Cos I Couldn't Feel Your Pain…

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yesterday afternoon when Abiy went to the hospital, Fahry was crying, his diapers wet and his dressing was dropping off.

my heart torn into pieces when Abiy said “kesian Fahry, dressing dia tercabut, bila dia aktif tunjal2 kaki, kena alas tidur dia tu… dia nangis. sakit agaknya”.

Paed and the Orthopedic Surgeon was very positive to bring him to OT however, Anaestatic still says no. i don’t ask them directly but from Aunty Munirah i got that, for preemie, they tend to ‘forget to breathe’. so after being shuting down, most of the time they’ll forget to wake up and breath. sounds terrible, huh. Aunty Munirah even suggested me to drink caffeine so that Fahry will not be in deep sleep. cos deep sleep sometimes could be a killing machine when the preemie baby forget to breath.

the doctors will cut off the exposed bone.. and close the big wound. i don’t know the detail cos they are yet to tell us their full plan. so, the idea is that, to cut the bone and make it properly closed.

for his hands and the other foot, we still don’t have any plan. our concern now is to increase his weigh and secure his big wound.

i decided to spend a day or half of it with Fahry so that i can look after him. and apply for rooming-in after my family go back to our hometown, after their arrival this coming Christmas break.

we wasn’t sure about his weight, still 1.23kg, or 1.27kg, or 1.32 kg? i’ll check later with the nurses.

poor Fahry, he’s all alone in the warm incubator.

thinking about him makes my maternal instinct sets and adrifts. but i don’t want to deny the fact that he’s a very special someone. he brought us lots and lots of friends. it’s true that when Allah takes something from you, He’s giving you more! He tooks Fahry’s valuable foot, toes and fingers, but He blesses him with new friends, uncles and aunties who are really concern about him.

today we had Aunt Anamiraa here. she had some jobs in Miri & she came to our crib. she is a simple person (as my eyes could see). i hope she doesn’t mind for just having teh bujang saja….

Fahry also got special gifts from Aunty Jua, Aunty Teeny

, Aunty Shar, and other aunties who asked for our house address (will update later) 😀 Aunty Ely also sent a bottle of Fenugreek tabs for me to increase my breastmilk.

cepat Fahry besar… kami tak sanggup tengok Fahry in pain lagi… incidentally cutting my finger sikit pun sakitnya ya Allah… now i feel the pain during childbirth and post natal is nothing compare to what is Fahry bearing. big wound, and no painkiller…. Fahry tido je la biar tak rasa sakit OK.

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2 responses to “Cos I Couldn't Feel Your Pain…”

  1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    Write bad words on the sand, write nice words on the rock wall.

    air kosong pun ok 😛

    take good care yea. my heart goes out to fahry!
    kaknon | 12.19.08 – 10:32 am | #

    Ya Allah
    sesunguhnya Engkau Maha mengetahui dan menyayangi
    berilah kekuatan kepada keluarga ini

    Lindungilah Fahry dan berilah yang terbaik kepadanya
    mama adib | 12.19.08 – 10:35 am | #

    Gravatar rasa mcm tercalar jiwa bila terkenangkan, no painkiller but in great pain for fahry… tp fahry kuat.. fahry tak mudah mengalah kan..

    lyna, fahry anak yang sangat tabah… lyna pun tabah jugak.. so does the abiy..
    LeeN | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 10:49 am | #

    Gravatar my heart broke reading this post..poor lil baby, u be strong yer..
    i.s.z.a.n | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 10:56 am | #

    Gravatar go fahry gooooo…gambare!!!!!

    mami pun gambare!!
    Fid | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 10:57 am | #

    Gravatar sebak i baca Lina…semua ibu pun tak sanggup tgk anak dia dlm kesakitan kan?! kuatkan diri ye Lina..kami semua di blkg u!
    sal | 12.19.08 – 11:03 am | #

    Gravatar seriously saya rasa sebak yang tak dapat ditahan-tahan.

