Feeding Choice

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i dunno since when, but i really inspired to breastfeed my children. it might started since one of my fren gave birth to her first daughter 2 years ago and she breastfed. we always had conversation back then about breastfeeding, even if that time i didn’t have any plan to marry anybody. she shared with me about how to handle breastmilk, about pumping, storing, thawing, etc. and even, many of my frens are the successful milk factories to their children.
when i presented my plan to Abi, he was very supportive. even, he encourage me to breastfeed you until you’re 2 years old, as what has been mentioned in al-Quran. making me feel more proud, he made some reading about breastfeeding, especially about expressed milk. and he proudly sponsored your sets of breastpump, sterilizer, warmer, cooler bag and bottles – after doing some product reviews to ensure you’ll get the best.

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a very special gift from Abi.

i used to think that breastfeeding is a natural process, everymom should able to produce milk up to her child’s need. however, after getting serious into breastfeeding especially exclusive/fully, i found out that it is always better said than done. only those who really want and determine to breastfeed are really enjoy a success story of breastfeeding moms. those who just say “i want to breastfeed” may not always successful.

i have many friends who are “i want to breastfeed but my milk is gone after several weeks”, “i am working and it hinders me from breastfeeding”, “my job requires me to go outstation” & a one ‘pityful’ opinion like “you are crazy, how can i breastfeed my baby from office?” and many more opinions.

the first 3 comments initially made my motherly nerve stopped for a while. until i came to the extend that… in mini depression for being afraid of not able to breastfeed because of reasons like those. especially having a boy who is always called ‘kuat makan’. then i started to like ‘mengadu’ to my senior who is a successful milkfactory to her 10 months son. she told me that “breastfeeding is not a thing you can find in the desert. it is in you and you are the one who could ensure the production and it’s really up to you. don’t listen to moms who ‘have to’ stop breastfeed because they have to go outstation, but listen to those who are able to fully breastfeed even if have to be away for 1-2 weeks”.

she gave me some petua and tips prior to breastfeeding. and her most pricey advise is ‘bila doa, niatkan supaya awak mampu susukan anak, bukan mintak susu banyak. kadang2, susu banyak tp xmampu menyusukan. insya-Allah, Dia akan bantu awak utk susukan anak awak’.

and a friend of mine asked if my gynae checks my nipples or not. she said it is important to ensure these nipples are perfect so that i would be able to breastfeed. during her first pregnancy, her gynae checked for inverted nipple

and luckily hers were normal. and she strongly suggested me to do so. so, next check up i should ask dr aida to examine mine 🙂 can’t hardly wait for this saturday to see your face!

then i read some books, articles and go to www for infos about breastfeeding especially for a working mother who may not only work in the office. reading success stories & discussion with breasfeeding moms are really helpful. then now i able to come out with my own plan.

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i decided to take 2-months unpaid leave because i’m gonna spend my whole maternity leave at my parents’s house. with a one-door refrigerator, i won’t be able to prepare for your stock. even worse, we have to compete with my mom’s bahan2 mentah in the fridge. so, with the 2 months that we’re gonna spend at our very own home, with a 2-doors refrigerator, i hope i will be able to prepare enough stock for you when i go back to work.

why i choose exclusive breastfeeding? apart from the nutritions and what is suggested by our religion; i can feel the continuous bonding between us, since it began when you were initially implanted in my womb. another one is struggling to be different. none in my family fully breastfeed. even my mom breastfed us during the confinement period only. and, this is a way to have a frugal life hahak. great investment in your pumping set, hopefully fruitful.

and the must is, Abi’s support. he said, even if i have to fly to Vietnam, or spend a week offshore, he will ensure that you’ll have enough supply. again, Abi have to bear my supplement and nutritious food cost ;p or maybe extra freezer if i’d blessed with high production like Abi’s Betty :P.
Abi in his corporate shirt.

“O Allah, please guide and allow us to share the goodness of natural food You created in this Mommy’s body. Ameen”


*i never say formula-feeding is not good cos i am a formula-fed baby too! every mom wants the best to her kiddies OK.

**would other mommies & mom-to-bes like to comment & give some advise?

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29 responses to “Feeding Choice”

  1. AbiyA Avatar

    Ayark, ader gmbar Abiy lg…

  2. mommyA Avatar

    bukanla. itu gamba baby H bila dah besa. hua hua hua.

