Almost 2 Month

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pipi merah kene geget nyamuk

phew, i hope this new phase (2 MO) will end the agony endured by the blackside of my mental, punched by your unstoppable-cry-as-long-as-i-don’t-put-you-in-my-arm. but owh, at the whiteside (which is a lot greater!) i really don’t mind (cos i’m the one who called you to come to the world as my son, it’s not your decision at the first place). but bear in mind that we’d been quarantined since you cried non-stop in public made nobody want to hold you. by default i am the one who has to bring you away 🙂

you’re gonna have your 2nd follow up and jabs next week. i can’t wait to witness how much weight you gain after a month 🙂 i don’t know bout other mothers but i am really obsess about your weight gain. it’s a pleasure and i take it as a compliment (perasan) when somebody says that you’re bigger than your age 😀 and you know, because of that, i have a close-end answer when anyone asks about “xkasik makan ke? nasi ke nestum ke, pisang ke?”. my answer would be “minum susu mak dia pun dah besar ni, xpayahla bagi2 makan kang xlarat nak kendong” 😀 soooo niceee!!! actually, i don’t wanna give them a free lecture about feeding an exclusively breastfeed baby. and if you are thinner, they might think that you got not enough food and paksa me to give you solids. as for me, i wanna breastfeed you exclusively, at least for 6 month and if i could do more than that, i would 🙂

Pak Uda panggil saya ‘Budak Gemuk’. mana ada saya gemuk, saya cuma tough aje!

i guess so, your first month was the most unstable part, for both you and i. with a new you who didn’t know me much, and this old young Mommy who still learned to know her son, there’s lots of things left unsolved. however, after that phase passed, i feel so relieved. you now recognize me as your Mommy and you started to learn about persons around you. you smile to them when they call you and you smile to Mommy too! but only if i speak English with you.

this one i really don’t understand OK! all this while i talk to you in Kelantanese, i called you to smile but you didn’t smile, and look blur everytime i talk to you (ignore the natural blurness of a 1-month old baby). but the other night i talk to you in English. know what.. you responded! and you talk to me back in your language! oh God… what had happen to my son. then i started to talk to you in English.. phew~ and you like the song ‘eternal flame’, that i sing everynite before sleep. you can sleep with the song! bertuah betul!

you really like bathing time with Mommy. even if you’re crying out so loud but when i’m putting you in your tub (not a tub actually, it’s Mak Tok’s small round basin. we bought you a tab and left it at our Miri house), you’ll suddenly calm. and smile. hehe. tp tak laratla everytime nangeh nak kene mandikan pulak. plus, your mandi process is not simple. i have to boil the water since we dont have heater and you don’t like cool water! have to add the water with ‘air tawar’, lime and lactacyd. then only you can have your kebush2 session. i did everything myself since you were 2 weeks old 🙂

bestnya mandi dengan Mommy… alamak sexynye nampak pushat!

brr… sejuuukkkk

and at this age, i like to put you on your tummy and laugh out loud to see your cute actions. you can move your body forward 2-3 inches. hehe. tummy timeee!!! thing you don’t like the most 😀

warm up sebelum tummy time.

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sayaa sediaaaa….!!!

alamak, apsal tak begerak pon!


fuhh.. akhirnya. berjaya juga sampai ke garis penamat!

the maternity leave has come to the end. consume up my annual leave & put my unpaid leave application on my boss’s table (Abiy did actually). hopefully he has a heart to approve my leave, or i’ll go to work carrying my baby!

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27 responses to “Almost 2 Month”

  1. mummytobe Avatar

    comelnye hafiy 🙂
    i pun rase naaak sgt amik unpaid leave nih…tapi takleh…uwaaaaa!!!

  2. Dandelion Avatar

    Kenapa campur lime dlm air mandi dia? Mmg kiter tau ada org guna air limau utk mandi tp xpenah dgr plak baby pun sama. Mmg ada sbb tertentu bagus utk baby ke?

    Wah Hafiy geram tgk pipi Hafiy tu rasa nak cubit2 je hihi 😀

  3. kasutVincci Avatar

    agak2 nya dah berapa kg si afy ni. Tembam betol!

