Fahry on Day 18

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Fahry is doing good. He’s gaining weight, as per last week, he was 1.26kg (it was taken on Wednesday), and this week (taken on Monday), 1.33kg. This is good! He’s slowly gaining more and more weight. If I can put it like this:

  • Birth = 1.19kg
  • Week I = 1.23kg
  • Week II = 1.26kg
  • Week III = 1.33kg

A preemie baby should gain in average 15g per day. Compared to the previous weigh, Fahry is actually gaining 70g in 5 days. It’s 14g per day. Good enough, huh. Hopefully he’s gaining more weigh this week, cos we’re constantly there, massaging him. Studies say that a massaged preemie will gain weigh faster and shortened their stay in the SCN/NICU. Hopefully it will work!

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Hafiy playing with Nazhan during their visit.
Hafiy playing with Nazhan during their visit.

Fahry is not using oxygen tube anymore, and the oxygen level indicator is also disattached from his body. However, the nurses will check his oxygen level everyday, to ensure it is more than 90%. He looks a bit more comfortable with less tubes attached to his body. Now only feeding tube and the one from incubator to measure his body temperature. He maintains healthy body temperature of 36 something degree Celsius.

He is taking 30ml EBM per feeding via the feeding tube from his mouth down to his stomach. And with some additional vitamins and nutrients those a premature baby needs. It is in liquid form and fed after his normal feeding. His feeding time is still 3 hourly basis.

We go to the hospital 2 times a day, during lunch hour and after having dinner.

Usually we started with diaper changes, and sometimes incubator cleaning when Fahry ‘explodes’ his poo-poo to the wall of the incubator. Then we massage him using the Buds lotion to moisture his dry skin. Usually Abiy do the massaging while I am putting my hand on his forehead. Massaging a premature baby is different than a full term ones, for they have smaller size and more sensitive. A gentle, short massage is enough to make them happy. Usually we just do skin to skin and no stroking. I hope this will help Fahry to gain weight faster…

I had a very limited knowledge about premature baby and handling a premature baby. But, reading about it makes my heart break. Everything about premature baby is risking them. I just refer anything to mothers who have premature babies rather than to any reading material. It’s a physco when it tells, even nappy change risks your preemie baby to supply insufficient oxygen to their brain! Let’s pray… But Fahry is showing positive sign day by day, especially after I’m back to visit him.

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Every single day, oh I am counting every second. May Fahry comes home healthily.

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12 responses to “Fahry on Day 18”

  1. mama emma Avatar

    lyna, next time kalau massage fahry tu cuba la rakam ek… nak tgk la xpression dia…

    payah sket nak rakam tuh. takut kene tangkap plak huhuhu.

  2. cik_yan Avatar

    alhamdulillah he’s doing great.. keep us posted as always.. *muahs* kat Fahry..

    Fahry cakap :
    saya nak balik rumah cepat. boring la duk dalam tabung ni… xde member nak borak2.

  3. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    wahh…fahry is growing up fast!!!
    and also, dah tak payah rely on the oxygen tube.
    kiss kiss for fahry yeah…
    my doa for all of you!

    Fahry kata:
    kalo boleh saya taknak rely dengan apa2. tp derang suka2 je letak tiub tu tiub ni. rimas tau!

  4. hetz Avatar

    I’m so happy to hear that he’s progressing well. I pray that he will get to go home with you guys soon, insyaAllah. 🙂

    TQ so much your that! Kita semua looking forward utk bawak Fahry balik dengan sihat. Ameen.

  5. Intan mama Ammar Avatar

    Lina, hope u and family are doin ok.

    may god bless u…

    alhamdulillah, we are doing good 🙂
    TQ for all your support!

  6. anasfadilah Avatar

    fahry dah bertambah berat

    bagus bagus

    keep growing little fahry

    Fahry dah bulat! Pipinye dah macam bola golf mini 😛

  7. nor-mommy2h Avatar

    salam lyna…
    maafkan nor sbb lama tak berkunjung..br tau berita kelahiran fahry nih..tp tak terlambat lg kan nak ucapkan tahniah atas kehadiran org baru 🙂
    dont worry..i sendiri pon preemie…lahir masa 7bln..3mnths dok spital br dpt balik rumah…sampai sekolah rendah byk la halangan sakit itu ini ada sekali dok spital sampai sethn tp lps tu alhamdulillah sihat smpi sekarang…dapat jugak jejak kaki ke bumi sakura nih…
    they say preemie baby is special(ada nada perahsan tuhh..hehe)
    InsyaAllah Fahry akan sihat, kami doakan dr jauh!

    salam nor. 😀 alhamdulillah Fahry sihat. hehe, mmg special sungguh!
    semoga dia sentiasa sihat2 & bole pegi mana2 negara yg mak bapak dia xdapat pegi2 lg 😀

  8. suealeen Avatar

    2-3 minggu memang selalunya premie dah on air. ada yang 1 minggu dah on air. bernafas sendiri sebab dia dah stabil. but still kena handle carefully sebab segala-galanya tentang premie adalah “tidak matang”.

    akak dulu tak risau sangat sebab memang dah ada sorang pakar premie kat rumah. my own sis. cuma yang membezakan kami. anak dia tak de complication, so bab tu tak dapeklah dia nak nolong. we’ve to go on our own.

    keep on massaging him. guna hujung 1 jari je, tak yah guna banyak jari. insyaAllah dia akan cepat besar.

  9. intan Avatar

    Dear sitilina…may your lil’ fahry becomes well soon…my prayer will be for him and for both of you too….

  10. […] Today is Monday, so the first thing to look for in his daily report is his weight. Last Friday, he was recorded to be 1.45kg. How about today? *pray..pray..* Tara… It’s 1.5kg! 50g in 3 days.. OK la.. 16.7g per day in average. So I update our personal record: […]

  11. IDA Avatar

    slm…anak saya juga dilahirkan pramatang dengan berat hanya 870gm.lepas 4 bulan beratnya dh smpai 2kg…tp my baby mcm xcormfortable duk rumah,xtahu la nape.

  12. ina Avatar

    hi lyna,
    untungnya blh massage fahry, kat HTAA, nk pdtkan izin sapu air zam zam pun payah..losyen lgla x blh…massage kosong jer la, my baby azib same as fahry..28weeks. lahir 1.23kg 16.10.2010. sekarang 1.39kg 18.11.2010..

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