Al-Fatihah for Basri Paimin (Embah Lanang)

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We got a call from Tok Ma last Thursday telling that Embah Lanang was admitted into ICU in Hosp B Pahat. Embah Lanang is Arwah Tok Pa’s father, used to has asthma since ever and since Mommy knew him, he used to semput-semput especially when the weather is cold.

Last night while we were out to Tanjung Lobang, Abiy called Tok Ma to get update about Embah. Tok Ma said, Embah had severe complication on his lungs and liver. The doctors couldn’t had any way to help him other than keep on monitoring and stabilizing him.

But Allah loves him more. At 8.15am this morning, Tok Ma called again, telling that Embah dah tak ada… He left us at 7.45am, 14 February 2009.

Abiy immediately look for flight ticket, but none were available until Sunday evening. This is the price we have to pay for staying ‘over the sea’. I knew this is tough for Abiy. Since his father’s death almost 5 months ago, his mom lives alone in KL, and now his beloved grandpa left… and Abiy couldn’t even back home to see the jenazah.

But Abiy still maintain calm and macho je. He’s always like that lah. Even if gelombang melanda pun he still him and not to be controlled by emotion.

WACHAAA!..(sekadar gambar hiasan)

Embah Lanang, as far as I could remember, he was a very strict and very particular in everything. Especially in managing wealth. I could say la.. he’s the brother of Warren Buffet.

He was a garang old man, but actually he was so nice and liked to help people. I still remember his story then when he and Embah Wedok started their new life in that Kampung Kluang Darat. They were very.. easy said, poor lah. But inspite of that, the tried as much as possible to help other villagers.

It was then, when they had a small container to collect water, some of the villagers came to ask for little water from them. It was very hard to get clean water back then except from the rain. Even if they had it just enough for their family, but Embah Lanang willingly gave it to those people who asked for it.

Cos they only had that small water container, Embah prayed so that they got bigger container so that they had more to share with other villagers. He worked hard to achieve his dream. Later then, they got 2 big tempayans. Meaning, more water to be shared! And more and more villagers got the benefit. Embah Lanang wished to help more people and he made his extra effort until he was able to build a big kolah in front of their house. Until now, the kolah is still there.

That spirit inspire me to help other people too. As much as possible, I want to translate that spirit into any of my daily practices.  Even if I am not a 10-years-experienced mother and wife, but with my little knowledge, I’m sure it is still beneficial to others.

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5 responses to “Al-Fatihah for Basri Paimin (Embah Lanang)”

  1. dayah Avatar

    takziah buat Lyna sekeluarga… alfatihah utk arwah..moga berada dlm klgn solihin..

  2. fid Avatar

    takziah dr saya..

  3. cheyant Avatar

    takziah buatmu sekeluarga..

    eish..sebut2 pasal embah lanang, wedhok ni..term jawa ni..teringat la plak family arwah mak di batu pahat..macamane keadaan mereka yek..lama tak jenguk..

    my late mother javanese hehe

  4. babycomel Avatar

    takziah buat lyna sefamili…Alfatihah utk arwah…

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