  3. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    wahh…a very expensive set of gift from hubby! lucky me, my parents bought all those for me…heheh (maklumlar, cucu pertama..hehe)

    me now memang express milk. i simpan dlm freezer and send it to the hospital for my babies.

    anyway, no doubt there are parents who really want to breastfeed but ended up saying “”i want to breastfeed but my milk is gone after several weeks”, actually this was the exact dilemma I was facing. I need to send my milk to the hospital but somehow it’s drying up. lucky me i jumpe tukang urut yg knows what to do. she urut my kaki,(she somehow knows which point connected to my booby..hehe)…and tadddaaa…i now have good supply of milk. according to her, saluran susu tesumbat.

    so i rase, mmg bleh jadi, mommy yg nak susu badan, tapi susu mengering…

  4. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    personally, im not exclusively bf my son for several reasons, my milk supply not that much and secondly my works environment doesnt permit me to pump. its quite hard to find a place with the plug..

    but one thing for sure, i always and always ensure that at night emir will get 100% mummy’s milk and it continues until now.

    anyway, we bought one small fridge to store the milks but it only at work until emir 4 months. hehe

    anyway, if u have a chance, bf ur own child is the best thing a mother could do. even though emir not exclusively get his Ibu’s milk, but he rarely gets sick..

    anyway, good luck..

  5. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    lupe nk mention. the hospital i pegi Universiti Hospital or now known as PPUM(Pusat Perubatan universiti Malaya) make it compulsory for all mom’s to attend a 45 mins talk on breastfeeding… mmg time tu they brainwash us kau kau about all the benefits of bf…
    my hubby smpai tertidu2 dgr..hehe

  6. AbiyA Avatar

    tp abiy xtdo kn mommy? hihi.. xtdo tp kuar amek angin…

  7. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    wow.. semangat la kaklong nak bf. ayu ni jadi lemah smgt bila ingat company yg kecik ni, dahle xde fridge, pastu plug nak pump dlm toilet pun xde. ayu nak beli peti ais kecik utk simpan susu kat opis ni kalo bleh, tp tgk dulu kot boss bising lak sukati bwk benda sendiri kan. tuh pun nak kena consider tandas xde plug 🙁 errmmm..

    bestnya dpt semua set AVENT. sungguh ku tak mampuuu ~~~ (ahaha bak lagu amelina). kaklong dpt save byk skrg ni and spend pd benda yg lebih penting, coz baby cot and cradle pun ada org kasi pinjam. hehe, ayu plak kena consider byk benda skrg ni. baby cot pun still dlm list, betul2 nak ke x, tgk dulu lps baby kuar. actually kat sini mmg susah la nak cari brg. kedai tak byk, choice terhad dan semestinya harga mmg mahal sbb kedai x byk jual kan. adeii.. bukan nak berkira ke ape, but mmg dgn pendapatan kiterorg skrg ni, byk benda kena pk dan plan betul2. skrg ni pk nak beli rmh, sbb sewa pun area sini mcm x berbaloi je. kaklong n hubby bertuah dpt keja GLC, byk privilege kan.. rmh skrg pun nampak BEST giler. heheeh..

    hehe.. panjang lak bercerita..

  8. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    pasal doa tu, mmg betul la ayu rasa. kena doa secara TEPAT apa yg kita nak, bukan secara GENERAL.. sbb kalau silap doa, mmg boleh jd silap jugak kesannya.

    jadi, kena doa supaya BOLEH SUSUKAN anak, bukan byk susu, kan. hehe..

    satu lg, ayu dulu pernah baca doa mintak “MUDAHKAN” rezeki, bukan “MURAHKAN” rezeki, tau tak ape yg ayu perasan lps 3-4 bln duk doa camtu? duit ni cepatttt je abis tak tahu mana, pastu kalau beli barang kat kedai di kuching ni asyik mcm kena tipu je dgn penjual. diorang letak harga lain, bila kopek tag harga tu, rupanya harga recommended lagiii murah. mmg “MUDAH” je duit hilang kena “PAU” kat orang tak bertanggungjawab. mmg la tak byk, tp sikit2 pun slalu je terkena. kira cam duit “MUDAH” abis la. hehe. padahal kalau nak kira, sblm ni ayu ni jenis hati2 sgt beli brg. mesti survey dulu, compare harga, kualiti semua. mmg susah nak kena tipu. tp sejak doa camtu, cam mudah je plak terkena. so mmg ayu prasan sbb silap doa tu. skrg ni dah betulkan balik doa tu.. heheh.. (dan niat pun semestinya kena betul, kan..) 😀

  9. ummibatrisya Avatar


    ummi bf batrisya sampai dia umur 5 tahun. oh my…mmg lama. sampai ummmi ugut nak bgtahu kat cikgu baru dia tak nak. 🙂

  10. Kak Lady Avatar
    Kak Lady

    Alhamdulillah awal2 siti dah berhasrat untuk menyusukan bayi dengan susu ibu…memang bukan senang & you need all the support from the people aroung you…especially abi…

