
Kids Activity – Fish Feeding at Desa Parkcity

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We were looking for new location for our weekend morning activity, after quite some times jogging at Lembah Kiara, TTDI when we stumbled upon the park at Desa Parkcity.

It was a wide-open spaced park with stroller-friendly walkway and a hi-tech playground. I even don’t have to worry if I forget to bring my handphone cos I can see Abiy jogging from the other end of the park.

It has a large, manmade lake that covers about half of the park.

When Abiy jogs around the lake, we feed the fish with bread yang dah mencapai tarikh expiry.

parkcity lake

The manmade lake. I tot it was bekas lombong but actually it’d manmade..

stroller friendly

This walkway is stroller friendly. Lots of people with babies and cute puppies.


The lake where fish reside.


Jom baling roti!


Adorable fishy…

small lake

Small creek, ada tortoises.


Do come again, Mommy!

As we have no pet at home, so visiting places with animals is one of our routines, not only to learn about animals but also the value to be kind to animals.

We’re yet to bring the kids to zoo, usually we take them to Ikano, to the PetSafari where they can see lots of creatures including tarantula! Eiuuu~~

To get the kids close to animals will teach them lot of things:

  1. By showing love and respect to the animal, they learn about compassion empathy, which is important in building moral yang baik nanti. And dia akan apply pada semua benda juga. Ye la takkan dengan binatang disayang tapi dengan manusia bersikap keji kan.
  2. Stop the violence.
  3. By taking care of animals induce relaxation. Haruslah berasa tenang kan bila tengok binatang2 yang comel2 dan kiut. Tengok ikan berebut makan roti, cute saja.
  4. Feeding animals can teaches them that makanan kita yang lebih2 ni boleh dimanfaatkan, i.e. lebihan roti untuk ikan, lebihan tulang untuk jin. Tapi kalau ada sign DONT FEED ANIMAL, kena ajar jangan bagi makan kat situ.

Talking about pet, at my father’s house ada banyak pet. Cats, fish, ducks and the latest is a fox.

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2 responses to “Kids Activity – Fish Feeding at Desa Parkcity”

  1. hidaya Avatar

    nk mintak nasihat la. camne nk banyakkan susu ek.anak aku dah 2 bulan. mase 1 month after deliver, susu banyak lagi. alih2 masuk bulan ramadhan.sko aku pose la.cukup gak la 30 hari. tapi yg tak best susu lak makin kering. sian lak kat anak aku.aku try nk banyakkan balik. dah makan pil, minum air banyak, makan pun banyak, still boob lembik semacam je. malam dah try stimulate, tapi bile anak aku rase mcm kering jedia hisap, maka dia pun mengamuk. please… any advise ke product ke yang paling power and cepat nmpak hasil??

  2. izma Avatar

    Si kecik itu bernama Hafiy kan?? saya pon ada anak buah yang namanya Hafiy.. Biasa jugak dengar pasal Desa Park City, tapi belum berkesempatan lagi nak try pegi..
    .-= izma´s last blog ..Apakah Maknanya?? =-.

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