
Money Management It’s What Kind of Life You Would Like To Have

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Speaking about money management, usually what come across in our minds are $$$, saving, investing, frugality, etc. you name it.

But the truth of money management is, it is not how much you earn, save and spend every month. But, what kind of lifestyle you want and wish to have.

In the course that I attended last year, the trainer asked us, “If you have 1Million Dolllars, what would you do to spend the money?”

I told him “I don’t think I would have that much”.

He replied “It’s a very pessimistic answer. When you restricted yourself from dreaming big, you won’t get out of your cocoon. Just dream and imagine, you HAVE 1 Million Dollars, and now, what would you do to SPEND the money?”

And I started counting “Buy big house, big car, go vacation, buy this and that, bla bla bla bla..”

Surprisingly I never ate up the 1 Million Dollars amount.

At the end of the presentation, he said “You must put your future life in front, what kind of life you want to have, and it will help you to plan for today’s effort”.

I guess he was very right. After thinking about spending $1M, I felt that it is a very good thing if we’re financially free. When thinking about it, it makes me realize that something has to be done to achieve that. This is relates to my previous article about thinking big or living cheap.

How money management relates with the lifestyle of your dream?

If you know about Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits, the second habit is ‘Begin with the end of mind’. It explains this terminology so much.

It is so much to do with plan and planning.

If we have plans in short, medium and long term, we’ll get a clear picture on how to manage our money wisely. Perhaps, to buy a new MPV to replace your sedan car in short, to buy a double storey house at Bukit Jelutong in medium and to retire before 45 for long term planning. All are because of you family and kids. You want to give them comfy life and more time to spend with them.

Not only wishing it, transfer those into a proper plan and you may start calculating how much you must earn, spend and save to achieve your dream. Then you’ll know how and what to do with your current savings and salary. Maybe to stop shopping tah ape2, start saving more or set up a business?

If you think that your current lifestyle won’t guide you to achieve your goal, get a courage to get out of the circle and start doing things extraordinary so that you could drive it to your goal. Don’t be afraid to change today for your tomorrow.

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5 responses to “Money Management It’s What Kind of Life You Would Like To Have”

  1. ieda Avatar

    last time i thought i will stop working at age 35..or at least slow down & enjoying my time spending the money..but now after crossing that age i still have to work infact more then before..huhuhu…so sad.
    .-= ieda´s last blog ..ONLINE CONTEST-SENYUMAN CERIA SI COMEL =-.

  2. zahra Avatar

    i’m pretty frugal person…

    however, i kept wondering, does it count if i have a small goal, and that is the kind of life i want to live?… a car, for me is just something that can safely transport me from point A to point B. A house is just a ‘tempat berteduh’…

    because to me, having an expensive car means attracting carjackers… having a designer’s bag means attracting snatch thieves… having fancy house means attracting robbers…

    so, does it count?

    p/s: i should put this up in my blog…

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      it’s depend on what and how we set the goal. of course there’s no no right and wrong.

      nobody can stop you form setting any goals, kan. if you wanna buy a Perodua car or a Toyota, it’s your goal by the way no matter how small or big as long as you can commit.

      afterall we set goals that really suit to us kan. if we are lazy, gaji sikit, shud we put goal nak beli rumah banglo di Shah Alam in 10 years?

  3. Hanz Avatar

    sedang ke arah tu tapi slow like a tortoise..kami x nak hidup mewah kaya raya..kami nak hidup x berhutang & boleh hidup selesa dengan keperluan basic mencukupi & mampu beri yang bagus untuk anak2 & dapat treat diri sendiri something nice..at least takderlah tertunggu-tunggu gaji & ada jer duit spare tanpa kacau saving..itulah target buat masa ni..
    .-= Hanz´s last blog ..[STICKY MODE] Chatterbox 1st Anniversary Giveaway =-.

  4. adianiez AIDA Avatar

    hanz, i agreed 100% dgn u. aida dan hubby langkah realistik & logik. selesa, ada saving utk hari tua, ada saving utk pendidikan anak2, ada saving utk emergency, tak meminta-minta, tak kebulur, apa nak makan dpt, keperluan pendidikan anak2 diutamakan dgn apa saje yg sesuai dan bagus. then, dpt shopping & holiday sikit lebih kurang. kiranya Allah kurniakan sesuatu yg lebih, alhamdulllillah… sememang nyer kita mesti cari rezeki spt akan idup 1000 tahun & beribadah spt esok nak mati!!!

    lyna, betul. lifestyle faktor utama. fikir jangka panjang. ubah hari ini utk esok.
    .-= adianiez AIDA´s last blog ..KLIK SINI YE…BEST! =-.

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