    Niat tu yg penting…kalau niat ade…kesungguhan ada…insyallah…

  11. nonie Avatar

    bagusla awal2 dah pasang niat nak exclusively bfeed ur baby… siap dapat special gift dari hubby, u are so.. lucky… moga2 azam u tu menjadi kenyataan AMIN… it’s the best for ur baby…

    nonie sendiri masih nyusu afifah sampai sekarang dah hampir setahun 2 bulan… rasa lama je lagi nak sampai matlamat 2 thn tu, & kalau dia nak jugak, lebih lagi pun takpe… alhamdulillah sekarang ni tgh cuti belajar, so, takde alasan utk nonie tak bfeed exclusively, kalau nonie dok dlm enviroment kerja yg begitu strict, mungkin tak kuat jugak nak tahan dugaan untuk give up & turn to FM… kalau nak lebih semangat, info & tips on bfeed joinla http://susuibu.com

  12. mommyA Avatar

    itula one of my fear.. takut kering susu tp since ramai yg ckp jgn piki -ve, setiap benda terjadi tu mesti ada solution dia, like u did, pegi berurut tu kan? hmm.. another method yg i xtau b4. ramai yg suggest from pemakanan jer.

    hospital tpt ktorang g kat miri ni ada buat sekali ke prenatal class. tu pon xstress sgt on BF psl byk silibus nk dikejar in a day tu. tp lucky la ramai member yg berjaya BF. bole la sikit2 wat reference. arap2 hsptl yg ktrang choose tuk delivery kelak ada provide class or whatnot b4 delivery since dia nyer baby frenly.

    mira ibu emir:
    wow anyway mira berjaya 100% BF emir waktu mlm. susu xkering ek? the whole day kene pam gak x?

    yg penting niat & doa ibu utk yg terbaik bg anak dia, xkira bagi susu badan/formula pun. tol x?

    ye lah….. tak tido pun, lentok je…

    yue, yue, kalo xbole pakai letrik, cari ah yg bateri-operated punye. brand Tollyjoy dlm RM110 kt kedai. medela mini-e pn bole pkai bateri rsnya.

    kalo nk simpan susu kt ofis, xpayah frozenkan dlu, letak dlm cooler bag+chiller, or dlm ice box. kalo frozen awal2 tkt dlm pejalanan blk rumah, cold chain (or apa ye?) yg preserve ntrient to bole hancur in case susu tu cair dlm pejalanan. paed & lactation cauncellor usually advise xpayah bekukan dlu, ltk dlm cooler bag je. kt umah br bekukan.
    neway in my n3 tu ada link2 (yg begaris2 tu) utk share my 2cent knowledge la 🙂

    good luck ye yue 🙂

    kak umi:
    salam kak.
    wow.. saspek…saspek… seblom ni tau makcik2 dolu2 je yg kasik BF sampai anak masuk skolah, mak moden pun ada upanya!

  13. mommyA Avatar

    kak lady:
    hehe. itula. takut jugak sal time pantang nanti sorang2 je kat umah mak. even mak sdr pun, xsumer mak yg sapot BF kan? arap2 mak kita OK la.. xbgtau lg dia sal plan ni.

    ameen.. & semoga mana2 mama yg niat nak susukan anak dia berjaya melaksanakannya.

    wah lg 8 bulan ek nk sampai 2thn 🙂 ada sorang akak kt sini smpai anak dia 3.5thn dia BF.

    hehe neway susuibu.com tu one of my sumber inspirasi. huhuhu. itu pasal ada kurang sket rasa takut2 dgn keja yg xmenentu nih.huhu.

  14. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    kaklong, yg battery-operated tuh lemah skit 😛 apetah lg manual. haha. ayu baca yg electric tu lagi laju pump air susu. nih nanti kalau ayu masuk toilet, takut amik masa lama nak ngepam je dgn bateri punya. (byk sungguh weh alasannn.. ahaha).

    kaklong tau x, ada ayu baca dlm yahoogrp tu, sorang akak ni x guna pump manual/bateri/letrik pun, dia perah je direct dr breasts, skali dlm 15min dpt 4oz. mmg byk gile la susu dia… kat opis je leh perah 3-4 kali sehari.

    ada plak wat bermasalah, guna yg letrik pun xleh dpt 1oz. smua tu rezeki masing2 kan. ayu doakan kita smua mampu susukan anak kita smua dgn susu ibu.. aminnnn~!!!

  15. shsuya Avatar

    Akum, ape u cakp tu mmg betul having bfeed xclusively for 8 coming to 9 months, nak bfeed fully ni kena betul2 ade azamn yg kuat. U mesti berjanji dgn diri u walau apa pun terjadi dan walau ape pun org lain cakap, u tetap akan cuba untuk bagi TBF. I even made my husband n mom berjanji sebelum I melahirkan that they will not ever ever say “susu botol” and so far they have been very2 supportive.

