FACT 1 : takde bukti menunjukkan baby boy kuat menyusu dari baby girl. tapi ‘ideologi’ ni dah sebati lam masyarakat kita sampaikan ada ibu2 yg – hairan sebab baby girl nya kuat menyusu, “tak normal ke baby saya?” 😀 boy ke girl ke, jantina tak menentukan keperluan dan selera makan mereka.
FACT 2 : rule of thumb in BFing – supply berkadar langsung dgn demand. bila demand tinggi, so supply pun akan tinggi juga. yes, there might be moms yg susu xcukup/susu xde but it might be bcos of her own physiology, pemakanan, etc. tp bukan salah baby menjadi lelaki. ops…
Nota Mami ~ Hafiy Al-Fateh adalah seorang budak lelaki. Hafiy di BF exclusively oleh Mami selama 6 bulan & skg masih BF lagi. Hafiy xkuat menyusu & susu Mami OK je, alhamdulillah belum lg anak Mami pengsan kelaparan [NOTA PENTING : statement ini TIDAK DITUJUKAN pd ibu2 yg mmg susu tak ada].
Myth 2 : baby yg BF tak akan sakit or demam.
FACT : selagi namanya makhluk, tak ada yg terlepas dari penyakit. cumanya, baby BF ada self-defense since slm susu ibu ada antibodi. hmm… kalo baby BF pun bole demam2 inikan pula baby yg xBF kan? [NOTA PENTING : statement ini TIDAK DITUJUKAN pd ibu yg xBF tp HANYA DITUJUKAN pada orang yg “hairan kenapa baby BF sakit2 jugak, baik xpayah BF”].
Nota Mami ~ di saat ini Hafiy tengah high fever. Mami dah bawak jumpa paed & doktor, dua kali dah Mami bawak pegi klinik & hospital. both dr said normal viral fever. & ni second time Hafiy demam (demam bukan lepas cucuk) tp Mami lega sebab Hafiy ceria & riang mcm biasa, cuma suhu tnggi sampai 39degree C. cepat sembuh ye sayang Mami~ nanti nkgi jalan Brunei plak.
—susu ibu bukanla benda magic yg bole menghalau penyakit!
Myth 3 : bila baby berat xmemberangsangkan, susu ibu takde kualiti. maka top up lah dgn FM.
FACT 1 : we are what we eat. & susu ibu juga bergantung pada pemakanan ibu. sebab tu la Mami menelan vitamin2 yg diperlukan & ESP utk memastikan pengeluaran susu yg berkualiti.
Nota Mami ~ Bibik terkejut tgk supplement Mami. hehehe. Mami sanggup telan sumer2 tu walaupun tak sedap (weekkk) demi anak Mami yg tercinta.
FACT 2 : baby BF akan isap cik nen mengikut keperluan dia. & cik nen adalah sejenis device yg tak mengalir mcm paip, perlukan force dr isapan baby. so baby xovereat & most baby BF xsegebu budak2 yg xBF. minum via botol kadang2 dia xisap pon susu kuar jgk (unless pakai type yg imitate breast flow). so baby BF mmg on the right diet. & xunderweight pun kan.
FACT 3 : baby minum ikut keperluan dia. kalo dia dah kenyang, takkan nak minum lagi walaupun badan tak chubby. memang type badan macam tu. yg penting, sihaaaat.
Myth 4 (additional by Ummi Sa’eed) : kalo BF x period. sbb ‘darah’ period tu diconvert menjadi susu.
Ummi Sa’eed info : kalau susu byk, tak period, kalau susu sikit, most probably period. so kalau baby kuat minum, sikit je susu yg stored in the body (bukan ability to produce yers), maka probability dpt period adalah tinggi.
from breastfeeding essential
When the first period returns depends upon several factors: how frequently the baby is nursing, how often the baby is supplemented with bottles, whether or not the baby takes a pacifier, how long the baby is sleeping at night, whether or not solids have been introduced, and the mother’s own individual body chemistry and the way it responds to hormonal influences associated with breastfeeding. Any time the stimulation to the breast is decreased, especially at night, menstruation is likely to return soon after.
Bridgete W
Well that is a myth. Many times breastfeeding helps the period to stop from coming back right away but other times a mother will breastfeed fully on demand and get her period back at 6 weeks. It’s different from mother to mother. Like I said, the build-up in your uterus lining from several months of not having a period makes for a much heavier period then you are used to.You need to be on birth control because it is always possible to get pregnant while nursing. If you want to have more children yes it is possible to conceive while nursing.
and also can check at kellymom.
Nota Mami : Mami menstruated since Hafiy was 4 month…
Myth 5 (additional by Mami Altamis) : breast kanan ‘nasi’; breast kiri is ‘air’
pesan Mami Altamis : dedua belah breast sama jer function dan productionnye..ramai tatau bende ni..kalo tgk anatomi breast, mane ade kanan lain, kiri lain 🙂 note to bakal ibu & ibu2 muda, BF mmg very tiring at d early stage but soon after you all misti enjoy BF..so dont give up BF your children k!
from kellymom
Foremilk is the milk (typically lower in fat) available at the beginning of a feeding; hindmilk is milk at the end of a feeding, which has a higher fat content than the foremilk at that feeding.from la leche league
As baby begins nursing, the first thing he receives is this lower-fat foremilk, which quenches his thirst. Baby’s nursing triggers the mother’s milk ejection reflex, which squeezes milk and the sticking fat cells from the milk-making cells into the ducts. This higher-fat hindmilk mixes with the high-lactose foremilk and baby receives the perfect food, with fat calories for growth and lactose for energy and brain development.
Kisah Mama Aishah
yesterday, Mami got an sms from Auntie Ayue, Mama Aishah. Aishah tua 2 bulan dr Hafiy, & dia cuma diBF selama 2bulan lebih je (tol ke, Yue, lupa laa hahaha). spas tu Auntie Ayue mengalami masalah bila susunya cuma ada bila diassist oleh pil. oh sesungguhnya itu sungguh tidak best sebab Auntie Ayue terpaksa menahan migrain & sakit kepala.
amazingly, after +- 6 months (ye ke?) of no-BF, suddenly Auntie Ayue is milking! & there was no stimulation from anybody!! 😀 (Papa Aishah duk Sarawak, Mama & Aishah kat Terengganu). bengkak & berdenyut2, menurut kata Auntie Ayue. & susu pekat manis keluar…
apakah yg telah berlaku kepada Mama Aishah?
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