on BF, toy & oil price

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i got this question

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hi mami hafiy. nak tanya pendapat sikit psl pumping ni:
1. baby saya umur 5 minggu sekarang & saya memang exclusive BF dia. 3 minggu lagi saya nak start keje & skrg saya dah mula kumpul stok EBM. Masalah saya ialah baby saya menyusu setiap sejam stgh/2jam sekali & klu saya pam susu utk stok EBM, breast saya tak sempat nak penuh balik utk next feeding & baby pun merengek sbb tak puas minum. mcmana saya nak plan pumping time saya utk stok EBM & pd masa yg sama susu saya cukup utk direct feeding?

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2. setiap kali pam saya cuma berjaya pam 1.5oz shj sedangkan skrg baby saya minum 3oz each feeding time.ini sedikit sebyk merisaukan saya samada saya boleh stock up sebanyak itu atau tidak.
3. adakah penggunaan electric breastpump boleh meningkatkan jumlah susu yg dipam pada each pumping time berbanding manual pump? buat masa skrg saya guna breastpump avent isis manual.
4. adakah milkmaid tea berkesan utk menabahkan susu?
-mummy dina on how to pump milk?

i am not the best person to answer, but i try my best from my little experience (& i believe other mommies have their own practices & knowledge to share).

  1. the rule of thumb is, always remember that ‘SUPPLY BASE ON DEMAND’. our milk duct is not like oil reservoir that will deplete upon high production, but the high production and demand will stimulate more milk to formed. continue pumping & direct BF, it might initially looks awful when we feel ‘susu dh abis lepas pump & xcukup utk baby’. however, if we continue pumping & BFing consistently, the body will learn that there’s extra demand and it will ‘work’ to provide more and more milk.
  2. start early & you’ll be OK. right now cos u’re still direct BFing, so ur hasil tenusu might not be that much. but once you’re back to work, you’ll get even more than that. even, if you have more stocks, you can combine and it shouldn’t be one-day-stock for one-day-feeding.
  3. i think the pump type is subjective. my experience, suction on manual pump is stronger than electrical one, but i can pump a bit longer using electrical cos can avoid lenguh2. hehe. i think comparing production between manual & electrical is like comparing orange & apple. both have their own pro & cons.
  4. i used to take milkmaid tea but it didn’t work on me. i think different people have different lactogenic agent. however, the BEST to increase milk are by INCREASE PUMPING FREQUENCY and DIRECT FEEDING. and forget to have a balance diet & plenty of water!
hope that’s help ya Mummy Dina, happy BFing!

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my 8 month boy

we bought this form fitter for him. initially, i never expect anything on him, to fit the shapes into the holes, etc. but we still guide him how to. and usually he’ll scream everytime we hold his hand to fit the holes, cos he liked to suck the blocks instead.

Abiy said “he doesn’t interested on this toy”. i replied “it’s OK. maybe he’s too small to play with this kind of toy but we shouldn’t stop encouraging him OK”.

one fine evening i found him, tried to put a shape into the holes (of course la tak match). owh it was soo touching! he’s such an independent baby! Mommy never tot you know how to do it! so everyday after work, i spend time with him, playing with the fitter while learning about shapes and colors.

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and it’s so true that babies are full of miracles. we don’t know when they start learning and how they learn. we parents, don’t stop showing, teaching, guiding them even if they are just a small kids and leave us with no respond. be consistent, put a little patient and you’ll be surprised!

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on the oil price

double the price in 5 years! i still remember 5 years back when i was in uni. the fuel price was rm1.35/L and now it’s doubled. the crude oil price also struck dramatically to usd130/barrel. the growing demand, supply disruption, OPEC effect and commodity traders & market investors’ behavior, are factors those are expected for this kind of resources.

true, it is really hard for the makan gaji like us. barang xde, harga naik. minyak baik, harga naik. gaji naik sikit, harga naik banyak. always trapped in the rat race. how banyak the gaji pon still tak kaya2. & now in food crisis we can’t buy beras siam from Brunei anymore :((

but we believe in the law of abundance. out there are lots of wealth & rezeki Allah takkan putus. it’s just how we strive for it.

Mommy keja kuat2 biar dapat bonus lebeyyyy..!!!
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13 responses to “on BF, toy & oil price”

  1. Babe Avatar

    bila aku dgr ko dah dapat berat anak dara terus aku cakap dgn akak aku jgn give up bfeed anak dia sampai 2 thn

    akak aku pun nampak cepat je susut, aku plak mcm org pantang hahahah

    cool eh lina, ko ad apotential nak tulis pasal bfeed hehehehe

  2. Fid Avatar

    nyampuk sikit

    tang bab B tak penuh baby nak susu tu
    itu petanda bagus..
    brain akan dapat signal B kena produce susu all the time.

    lagi satu kalau baru 5 weeks bersalin adalah normal susu tak banyak.sbb susu kita ni plaing tidak 5weeks to 2 months untuk stabil.Kilang baru….


  3. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    lina, nak tumpang nyampuk gak utk mummy dina tu..