    tabahkan hati. kami semua doakan kesejahteraan fahry.
    zety | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 11:15 am | #

    Gravatar siannya….xsmpai ati nk dgr..sedey sgt…
    mama oja | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 12:52 pm | #

    Gravatar Long, sabar Long..yang tu kite tak bole buat ape. Kite hanya mampu berdoa. Tp ingat Allah itu Maha Berkuasa. Kite tak tahu apa yg dirancang-NYA tp ape yg pasti itulah yg terbaik buat kite semua. Mungkin Fahry tidak sesakit apa yang kite bayangkan. Maybe die tak rase apa pun. Die kecik sgt lg dan tak mungkin Allah swt memberikan azab yg sedemikian. Sesungguhnya Allah swt Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang.

    Nonie | 12.19.08 – 2:43 pm | #

    Gravatar …

    Biarpun lina cerita bersahaja, tapi akak terasa sedihnya…

    Akak yakin fahri dapat lalui masa masa genting ni… sebab tengok blog yang ada masalah baby kecik tak sampai satu kilo pun ok… kan ? Tetambah dengan fahri yang dah menampakkan kecargasan tuh…

    Lina mesti kuat untuk banyak susu dan boleh besarkan dan tembamkan lagi fahry…
    izawani | 12.19.08 – 3:07 pm | #

    Gravatar anak² premie ni ada case sampai tahap dalam otak tak de tempat nak proses oksigen just like one of a miracle babies – sridar rao. mak dia dengan akak very closed friend now. hidup bergantung dengan tangki oksigen. dah nak masuk sebulan lebih di HSB. kadang² oleh sebab otak tu tak proses, sampai ke tahap dia sendiri lupa nak bernafas especially waktu malam. every night selvy takkan tidur lena sebagaimana kebanyakan ibu yang lain.

    ada pula bila yang dibuat CT scan otak tinggal sebesar urat benang.

    di NICU akak tengok macam² kes. worst than syafiah. yang kes baby tak bernafas ni pun jadi pada syafiah masa hari ke-3. kadang² bila tengok patient lain jadi camtu, nurse pergi pada mereka dan usap² anggota badan mereka. panggil² nama than the graph will raise again.

    pakar biuslah yang nak tunggu berat ideal tu sebab dalam OT macam² risiko boleh berlaku. even budak asma pun deme tunggu sampai dia sihat dulu baru bedah…
    suealeen | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 3:43 pm | #

    Gravatar lina,
    ada tak fail patient around. akak dulu selalu selak sendiri so that akak tahu dia punya COH & berat badan dia…

    be strong ok… remember that you’re not alone!
    suealeen | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 3:45 pm | #

    Gravatar breaks my heart just thinking about fahry…pls be strong Lina and take care… i pray for your family, Insya Allah Fahry’s weight will increase soon….
    diyana | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 4:36 pm | #

    Gravatar kanak2 sentiasa dilindungi malaikat…insyaAllah
    kakLuna | Homepage | 12.19.08 – 9:21 pm | #

    Gravatar sebaknye.. Ya Allah, lindungi lah Fahry & hilangkan lah rasa kesakitan daripadanya. Stay strong Lina..
    Lana | Homepage | 12.20.08 – 12:22 am | #

    Gravatar always pray for both of u + the whole Mami Lyna’s family…

    take care n be strong
    dayah | 12.20.08 – 9:42 pm | #

    Gravatar salam…
    harap kak long bersabaq..dan moga tuhan bg kekuatan pd kak long and anak..amin
    tariq&hawwa | 12.20.08 – 11:43 pm | #

  2. ummi Avatar

    Oh, sedihnya. People always tell me, anak yang paling susah nak jaga itulah yang akan paling sayang kita nanti. I also have sorang ‘anak istimewa’. not physically but development-wise. I love all the same. In fact he has his own special spot in my heart.

    InsyaAllah segalanya akan dipermudahkan.

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