Goodbye 2008..

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Hensem tak?
Hensem tak?

2008 was a very challenging year for us, as it gave us many unexpected things. Unexpected, is not bad things or something we don’t liek it to happen, but it’s something we do not prepare for. Things like Tok Pa’s illness, Tok Pa’s death, Mbah’s sickness, Atok Lan’s hospitalized, Fahry’s premature birth & ABS, Uncle Kasyah caught dengue, etc.


When Arwah Tok Pa was diagnosed to has Lukaemia Acute Lympoblastic, all of us were shocked, and things like “Why him?” played every day in our head. He was a man who took a very good care of his health. He went out jogging everyday after office hour, and count everything he put into his mouth. All must be the freshest things he found in the market stall. He should be free from any illness!

But nobody can say “No” when He writes it as it is. From there we learned that life is not that direct. As a weak human, all we can do it open up our heart for any circumstance. Life, in practical, is a test. For us who like to read/learn about the truth beyond human’s creation must know why, and why we are tested [Can refer to 29:2].

Alhamdulillah, Allah gave us strength to face everything.

Talking about the new year, lots of thing I didn’t do in 2008, which I supposed to do, and I must pay for everything in 2009. I admit that I spent the whole year to ‘stabilize’ and catch the momentum to work and take care of my family especially Hafiy and Fahry who was blooming in my tummy. I lose many times in the fighting to prioritize.

Hopefully, 2009 is even better.

For every cloud has its silver lining.

Nonetheless, 2008 taught us many things. And the most precious lesson is to be resilient. Should never put the circumstance to take control, but we control over it. Definitely we can’t change anything, but we can change how we see it, and what we feel about it.

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I am a mother of two, and I have to change my life’s paradigm.

Handling Hafiy who is getting smarter and smarter, and soon Fahry… With a new something that I am working on. I have to re-organize myself, especially in time management. Every mother wants to witness every milestone of her own kids, doesn’t she? And being me, after all the failures I faced in my previous diaries, I want to change everything into succeed. Lots and lots of hard work. Now I could overcome my emotion, it’s a good beginning *grin*

May Allah gives everyone of us strength and power to be resilient this coming years. Cos we don’t know what 2009 (and the years after) has for us… Whatever comes upon, face it with an opened heart. To be happy or sad, it is totally our choice (It’s never gazetted that we should cry for miserable things). It’s not easy to smile when your heart is ache, but believe me, it is the sweetest smile ever!

Hafiy can say “baby”. When he sees baby’s picture or baby on TV he’ll point his forefinger saying “babybabybabybaby”. He saw Iqbal the other day, he was excitedly called Iqbal “babybabybabybaby…” salam with Iqbal (who was sleeping) and kiss the chubby cheek. A good brother in the makin’! LOL

Everytime we want to go to see Fahry, he’ll salam us, kiss us and close the door.

Hafiy likes to play peek-a-boo with Bibik. He’ll say “cak!”.

He’ll clap for “Hafiy pandai!”

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Fahry looks a bit chubbier than he was before (but definitely nothing compare to other baby). He’ll be a chubby baby, doesn’t he?

Happy new year for every makcik & pakcik of Hafiy & Fahry! We are so HAPPY to have you ‘ere! *hugs from Hafiy & Fahry*

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13 responses to “Goodbye 2008..”

  1. anasfadilah Avatar

    hafiy dah besar dah!


    lama makcik tak tgk muka hafiy

    semoga tahun 09 lebih bermakna untuk kita semua



    saya dah besar.. dah bole kawen tau makcik! ekeke. saya dah tak pakai pampers… sebab pakai CD 😛

    happy new year jugak utk makcik & budak kecik sorang tu.

  2. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    my doa for you & family…
    insyaallah, you can handle the situation.

    TQ mrs noba!
    tengah cari handle ni hehe.

  3. ibu rayyan Avatar

    salam Lyna n family..
    wah!hafiy dh besar la..
    dh ada gaya abang..hehe
    chumel n ensem..
    mata ikut sapa tu..chinese look..hihi
    hmm.citer pasal sume mk nk tengok anak dia mmbesar..betul tu
    sy sgtla ingin anak mmbesar kat dpn mata..
    tp apakan daya..
    bertuah hafiy n fahry dpt stay wif mami n abiy tau..
    apapun..heppy new year tuk Lyna n family
    moga Lyna n family makin kuat & tabah hadapi kehidupan mndatang..

    salam erda, hehehe
    alhamdulillah Hafiy dah besar lagi hensem huhuhu

    betul tu..semua ibu nk anak besar depan mata kan
    kita doakan kalian dapat tinggal bersama2 & dimudahkan segala urussan..

  4. emmacommey Avatar


    xkebulur nk tgk wajah ensem hafiy tu…

    hafiy meme ensem kak…


  5. suryatis Avatar

    Insya’Allah, you have the strength to handle the situation…. Good luck and don’t worry you have a lot of ppl around you (offline & online) supporting you, Lyna… n selalu org kata, susah2 dahulu, Insya’Allah akan senang di kemudian hari…

  6. anamiraa Avatar

    kah kah kah memang ensem!!!

  7. izawani Avatar

    Wah… sepet juga rupanya si Hafiy nih…. hahaha…

    ke mana tumpahnye kuah… hehehe

  8. mira Avatar

    Salam along,moga 2009 giving u more strength and happiness

  9. izawani Avatar

    Aik… apasal tak keluar komen akak tadi ???

  10. intan Avatar

    salam mama lynn…semoga tahun 2009 membawa sinar untuk anda sekeluarga…:)

  11. anamiraa Avatar

    paradigm shift eh?

    hmmm i think i need one oso!

  12. puteri1@mama_aqilah Avatar

    hafiy memang dah besar dah…encem lak tuh…

  13. ina Avatar

    Sorry…i’m ur silent reader…juz wanna wish u happy new year…semoga berbahagia di tahun 2009

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