And The Winner Is….

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so sorry for the long due. Β here is the result of The Best Nursing Cover.

Pemilihan pemenang dibuat berdasarkan undi di blog masing-masing, undi di MySuperKids & markah dari Chantek2. Keputusan akhir dibuat oleh pihak yang mengendalikan hadiah untuk mengelakkan bias.. πŸ˜›


First Prize


Second Prize

Ummi Khayra

Third Prize


Congratulation! For the winner please email me your address & Chantek2 will contact you shortly.

Kepada yang lain you’re still the best! Keep it up & Happy Breastfeeding!

Jangan serik ya!

*Congratulation to all Mamas who participate in this. You know that you’re helping some mothers out there to find various nursing covers and at least get the idea that breastfeeding is really a world easy-peasy thing to do. Thank you so much for your time. You’re great!

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14 responses to “And The Winner Is….”

  1. zuhaini Avatar

    alhamdulillah.. tahniah kepada semua pemenang! πŸ™‚

    hihi.. (kamek memang dah agak x menang punya lah.. haha)

  2. Sherry Avatar

    congrats to winners πŸ™‚

  3. Hanz Avatar

    Alhamdulillah… menang tempat ketiga! πŸ˜›

    Congrats pada Farah & Ummikhayra & to other contestants, congrats too for participating & make it happen!

    Nak tumpang lalu cikit, puan rumah…
    Now, my turn nak wawarkan my Blog Giveaway, dah mula & ends 30th June (by 3pm). Here’s the link:-

  4. azzamoro Avatar

    congrats farah & hanz…cooll.. korang memang superb..

    same goes to ummikhayra..:)

  5. farah Avatar

    alhamdulillah!!!! tak sia2 buat muka tak malu raih undi hahahaha….

    tima kasih byk2 pada yg vote saya…..

    tahniah juga buat ummikhayra dan hanz!!juga pada participant lain…u all rock!!

    happy breastfeeding!

  6. mama qaisara Avatar
    mama qaisara

    tahniah kepada pemenang…even saya tak menang,tapi sebab sya join contest ni pn pasai its specially dedicate to BF mommy..tu yg join.nk memeriahkan lagi suasana..
    apa2 pn, i wont give up in BFing world! hehehe..

  7. mama emma Avatar

    hehe.. dah leh agak yg akak x menang.. tp saje je suke2 nak kasi pening lyna baca entry akak… lalala..

    congrate kpd pemenang!!!

  8. fid Avatar


    i mmg tak heran i tak menang sbb i dah MENANG! apakah???

  9. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    Semua pun pemenang cuma 3 org je dpt hadiah. Aci? Hehe.

  10. Ummi Hanie Avatar

    ohhh… xtrsenarai as winnerz…

    xapelah ..blom rezeki …

    taniahhh wat all da winnerz !

    walopun kalah , ku takkan berenti breastfeeding…

  11. UmmiKhayra Avatar

    Congratz to farah and hanz… and to me too… πŸ˜›
    Thank you to semua kengkawan yang mengundi saya..

    Hidup Breastfeed…

  12. ayuarjuna Avatar

    tahniah…susah betul nak pilih…bagus bagus semua penyertaan..

  13. Dayah Avatar

    tahniah buat Farah, UK and Hanz…
    smua participants pun hebat…

  14. Watie Avatar

    tahniah to all the winners!! Hidup BF!!

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