  4. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    i pun xappruv lg. kalo xappruv aku sekeh la HR tu. hehe. suh dia la jaga hafiy.

    hihi. lime tu sbnrnya time kita bawak dia jmpe sorang pakcik yg tau nk ubat baby nangis2, dia suh mandikan ngan limau tu 😛

    tp best jugak, harum je badan dia.

    kak KV,
    tu la. 6kg kot. huhu.

  5. Fid Avatar

    suka gambar bertowel tu
    tembamlah kamu nih hafiy..geget kang!

  6. MummyHanis Avatar

    wah sudah tembamm hafiy! ape lah ur frend tanye tu mana la blh kasik baby mkn nestum lg. at least 4 bln kan? 😉 i ade la kasi introduction kat hariz on solid. tp setakat calit2 kat lidah je. hehe

  7. achik Avatar

    wah.. semangat sungguh!!! comelssss 😉

  8. bAiTi Avatar


    Hafiy sudah DEBAB la MommyLina ;). Wel Done, hehehe..

  9. mOmmy of Triplets Avatar
    mOmmy of Triplets

    my babies, sbb mmg tido meniarap, so if awake pun nk tummy time. if telentang kn sure nanges kuat. ingatkn nk lar biar die telentang lihat dunia, tp taknk pulak.
    harith mase baru balik umah, sebulan jugak lar sleep pattern die, siang whole day tido and malam tak tido LANGSUNG, nk kul 5 or subuh baru tido…jenuh, nk bedukung je if not melalak

  10. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    k fid,
    ya beliau sungguh tembam dan berat!

    itu ok lagi kot..derang xtahu la tu. u know my neighbour, bb dlm pantang dah dikasik nestum. isk3x… yg bg tu bkn nenek dia tp maknye yg baya2 kita. isk3x.

    wah hariz dh nk bole mamam! i igt nk intro solids kt hafiy as late as possible. hehe. smpai dh xlarat minum susu mami dh kikiki.

    alhamdulillah.. yg penting maknye tak ikut tembam sama. ahaha.

    k baiti,
    tu org ckp, kuat melalak, badan naik jugak. hehe.

    munirah mot,
    my auntie ckp bb gayat kalo duk telentang, especialy yg mmg besa duk nerap. huhu. ntahla.

    2 r, bdk2 ni xnk tido bkn nk duk diam2. nk dokong la apela. tp bile dh abis phase tu, rs tringat plak detik2 xtido mlm. hehe.

  11. PuteriSatu Avatar

    semangatnye dia….

    ooo taruk lime ye…Aqilah dulu pun selalu nangis2 gak..tapi my mum kata..klu tak nangis bukan bebudak namanya…so tak de ubatkan apa2..alhamdulillah genap 3 bulan…dah tak nangis dah pun…act baby bawah 3 bulan biasala nangis2 cam tuh…klu baby girl lagila kebanyakkannya memang kuat nangis dan jerit…

    Aqilah umur 4bulan mama dia dah suapkan nestum..huhuhu….alhamdulillah tak de masalah….afiy tunggu 4 bulan ye..baru mintak mamam ngan mama ok..

  12. Helena Avatar

    cutenya hafiy…. 1st picture tu, dagu dia nampak panjang, cam kena injection macam artis pulak… hehe

  13. yong Avatar

    Waaa, hebatnye Encik Hafiy, kecik2 sudah paham English ! (clap clap)

  14. Ayu Avatar

    ya Allah.. bulatnya dieeeeeee.. comeinyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    aduhaiiii geram akak nengokkan.. sama macam anak buah akak yang dah 7 bulan tuh.. tembamnya macam itu lerr.. bulat ajeee

  15. Alex Lacey Avatar
    Alex Lacey

    ni ada harapan jadi abang Aqeel nih…tembam macam ni la masa baby dulu…skang nih mahu 10kg lebih kot…dah setahun lebih katakan…memang kalau dokong Aqeel tu, 5 minit jer dah mengah…

    kirim cium gigit pipi tuh…

  16. cikdinz Avatar

    samalah anak kita. dafinah tu badan though tapi pompuan lah kan. nampak pelik sket….heheheee…

    dia demam tak kena inject…

  17. ummibatrisya Avatar


    chubbynya. geram tgk pipi macam nak cubit2.

    seronoknya, lama cuti. bila nak balik sarawak?

