Landslide in Miri

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We were on the way to Bintang Megamall when we saw this (but the clip was taken on da way back home sebab tak prepare). Padan lah tengok so many people gathered kat tepi jalan, siap pasang khemah, penuh kat bus stop, dan some kat dalam tempat like ‘balai raya’ like that. Rupanya ada landslide.  The incident was happen last Friday, masa solat Jumaat.

Lately memang rough season here. Almost everyday hujan. Even offshore guys pun berapa hari je dapat naik platform for the previous month.

This was the second landslide I saw in Miri. The first one was dekat2 Bintang Megamall. I was told that 2 people died in that scene. Yang latest ni I have no idea.

Sebab my first time tengok landslide like this, houses terkambus, yang kat lereng bukit dibawak slide tu sampai tepi jalan.

We can call this whatever we like. Takdir, peringatan Tuhan, pengajaran, hukum alam, nature disaster, etc. But to me it gives a second thought kalau nak beli rumah di lereng bukit, LOL.

What I’d learn from my Geotechnic subject (was it Geotech? I couln’t recall other subjects), every hill/mountain has its slide plan so memang dijangka this will happen if you build a house di lereng bukit. Not a coincident la, it’s a fact. Tapi sekarang memang orang buat rumah kat lereng bukit pon…

High profil ape rumah-rumah kat bukit-bukit. Like Bukit Bangsar, Bukit Damansara, Bukit Tunku… 😛 Even I was dream for a house at the top of the hill so that can view the scenery like a helicopter gitu. LOL.

Kena buat peribahasa baru beside – kalau takut dilambung ombak jangan berumah di tepi pandai…- Now, kalau takut ditimbus tanah jangan berumah di lereng bukit.

*Al-Faatihah to those people yg terkorban in landslide events occur in our country lately.

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5 responses to “Landslide in Miri”

  1. salwa Avatar

    Lyna tu la kite pelik nape owg kaye2 suke bina umah kat lereng2 bukit..
    agaknya yg botul2 kaya raya je bole beli tanah kathill’s peak…yg agak2 kaya kat lereng2 bukit….yg akan kaya pulak kat lembah2…hehehe…sape2 yg berkenaan jgn marah ye…sy ni pun tergolong dlm golongan org yg akan kaya…(doa utk diri sendiri tu)

    maybe bole nampak view yang indah dari rumah sendiri. takyah g KL tower. hix.

  2. intan Avatar

    ngeri kan… tadi baru ajar landslide topic kat budak2..derang excited sbb tau psl kes nih last year..huhuhuuu…jadik senang laa paham anak2 muridku ittew, takyah nak elaborate pjg lebor…
    btw..lyna, x dpt nak komen byk2 ttg y i should get the e-book tu, sbb mmg terlalu sibuk this few days..x blh nak bukak blog..huhuhuuuu…

    kesian kan kat orang2 yg terlibat… oh.. tidakkk…

    btw, get the ebook bukan free2 tau (walaupun free), kene buat review, bagi komen & suggestion. kalo busy kang xleh commit plak. hehe.

  3. mama emma Avatar

    yg akak x paham dlm cite lyna nie, awat ada org buat khemah semua tu?? ingat landslide nie show yg best utk dtgk dekat2 kah??

    huhu. bukan orang datang tengok. mereka adalah mangsa/orang2 yg tinggal area tu yg takut rumah derang turut tertimbus.

  4. Fid Avatar

    makin bnyk kes landslide ni

    sib baik kg saya mmg asal usul bukit!

  5. LeeN Avatar


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