  4. ibu Emir Avatar
    ibu Emir

    Fahry dah discharge kan.. alhamdulillah. 🙂

    a ah. ade ni ha kat belakang ni hehehe.

  5. yah Avatar

    Alhamdulillah.Semoga fahry makin sihat

    TQ kak yah. semoga dia xmasuk2 spital lagi. huhu.

  6. mirah Avatar

    11oz! that’s amazing. Syukur lah.
    Moga fahry sentiasa baik2 saja tuh..

    mmg amazing. tak sangka pulak sebab selama ni B tak engorge.
    tak sempat nak engorge kot pasal asik kene sedut je 😛

  7. QueeNin Murni Avatar
    QueeNin Murni

    huuh..adam pon penah kena when he was 7months..first few days mmg rasa nak meletop breast sebab dia mmg tak mo minum langsung..

    ape2 pon.. alhamdulillah fahry’s recovery are fast.. dont forget to take care of yourself too!

    susah hati kan bile anak2 sakit..
    lagi2 kalo ada 2-3 orang
    semoga anak2 kita cepat sembuhnya

  8. salzahari Avatar

    hehhee…see. Private normally won’t take any risks. they rather refer the case to gov.than having their profit / end up bad image. but then, poor gov. if anything being badly diagnosed/ treat at private when gov.take over,all the blames will be put to gov.hospital, then sue and make press conference etc.

    anyway, alhamdulillah Fahry dah okay and mommy have plenty of milk to both of her beloved sons! chaiyok..chaiyok.

    hehe. no komen.

    spital pvt tu mmg xde facilities pun. even, Paed dia pun adalah Paed kat GH jugak. sure2 la dia suh g GH kan pasal dia tau kat GH complete.
    kitorang opt for pvt kalo sakit biasa2, so that selesa sikit & takdela ramai sgt patient kat GH. kalo sakit kronik, yes. mmg patut pegi GH je.

    balik rumah terus suh Hafiy keringkan susu!

  9. fid Avatar

    fahry…faitto faitto….
    gambare gambare
    lyna…kalau anak 3 thn stgh pun kalau seharian tak bagi susu BERATTTTTTTTTTt ooooooooo…

    apatu faitto?

    saya ingatkan Hafiy ni dia nyot2 je rupanya mmg banyak minumsss.
    so, sape kate budak2 besar nyot2 je??? tu budak 3.5 tahun pun kalo tak minum bole beraaaaaattt.

  10. Intan mama Ammar Avatar

    Berlaku kat I hari tu, masa tgh asik Bottle training. Bengkak sampai bisa tak hilang 3 hari. Lepas tu tobat nak bagi bottle masa kat rumah. (kes malas pam)

  11. anasfadilah Avatar

    AlhamdulillahFahry dah ok

    tu lah kadang-kadang,ibu ni boleh senyum lagi walaupun anak sakit..pengorbanan ibu memang takt terhingga(rasa nak nangesss woo!)

    fahry yang kacak,semoga sentiasa di dalam kesihatan hendaknya :)(jangan susahkan hati ibu kamu ye sayang 🙂 )

  12. zety Avatar

    Syukur Fahry dah ok.

    Bestnya dapat 11oz! Hehe. Kalau le boleh dapat banyak gitu sekali pam, saya hanya perlu pam 2 kali aje sehari. Kehkehkeh. Dasar M besar atas kepala!

  13. NeroEcha Avatar

    Alhamdulilah sihat dah fahry….

  14. arnie Avatar

    Syukur, Fahry dah sehat.

    Bestkan dpt byk oz sekali pam. Saya hari tue lepas breast surgery, doc pegi tutup nipple dgn bandage besar, semalaman tak boley pam. Bengkak breast. Bila sekali pam, walla, marvellous! hehehe…

  15. mom_hafiyo Avatar

    anak saya anwar hafiy.. 🙂
    tajuk citer ni PPSMI atau PPSMBI…?
    kalau PPSMI =Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Sains & Matematik dlm bahasa inggeris… mmg byk org berhujah dan berdebat ttg isu ini. yg penting minta cepat diselesaikan supaya x menjejaskan system pendidikan kita..

    pendapat peribadi saya.. teruskan la PPSMI…
    kalau betul sasterawan kita perjuangkan bahasa melayu.. kenapa sampai sekarang masih ramai org perlekehkan BM..? kalau kita betul2 nak martabatkan bahasa melayu, buat dasar (tutup pintu) kepada bahasa lain seperti indonesia, korea, china, jepun, rusia… pada saya alang2 menyeluk pekasam biarlah hingga pangkal lengan…

    alamak.. panjangnya komen! sorryyy

  16. kakyong Avatar


    Alhamdulillah, Fahry dah kuor spital.. semoga sentiasa terus sihat..

    11 oz.. byk tu.. dpt merasainyer kalo breast bengkak.. sbb kakyong pun sama walo hanya Aliya sorg jer yg nyusu, tp bila seskala makan food yg menggalak susu tu.. huhuu.. 2 hari baru nak betul2 lega.. tp tak ler seteruk masa pengalaman pertama breast bengkak..

  17. me_czar Avatar

    Syukur.. Alhamdulillah…

    Mudah-mudahan Hafiy & Fahry dalam keadaan yang baik.

    Hmm.. besar ganjarannya ibu yang berjaga malam menjaga anak yang sakit.

  18. ibu Muaz Avatar

    Alhamdulillah… xlarat sakit Fahry, harap2nya semakin sihat ye lepas ni.
    Muaz pun baru kuar wad jg ni. Demam biasa je, tp Doc tu nak tahan wad gak sbb dia ckp kalau kasik antibiotic orally x berkesan. So, berkampung lah kami 4 hari kat sana. Sgt seksa sbb tgn Muaz terikat (kene masuk air) & Muaz sgt lah x boleh diam.
    Masa kat wad tu, jiran sebelah katil pun macam Fahry,Pneumonia. Dia pun pre-mature. Tp alhamdulillah, dia pun dah chat skang…

    Tokmak Muaz pesan, kalau baby cam Fahry ni, jgn biar badan terdedah x berbaju, n’ jgn mandi lama2.. 🙂

  19. Fith Avatar

    salam kak lyna,
    moga fahry cepat sembuh yer.
    take care…

  20. shinta musraika Avatar

    pengalaman kat wad saya pon ada Lyna. My Shinta juandis. memang sengsara lah dok kat situ 2 hari 1 malam. Dannnn.. proses discharge memang memenatkan. Kami diberitau bleh kuar jam 3pm lagi. tapi 8 mlm baru boleh kluar, bil just RM35.00 cumanya segala macam menda derang nak rekod b4 bagi kite kuar.

    Wow! 11oz… setakat ni max sy bleh dapat 8oz 9tu pon lunch tak pam then ptg baru pam hehe!

    Muaaaaaaahhhhh! untuk fahry… anak baik! semoga sihat selalu!

  21. mama emma Avatar

    x nampak yg lain.. nampak 11oz tu je..

    jeles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! harus mak tensi balik nih!!!

    ps: lega fahry dah ok…

  22. mommy lyna Avatar
    mommy lyna

    Tq sumer! Sori sik dapat reply sorang sorang. Hehe.

    Neway, 11oz tu sebab Hafiy tak nyusu, if dia nyusu ntah2 xdapat ape2 pun.

    Skg dh back to n0rmal. Tak penah dah rasa bengkaks!

  23. zuhaini Avatar

    alhamdulillah.. 🙂

  24. laila Avatar

    alhamdulillah fahry dh sihat…

    tabik 11 oz!!:)

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