  18. fidieyaaa Avatar

    Bagus2, dlm breast milk ade semua nutrition yg diperlukan baby

  19. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hehe. bgs nye akak. kitorang ni smua xtahan sabar ni. huhu.

    hafiy ni igt nk selambat mungkin intro solids ke dia. hehe.

    cute tu sbb ikut mak dia kot ;P

    you… see the legs… of the mami la. hahak.

    k ayu,
    hehe. tgk2 hari2 x nmpk pun dia bulat. huhu.

    k wear,
    huhu. bulih tu nok geng. biar cpt bulih jalan, xcekat nok dukung berat gitumo!

    waaa pompuan tough! 🙂 besa dgr kwn2 ank pompuan kecik2 je hehe.

    sabtu ni injek.. tah demam x ni… jgnle demam..

    k ummi,
    hehe chubby tu minum susu mami 😀

    blk swk ikut plannyer 31dec ni. oh HR tolonglah approvekn!

    nk try? hehe.

  20. Kak Lady Avatar
    Kak Lady

    siti….hafiy dah nampak besar…hehehe…comel…nak gelak tgk gambar dia meniarap tu…kening berkedut macam mintak tolong…

    Kalau siti takut dia demam balik aje dari injek tu…bagi dia ubat yang doktor bagi…pastu tuam tempat injek tu dengan air suam atau tuala…

  21. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    Salam Kak Lina.

    ya rabbi.. besarnya dh hafiy. bulat. sy tringat wkt dpt adik ke4 bawah sy, kitprg paggil dia “benda bulat”. haha.
    peha hafiy ketul2 mcm ninja turtle la. macho abis la hafiy. my hat off to u kak lina for breastfeeding him well! 🙂

  22. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    hafiy….bila nak balik miri ni….uncle dah tak sabar nak peluk cium hafiy nih…cepat lah balik….
    uncle nak bagi kat hafiy nih….nak cokelat???..nnti ummi marah makan cokelat kan….heheheh…..

    hafiy yang chomey mcm uncle dia nih….heheheheh

  23. wan Avatar

    ei geramnya tengok baby hafiy nih. Baru 2 bulan tu.. nampak tegap dah.

    Paha dia.. rasa nak gigit2.. hehehhehe

    Moga dapat sambung cuti, kalau tak kena kerja.. nak berpisah dgn Hafiy mesti payah.. 🙂

  24. ummi yang montel.... Avatar
    ummi yang montel….

    Ya Allah.. pnyer la lama x jenguk blog ni.. rupenyer dah 2 bulan mommy selamat bersalin ek…
    pastu Ya Allah.. comeiinyer budak Hafiy nih.. tembam sungguuhssss…
    Ketul2 muscle dia… eeii.. geram.. geram.. hehehe
    meh sini ummi geget seket ekk… ahaksss..

  25. Leeds Al-Malique Avatar
    Leeds Al-Malique

    dagu dia comel laa..tajam gitu..

    besar nnt hensem hehehee

  26. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    kak lady,
    tuh mmg dia tengah meraung2 mtk simpati tu. hehe. saja je nak buli2.

    hmmm.. camtue ek xmo kasik demam… nt kita wat tq akak 🙂

    salam Sarah..

    ninja turtle ek.. hekhek. ntala, apsal akak xnmpak pon dia besar?

    boleh2, cekelat kasik mami dia makan, eehehehehe.

    hehe. sebab rasa dia dah besar, tido malam2 pun main peluk2 macam peluk bantal je.

    arap2 lulusla cuti tu.. kalo xlulus pun mmg xleh nakgi keje ni. huhu.

    ummi yg montel,
    ehek. alhamdulillah. gegetla, kalo dia nangeh sendri pujuk. hahak.

    heh.. tgkla anak sape… hahahahaha.

  27. fidieyaaa Avatar

    nak3. nanti simpan dale fridge rumah kat kadok. bulan 3 i kelik minung.. takde, siap!

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