Abi's Plan for You

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i read several baby and parenting books, but i never see any single phrase about ‘financial’ (or, do i need to read more books?) unless in books that really talk about financial planning. for us, financial plan is something crucial when having a baby, and need to be prepared before he is born. having baby is something exciting. even before the baby is born, people already congratulates the dads & moms to be. and even more after the birth.

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baby’s arrival means a real change in a couple’s life. undeniably the endless happiness, by having your own flesh and blood. but for us, it’s not about the happiness and excitement of having you, as a not-so-rich (when lah… the time is gonna come….) we have so many things to plan in term of budget and financial. it’s true, there’s must be your rezeki somewhere but still, nothing ventured nothing gained. we still have to plan for our (especially yours!) best.

it’s time for us to get out pen & paper to jot down the budget we’ll use once we bring you home. the expenses that will occur every weekly and monthly, as addition to our regular car, house, astro, phone, stremyx, etc. payment; for diapers, clothes, nursing wear (it’s mine!), etc.

since before i get pregnant, we read a lot about cost of having baby and what is the preparation. and we just get into very serious after you’re conceived. when we went for shopping your goods, our principal were “the best & dear for more than 5 years things & as cheap as it can for only 2months thing” and “no 2-3 time of purchasing on the same thing”. that’s why we have no regret on your bombastic price feeding set and stroller. and your infants’ set like… apparel? bedding set? towel? blanket? hehe, we got it at mydin & @70% off je… wait until you get bigger and handsome then only we’ll buy you branded sikit (maybe that time you’d ask for ’em).. and we did some calculation on disposable diapers available in market. i think we’ll try the cheapest one first. and i’m start thinking about using cloth diapers je…

and after you’re born, we have to prepare some amount for your akikah. and your flight ticket. huhu. oh yes, and your travel cost to visit our families at jerantut, KL & Johor. since we’re not gonna be in Semenanjung regularly, we think it’s fair if you go to visit your Mbah’s and Mbah Buyuts before we bring you back to Miri.

and once we are in Miri, we have to start paying for your child care. a personal nanny might rates higher than a care centre. however, we prefer a personal one. oh, no! we still can’t find anybody who is willing to babysit you! i hope bb can help on this... ;p

we have to plan for your insurance, your development, education and so on. things such as baby gears according to your ages, etc. and for early education, we did survey some kindergartens in Piasau, and most of them are Montessories. we thought that’s interesting. maybe.. we’ll put you into one of them or at a Tadika Islam next to our office 😀 and until now, we did not buy you any single toys. abi said, wait until you’re born.

that’s only a 3-4 years plan. for long term.. fuh… exhausting. we have to consider if no more scholarship for higher education given in the next 18 years. today’s high educational fee is already a bombard, in next 18 years? phew~ and we have to consider also for the second, third, forth, fifth,.. eleventh 😛

however, i’m sure after after you’re born, it isn’t as hard as we thought. we’ll actually can save a lot.

1. we’re so lucky that our company covers your healthcare including major/minor illness and regular check-up 😀
2. having you will give us tax exemption 😀
3. we won’t go out as often for dinner and a movie 😀
4. we won’t go for honeymoon anymore (hwaaa… i haven’t gone for any!)
bachelor party dvd 5. we don’t have to go out to fill our time & avoid boredom 😀
6. maybe, don’t have to fly back to Semenanjung with own expenses often. excuse: traveling with baby is leceh 😀
7. maybe, more bonuses next year…? oh…mimpi sajalah.

…so terukla these parents!

look like we’re thinking about money quite a lot, huh. hmm, whatever people may think, for us, even if there’s so called rezeki anak but if we don’t have proper plan & management, it may be goes into tokei supermarket’s pockets for something unnecessary rather than into what you really need for your present and future.

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22 responses to “Abi's Plan for You”

  1. nonie Avatar

    personal nanny as a really personal one who will come & look after ur baby at home @ hantar kat rumah org? if the later applies, if you ask me, i would rather send my baby to a child care center… sbb kalau hantar kat rumah org ni, org tu mesti nak jaga rumah tangga dia sendiri juga kan… so, she’ll also do the usual house chores, might not be able to give full attention to the baby… tapi childcare mmg specialized jaga budak, itu mmg keje derang… & byk faktor2 lain la…. tapi kalau mmg u nak hire org yg personally take care of ur baby tu, mungkin lain cerita la 🙂
    just my 2 cents…

  2. mommyA Avatar

    kitorang sbnrnya xkisah pn cemana yg pnting ada org yg look after dia seharian tu. but then ramai yg advise if bole cr yg personal, either antar hari2 org dtg umah. it’s better than send 2 nursery coz here byk case HFMD. itu yg lg prefer other than childcare centre. hehe.

    maklumla, xde experience, kutip2 dr orang je 🙂

    neway thnks 4 ur 2cent 😛

  3. bb Avatar

    kaksiti,insya Allah,mun sikda aral mlintang,dpat juak kmk tlong ckit2 sia..kmk pun sik brapa juak jln2 Miri tu,dah lma sik stay sia…tpi MYY tetap di hatiku bak kata Saiful Apek…
    Kak Siti keja sia?