    1. bagus kumpul stok awal2. tp jgn freak out kalau dpt sikit je, sbb demand newborn baby mmg sikit…

    2. xtau la pemahaman i nie salah atau x, tp i rasa output pumping dgn direct feeding mmg bbeza.. nie personal opinion ye… sbb i rasa, suction natural (ie baby) dgn suction machine nie bbeza… tu sbb dlm al-quran pun suruh kita nyusu smp 2thn (insya allah).. eh eh.. pepandai je i buat pemahaman sdirik..

    3. kalau u baca blog i pun i ada buat review pasal electric pump nie.. tp ape2 pun bbalik pd kita.. baby i dah 7bln++, n selama tu i just pakai tgn (most of it) n pump pureen (yg bakal masuk dlm store).. kalau nak cepat & mengelakkan lenuh, boleh je pakai electic pump..

    4. milkmaid tea tu atau mana2 makanan suppliment bgantung pd org.. mcm i, just minum bgelen2 air masak…. syukur, buat masa nie, baby i xde la kelaparan..

    yg paling penting, keazaman kita utk bf. insya allah, ALLAH akan pmudahkan utk kita…

    & kalau kita ada sekuman psoalan pun, jgn segan nak tanya… sbb kekadang tu sekuman psoalan tu yg boleh melemahkan determination kita utk bf…

    on oil price… malas nak komen…

  4. supermummy Avatar

    nak menyibuk sikit pasal breastfeeding tu…kalau utk saya yg paling berkesan dari masa pantang sampai sekarang (my baby dah nearly months) adalah drink horlicks and more horlicks! makan obimin, dan kalsium dan jgn sekali2 minum ais..saya berpuasa ais dekat setahun ni..as for pump saya pakai avent manual tu je..mmg bagus cuma lenguh la sikit tangan..nak kena pam dari mcm2 posisi..heheh

  5. Zuhaini Avatar

    erm.. nak bagi sepatah dua kata gak…

    -on bf : erm.. jgn cpat give up ye! (heheh.. pepandai je nasihat org..)

    -on Hafiy: Ha.. ni best nih.. Pandainye Hafiy nih.. (eventho x masuk ikut shape sebenor, tapi what a great effort!) lepas ni mami Hafiy leh gi carik mainan yg susah pulak.. heheh..

  6. WanHidayat Avatar

    Salam hafiy…uncle kat laut sekarang…uncle jengok uncle dari kapal nih…uncle dok dekat jeak…kat sekita west lutong charlie jeak…uncle lambat lagi balik….ntah lah bila….rasanya dalam dua bulan uncle kena kerja kat atas kepal….klu hafiy nak tengok uncle…hafiy ajak ummi pi pulau melayu…pi hujung muara….teropong uncle dari sana….uncle sedih sgt tak dapat balik kampung….hafiy jgn nakal2 ek….saaaaaaaaaayaaaaang Hafiy!!!, Muahhhhhh

  7. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    ckp dkt akak ko, aku bkn je dpt berat anak dara, siap dapat berat zaman2 tingkatan 3 lagi. ahaks.

    k fid,mama ryan,supermummy, zuhaini,
    thanks for sharing!

    semoga sama2 dpt manfaat.

    P/S: dah xleh beli menan dah, elaun menan kene potong wat beli beras & petrol. hahaha.

  8. hafiy Avatar

    oo patutla smlm lalu kat bayshore tu nampak mcm kenal je orang kat kapal tu hahahah.
    uncle nt balik dtgla umah hafiy tau! hafiy rindula nk dokong uncle.

  9. suealeen Avatar

    mami hafiy,
    on bf – i guess everyone else has threwn out her experiences.

    on your 8 month boy – don’t be surprised with babies. they can do many things specially behind our back! remember my previous comment about mastura? and if you’ve few kids, they’re special in their own ways! even if you fail to guide, they still won’t never given up *hopefully don’t give up la*.

    on the oil price – thanks for your comments in my blog.. really appreciate your sensibe stance. sama jugak macam YB tony pua.

    if we can’t really rely on Petronas, then there should be few mechanisms to reduce the burden. they should be implemented way before the petrol hikes. the problem with our country is whenever there’s a petrol hike, good prices might go up as well. thus, there’ll be a domino effect.

    dan pernah dengar tak sebelum ni ada ura2 nak perkenalkan minyak gred ron99 & 95? pastu idea tu tenggelam camtu je.

  10. suealeen Avatar

    i mean don’t give up to guide! typo.. arghh!

  11. ummi sa'eed Avatar
    ummi sa’eed

    hehe…sa’eed pun ada toy yg lebih kurang sama. dia lagi suka nak sumbat tgn dia yg chubby itu dlm the shapes punye holes. bila dah tersangkut, mulalah bising…hehe

  12. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    kak sue,
    on baby – i fail to guide myself. hah!

    on petrol – they shud avoid songlap2 hahaha. our contry, apa2 saja reason bole jd barnag naik. BN=barang naik 😛

    ummi sa’eed,
    ah sungguh cute sumbat tgn dlm holes tu!

  13. mado_ct Avatar

    kct minta izin nak petik sket article ni letak kat yahoo group boleh?

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