Money is Nothing – Want to Know Why?

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You must have heard the word “money is nothing” before. And I’m not going to downgrade your intellectual by saying phrases like “my love worth more”, “health is more important” or “asalkan aku bahagia”.

The truth can be they said so to avoid “pening kepala” thinking of how to fund their needs/wants than really don’t want the money. Give them $10K for free & definitely they’ll take without hesitation.

Instead, I’m going to tell you a story.

Fahrin is a successful businessman. He managed a business of car renting. Because of global recession, his company unable to pay debt although Fahrin himself had used all his savings to fund the loan. As a result, he himself has to loan his friends money for food.

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One day, his closed friend Joe plan to pay him a visit. Joe is Fahrin’s super closed friend when he studied in Chicago, US. As a friend’s treat, Fahrin give one of his finest cars for Joe’s “cuti-cuti Malaysia”. Out of respect, Joe gave Fahrin RM1000 as deposit.

The next day of getting the RM1000 cash, he used that money to repay his loan nearby grocery store owner named Muthu. Muthu is kind enough to loan him RM1000 worth of grocery to keep him living.

The day after that, Muthu rushed to Kenny’s house to pay his two-months housing rent. Muthu thanked Kenny for not ‘halau’ him and his family from one of Kenny’s rental house in KL.

In the following day, Kenny meets Obek to pay his loan for the “tikar Sarawak” he bought 3-months back. And Obek used that RM1000 to pay Fahrin for the car repair (sebab langgar tiang letrik) he used to rent before when he was in KL for holidays.

On the 5th day visit, Joe went back to US and Fahrin used the money he got from Obek to pay back Joe’s initial deposit.


-Story End-

Nobody gets the money but then Joe’s initial deposit able to solve some (if not all) of the financial problems faced by others. This is what meant by “stimulus package” announced by government whenever financial crisis happened. Government will get back (or more) whatever they spent through tax (and vote in next pilihan-raya) if they give it to the “right people”.

Secondly, there is no point of keeping $1 million under the pillow or in the safe/security box. If another 1 million people doing the same, you won’t get another $1 million anytime sooner (or forever). This makes Japanese financial crisis in 90’s takes so long to recover. If you don’t know what to do with your money, give someone who knows (spend/invest/keep in bank).

Thirdly, people give/spend/loan/invest their hard-earned money out of trust. The moment their trust been breached, you’ll be blacklisted forever. This is critical for someone who like to “pinjam duit” or running their own business. Don’t treat your customer/lender by the amount of money they pay you. Instead, respect them as a person. It takes more than $1 million for them to “trust” you back.

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Bottom line, money is nothing more than just a tool to get what you want/need.

  • You can’t buy happiness but you can buy something to make someone happy
  • You can’t buy health but you can buy supplement (Shaklee?) to keep you healthy

But please don’t trade yourself (maruah, iman, trust) for money. If you do, you’ll be the cheapest person by virtue although you are the richest man by asset.

To me, it just not worth it…

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19 responses to “Money is Nothing – Want to Know Why?”

  1. zuhaini Avatar

    ini artikel untuk yoyooh ke..? 🙂

    wah.. very inspiring.. (x sangka, pada masa yg sama, ramai orang berhutang rupanya..) 🙂 nasib baik la Joe ada.. 🙂

    erm.. oh last part tu saya sokong sungguh! apa la nak jadi kalau maruah dah tergadai..? ish ish ish… 🙁

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      semua benda naik kecuali harga diri,

      **p/s: artikel ni bukan for yoyooh la…

  2. Millie Avatar

    Salam..lama I tak singgah 🙂

    Yes I dont think that money is everything (although lots of people think so) but of course that money help a lot in our everyday lives..sometimes I think this is materialistic thinking (?).

    But like you said, never trade money for the things u mentioned above..asalkan kita tahu buruk baiknya kesan duit2 ni insyaAllah ok kot 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      yup. money ni macam double-edge sword jugak. it can bring benefits but with wrong intention, it can bring harm too.

      1. aidie Avatar

        double edge sword hhmmm very true indeed

  3. sya Avatar

    ada satu lagi,
    kasih sayang juga bukan untuk/boleh di jual beli…
    biarlah banyak mana duit pun, tapi kalau tak boleh nak beri kasih sayang pada anak2, pun tak guna juga…

    huhu, apakah bebelan di pagi hari ni??

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      it depends on what ‘kasih-sayang’ mean to you, it also has its own ‘price tag’. like taknak buat OT sebab nak spend time with anak-anak. balancing those two is what mommies like us need to master. haha, mari membebel…

  4. farah Avatar

    pi mai pi mai tang tu gak duit tu berpusing2 yer….

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      the rule of equilibrium.


  5. Azza Avatar

    sangat inspiring..

    kenapalah sayae asyik rase gaji bulan-bulan tak cukup ni. Tapi alhandulillah belum sampai tahap meminjam lagi la..

    loan keta & rumah ade aa.. hehe

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      saya pun berasa tidak cukup jugak! hahaha.

      kadang2 berasa tak cukup tu bagus, ia bole memotivasikan kita untuk mendapatkan lebih lagi.

  6. anasfadilah Avatar

    kak lyna,pinjam sejuta..i want to buy a house,can? u will make me happy by lending me sejuta…lalalal

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      nah, amik la. pastu kasik akak duduk eh. hehe.

  7. Nur Avatar

    lyna, duit mana pernah cukup, beb..
    tp bila kejar duit, kena pandai2 spend masa dgn anak2.
    ada artikel psl org keje overseas (saudi arabia) to seek for money, tp in the end kena korbankan masa dgn anak2 & the article kupas the long term effect to the akak x ingat link..huhuhu..

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      tu la kak. kalo dikira duit cukup, mana pernah cukup. lagi tak cukup2 kalo kita simpan kat bawah bantal je kan?

  8. Hanz Avatar

    Money makes the world go round & round. (Bersegi tak boleh ker? Still boleh bergolek kan?) Ha-ha, saja buat lawak yang tak lawak..

    Beli emaslah, lagi laku!

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      hmm u make me rasa nak tulis pasal gold investment cepat2. ekeke.

  9. erynn Avatar

    money money money, i luv money!

  10. kakyong Avatar

    tu la dulu nak buka acctg firm sendiri so berangan boleh dpt duit byk & buat banglo kayu.. tp duit tak cukup2 jugak… sudahnya bila dah beranak no3.. rasa cam tak larat nak pikul seme…
    la ni bila takde duit sendiri pun haru gak… hahahah… duit oh duit.. di mana kau duit.. nak simpan bawal bantal pun takleh dah ni..

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