  4. Mak Su Avatar
    Mak Su

    Assalamualaikum mommya, baby w mak su yang pangkal namanya H tu dah hampir berumur satu tahun.. dalam pada itu, perbelanjaan kami memang menjangkaui kenormalan, memang expensive ler nak raise a baby nowadays, selamat berbajet for you

  5. MommyA Avatar

    owh, kmk igt ktk mmg stay sitok, p labuah outstation aja, rupanya mmg keje labuan. kmk keja sitokla. hehe. sik kenal sapa2 kat sitok, org ofis jak. hehe. 2 mtk tlk ktk. 😀

    mak su:
    waalaikumsalam maksu. owh igtkan baby w nya belum lahir lg 😀 itula itu, kami yg amatur ni tgh belajar2 nk baget utk baby kelak 😀

  6. Wan Faziatul Amira Avatar
    Wan Faziatul Amira


    as a first time mummy, our child deserves to get the best from us. Banyak jugak lah belanja, tapi bile pikir balik, rezeki anak sentiasa datang.. susah mane pun, Allah tetap bagi rezeki untukk anak kite.. tak percaya? wait for ur baby to come out

  7. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    hmm, by any chance u hv javanese blood? coz i spot the word mbah in this post 😉
    well, i really cant wait for my babies to be discharge coz both of them are not only the first grandchildren but also the first greatgrandchildren to their mbah buyut hehe =)

  8. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    oh lupe nk mention. u were saying bout expenses for aqiqah. in my case i kena sembelih 4 ekor kambing. but some said yg dah meninggal tak perlu but some said, since die sempat bernyawa we still need to do the aqiqah…

  9. MommyA Avatar

    amiin, semoga murah rezki sumorang 🙂 skg maybe xrasa lagi kot pasal dia xlahir lg. hehehe.

    ahaks. my Hubby’s parents are Johorean Javanese. u pn Javanese gak ke? Johor? Melaka? Selangor? wahaha. so is our son pun the 1st greatgrandchild on both sides!

    wa.. so byk the kambing! 🙂 & my dad osso buat akikah for my late brother tu coz he cried masa dia baru2 lahir tu.

  10. Fahidayati Avatar

    Mommy Sitilina,

    One thing for sure expenses bila dah ada baby memang meningkat. I penah rasa dan masih merasa. Mana nak diapers, susu etc.

    For diapers, I penah try pakai yg murah, but my baby skin takleh tahan. Ruam teruk jugak, terus tukar yg ok skit… takdelah mahal mana… HUGGIES je.

    Pastu susu plak my paed suggest guna SIMILAC EYE Q yg bleh digunakan from 1 – 12 months. My son pulak kuat menyusu satu tin/week. Now dah tukar ke GAIN PLUS EYE Q sebab dah one yr old.

    Tapi, kita dah kurang pulak activity sosial lain spt movie, makan kat luar etc. Boleh jimat tang situ…

  11. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    my dad johorean javanese from pontian =)

  12. Alex Lacey Avatar
    Alex Lacey

    hmmmm….teliti ek you all…akak dulu main redah ajer…yg penting bagi akak dia punya “rohaniah” tu…itu yg akak fokus dulu hehehehe…benda2 material ni, kalau dpt yg murah, beli yg murah jer….dan akak tak pernah ada stroller ker, car seat ke…semua manual ajer hehehehe….

  13. MommyA Avatar

    hehe. ye la. Allah dah kasik balance dah kan. byk kuar, byk jugak dpt jimat. hehehe.

    yeke… my MIL asal orang Benut. mana tahu jiran ke. hehe. bole jumpe time raya. ahaks.

    kak wear:
    tuhla kami susun strategi sbb nok cari huk muros2. hehehe. maklumlas, bare2 baby ni cumam2, kalo ikut kehendak hati gak… sero nok borong belako. tp tu la.. mahal2 + xperlu huk byk nyo. dop ke nneh?

  14. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    susah ni nak cakap pasal baby2 ni….errrmmm but i used to be a very good babysitter dulu, hahahaha…i luv baby…menangis kuat mcm mana pun lagi suka, hehehe…

    td pi level tuh jumpe Mr. Khoo…intai gak seluruh cubical tuh…tak nampak pun wanita berbadan dua….heheheheheh

  15. achik Avatar

    bagusnya.. sgt teliti..

    oh2 saya suka tgk dokumentari pasal baby.. err x ingat la tajuknya.. tp dia study dari baby tu dlm perut sampai umur 6thn.. best sgt.. comel2 plak tuh.. 😉

  16. MommyA Avatar

    bole r jadi baby sitter budak ni kejap. wuahuahuahua.

    tak cukup intai tu. my cubical to mr khoo’s xpayah cari pun. mmg akan nampak punye lah.

    takde la teliti manapun. huh.
    dokumentari apa ek? mcm best je tu.

  17. ~wan hidayat~ Avatar
    ~wan hidayat~

    lorrrr….apasal tak nampak akaq smlm, jadi babysitter???…boleh jea, nnti saya claim kat petronas ek…heheheeh

  18. MommyA Avatar


    semula2 mari, tanyola MR Khoo, mana satu Dato’ S yg jelita tu.hehehe.

  19. mummytobe Avatar

    wah..telitinya u plan financial
    kitorg main belasah je ni..hehe

  20. MommyA Avatar

    this is the benefit of having a production analyst yg keen to change position to a petroleum economist as husband. haha.

  21. blackpurple Avatar

    Eloklah macam itu. Rancang awal-awal. Tahniah!

  22. MommyA Avatar


    kejahatan yg berstrategi itu jauh lebih baik dr kebaikan yg tidak berstategi.


    tima kasih!

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