kenapa syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu

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i love you sayang~

when i was a little girl (now still a girl but a bit bigger), i always pondered about the statement of ‘syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu’. my teacher said, it is so because your mom gave birth to you. -is it all? +yes, it’s just because your mom delivered you to this very world. -so how about dad? he was the main person contributing in the ‘production’ of me. if there was no daddy, i shouldn’t be there. +but your mom gave birth to you… [i left unsatisfactorily].

now after having my own child, then i truly understand why the ‘syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu’.

when a lady discovered that she was pregnant:

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  1. she called, texted, emailed, etc. everybody telling that “I’M PREGNANT!” with a rosy smile.
  2. she started to watch her food intake. she googled and read any info about food to avoid and food to take by pregnant lady. even if only for small things like MSG, she would question “can i take MSG during pregnancy?” even if during ‘not pregnant’ she never cared about what food she took.
  3. she started to watch her activities. she changed her heels into ‘a lower’ type. she stopped doing extreme activities. and even sometimes she refused to ‘say yes’ to her husband because of ‘afraid if it might hurting the baby’.
  4. she went to the doctor regularly, just to ensure the baby was doing fine.
  5. she willingly took supplement like acid folic, etc. even if she was a type who ‘i rather die than to swallow the pill’.
  6. she watch her words, so that the baby won’t hear anything except good words.
  7. she was very happy to see her body expanding.
  8. she sought for the best name to give to her child.
  9. she didn’t care about the morning sickness, aching belly, backache, ‘bengkak’ brst, etc. as long as the baby was OK.
  10. she wanted to give the best for her baby, the best food, the best dress, the best bed, the best toy, etc. even if she never cared about them for her own life.
  11. she loved to talk to her baby, even if the baby couldn’t say any word, but a single kick was enough to make her fly to the cloud 9.
  12. on top of everything, she knew that giving birth is about life and death, but she wanted to do it for her baby, the only love of hers and her husband’s.

and when the baby was born:

  1. she woke up all nights for the baby.
  2. she fed the baby with her own milk (or formula milk made by her).
  3. she wouldn’t let anybody or anything harm her baby, especially the bugs.
  4. she watched her food intake to ensure the baby was fine (if she breastfed).
  5. she loved to kiss her baby more than kissing the father 😀
  6. she thought that her baby is the cutest creature of the universe.
  7. she loved to shop for her baby rather than for herself.
  8. she put her baby the first priority in her life.
  9. she couldn’t rely on anybody to take care of her baby like how she take care of hers.
  10. she rather had a sagging brst than stop BFing her baby..

(& both lists go to infinity)

didn’t those explain enough why mother is the ticket holder to paradise? anybody dare to challenge?

1 peekture, 5 generations.
my son, me, my mom, my mom’s mom, my mom’s mom’s mom.
download saw ii movie all are moms, with a handsome guy who’s gonna make somebody a mom. hehe.

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14 responses to “kenapa syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu”

  1. Leeds Al-Malique Avatar
    Leeds Al-Malique

    i can’t wait to be a mommy!

  2. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    salam kak lina.

    ur words touch me deeper this time. n the last wordings ‘a handsome guy who’s gonna make somebody a mom’ is so true. the mom production is endless too as long as there are men.

    i wanna be a mommy too. a good 1. a pious 1. insya Allah.. thanks kak line. thanks alot!

  3. ayueayang Avatar

    hehe.. i recalled this song in the midst of reading this entry:

    “who should i give my love to
    my respect and my honour to..
    who should i give my love to
    after Allah, and Rasulullah,
    comes your mother..
    who next? your mother.. 2x
    and then your father..

    coz.. who used to ___” sambung sdiri hehehe..

  4. MommyAdam Avatar

    i love the pic with 5 generations! not easy at all to get all together like this..

    what does the handsome guy call your mom’s mom’s mom??

  5. fedy Avatar

    errr.. mommy adam nih is aida taufiq kn? y called u along ek, lyna?

    p/s: i luv d pic too =)

  6. suealeen Avatar

    i love the last phrase too…

    my hubby also played his role when our babies were born except BFing. hehehe.. i could really rely on him whenever i’m going out more than anyone else.

    for guy – “syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu”
    for us – “syurga di bawah tapak kaki suami”

    so, it’s chicken-and-egg situation

  7. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    me too! can’t wait to see you be a mommy!
    let’s pray together2.

    salam sarah,

    of kos u’ll make a gud mommy 😀

    hihihi. hafiy pon suka lagu tuh.

    tuhla. kebetulan my moyang turun from jerantut.. terus on hehe.

    skg ni xde fix panggilan lg. my Nenek dia panggil Nye, my moyang tu kadang2 jd Tok Nye, kdg2 Pikok, ntah ape2 ntah. huhu.

    yup, itula aida taufiq.

    actualy my fren sume panggil i Along. hehe. uncluding nizam & izza. u pon can call me ALONG too 😉

    kak sue,
    bertuahnya akak! sy kan tggl hafiy kejap dgn abiy dia, dlm ms 5 minit lg tunggu aje la sms or call “cpt dtg hafiy nangis” 😛

    penakkulan mantik..
    syurga kita bawah tapak kaki asben
    syurga asben bawak tapak kaki ibu dia
    jadi, syurga kita bawah tapak kaki ibu dia?
    hahahahahahah. just joking 😛

  8. Intan Avatar

    Wa… ramainya, bertuah mami hafiy semuanya masih ada

  9. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    uishhh kaya nyer hafiy..ada sumer lagi!
    alhamdulillah…kena snap pics byk2…

  10. Dandelion Avatar

    ehh menariknya gambar 5 generation tu. susah nak dapat tu. alhamdulillah sumer nampak sihat n kuat lagi. n lagi satu… memang muka sama la lima2 hihihi 🙂

  11. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    alhamdulillah. my Moyang sempat tgk Piut dia. hehe.

    mrs noba,
    itu je gambo yg ade. huhu. pastu dh xkumpul dh huhu~

    luckily my Nenek & Moyang kawen umur belas2, my Mak & I je kawen umur puluh2. hehe.

  12. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    oh i can clearly remember my adiq once came back from her kindy and ran to check on my mom’s leg. and she actually said “huh, kotor je kaki mama..mcm mane syurga kat tapak kaki ibu?” (coz my mom had crack heels…
    my mom trus jadi stone nk jawab…hhe

  13. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    munirah MOT,
    hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahaha.. kene pastikan kaki cantik ni, kang ada org cek plak nanti. huhu.

  14. MummyHanis Avatar

    i pun baru paham skang! dulu dengil tanak dgr ckp mak! hahaha

    penat woo jadi mak, tp dpt tgk anak sendri depan mata rasa nikmat kan?!

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