    I am very blessed sebab hubby 100% supportive and I have many girlfrens yg I can call and ask for advice, help, listening ear etc at any time of the day. And I wish to be the same. Do email me if u have any queries abt total bf. I’ll b glad 4 a chance to be as helpful as my girlfriends have been to me. shsuya@hotmail.com

  16. MommyA Avatar

    ms ayue:

    yg penting niat, azam & doa. rezeki akan dtg dlm bentuk macam2. ada org rezeki dia dgn tgn, ada org dgn manual, ada org dgn eletrik etc. hehe.

    wsalam. btol2.

    wow, so very the thank for the offer! nanti kita email awak ye 🙂
    neway ur son sgt cute & ada japanese look la. 😀

  17. achik Avatar

    slalunya yg breastfeed mesti extra manja ngan mummy.. ;p

  18. mommyA Avatar

    hehe. no comment 😛

  19. ibu Emir Avatar
    ibu Emir

    mira: haah, malam2 je aa, kadang2 tak jugak 100% tapi most of the time laa, susu alhamdulillah tak kering.. cukup laa untuk supply waktu malam 😀

    yes, yang penting niat sorang ibu.. bile dah jadi ibu ni, memang kene berhati2 ngan perkataan sikit bile bab nak ngasuh anak..

  20. mommyA Avatar

    mira ibu emir:
    tuh la kan. jd parents sbrnya bukan automatik.. kawen, dpt anak… tp too many ‘hidden charge’ yg kena bear, especially bab perkataan, sikap, etc. tp skg tgk dh ramai org mula sedar pasal parenting skill, kan?

  21. faisal Avatar

    bagusnya akk ni, moga usaha akk tu akan berjaya..:) lagipun dalam Islam digalakkan buat camtukan kak..:)

  22. maklang Avatar

    alhamdulillah..maklang memang brestfed anak2 maklang yang 4orang tu…

    Masa confinement memang full time bf. Lepas tu, expressed the milk and simpan kat fridge. So, the next day maid akan thaw the milk and kasi kat baby. So, susu tin kurang sangatlaa…

    Hakim yang lama kat spital pun macam tu. Yang kelakar tu, masa Hakim tengah kat spital and tak leh minum susu banyak sebab sakit teruk, maklang still perah the milk and the fridge kat spital penuh dengan susu maklang…Kami sampai beli freezer untuk my milk. And Hakim menyusu sampai umur dekat 3yo.

    Memag betul, kena ada niat nak menyusukan anak2 ni… InsyaAllah susu tu ada…Tahniah kerana nak menyusukan baby. Maklang memang selalu encourage adek2 to bf. Good luck!

    Sori terpanjang pulak…

  23. mommyA Avatar

    amiin.. thanks faisal 🙂

    wah, maklang among mamas yg berjaya BF ek. alhamdulillah.

    amiin semoga saya pun bakal ikut jejak langkah maklang jgk 🙂 susukan bb sampai dkt 3thn 😉

  24. Anonymous Avatar

    mmm..i takde advice la..
    production enhancement tau la sket2..tapi tu production lain…=P

  25. mommyA Avatar

    haha. lawak la mas.

  26. okinokiyo Avatar

    betul nak BF mmg kene niat & doa bnyak2 masa pregnnat.and bila bfeed ni mmg puas hati, rasa bonding tu kuat sgt..InsyaAllah sampai besar anak kite akan carik kite balik apa jua keadaan.I paling suka moment my baby akan carik me and tgn dia akan dok meraba or terawang-awang sbb asyik sgt minum..best sgt.sbb dia asyik sgt minum 🙂
    Soon, you will know..priceless moment tau

  27. MommyA Avatar

    waaa can imagine det… hehe. sonok kan dpt kasik anak minum susu sdr. macam bonding yg xputus2 dari ms pregnantkan dia sampaila dia besar 🙂

  28. uncle din Avatar
    uncle din

    Tahniah, insyaAllah Allah mudahkan.

    My first son, si abg dapat full breastfeed dari umminya. Masa tu umminya masih lagi buat master. many free time, so good for him.

    Tp masa adiknya tak sempat langsung. 15 hari dalam pantang, umminya dah kena masuk maktab. Sian dia.

    yg paling ketara, bf gives better immune system to the baby. masa kecik2 lama2 sekali baru si abg demam, tp si adik kerap sungguh demam selsema, sampai develop acute bronchiolitis, or breathing difficulties. Sian adik. tp lepas cukup umur setahun dah jarang dah.

  29. mommyA Avatar

    uncle din:
    tQ bgdin :)!

    amiin smg Allah mudahkan & restui hasrat kami.

    semoga anak2 kita sumer sihat2 la. either BF or FF, semua yg terbaik utk anak2 kan?

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