7 Wonderful Months

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oh dear my baby is 7 month old today! how fast time flies… you have only 5 month to go to your first birthday!

i reminisce back… what have i done to you all this while? is it worth for you, having a Mommy like me? 🙁 eh, of course, i breastfeed you!

you gave us a very impressive 7-month birthday present… guess what? you creep! 😀 it happened last nite when Abiy put his laptop on the floor, and we saw you creep [should i say, crawl?] to get the lappy. when we aware about your effort, Abiy moved the lappy farther, and you still trying to reach it. oh how sweet my baby…

last week, you had a very high fever. for 4 days your body T was 39degree C (i see…, it’s normal but to me it’s enough to make me worry a lot!), and it was when Abiy flew to Kuantan. however, you didn’t show any sign of sickness, no flu, no cry, no clingy, just your body T. when we brought you to the doctor, he said “betul ke demam ni, ceria je”, and you really were when he measured your temperature 😀

after the high T, you got measle-like rashes all over your body, especially your torso and your face. again, we worried about eczema, german measle, or dengue! again, we brought you to see the paed. in those 5 days, you met those doctors 3 times! but everything was OK. Dr Philip said it might be some alergic, but nothing serious. orang tua kata, ruam panas sembuh demam. the demam is because to release the rashes. i dunno & i dun care as long as you’re OK. it was just for 2 days, then your skin back to normal 😀

post-fever, you became more active than before. you started to creep, and jumping here and there when i hold you on my arm. and you can say “Mamamama” “Babababa” “Bebebebe” “Pipipipipi” and Bibik said you can say “Mami!”. i don’t surprised cos you like to do thing at our back.

last week, we went to Brunei with Mak Tok, Tok Ayah & Pak Su. we supposed to meet Mummy AH, but unfortunately, because of the last minute arrangement, we fell to the different places. she waited for us at Aminah Arif at Kiulap while we were at ‘God knows where’ Aminah Arif 😀 we spent about B$40 (about RM100) for our lunch bcoz we didn’t know what we ordered.. if only we met Aunt Huaida.. ;( but it’s OKla.. gave us lesson to be learnt 😀 next time we make sure a proper plan in place! at least she ‘guided’ us to Aminah Arif where we could try the ‘Ambuyat’. so unique and i wish to have it again!

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this time, our trip to Brunei was a bit meaningful la. all this while we just went to Yayasan, this time we were at Hua Ho Manggis Mall & Hua Ho Tanjung Bunut. thanks to Mummy AH! and then i knew that my boy likes Barney very much! you laugh when we showed the talking Barney and any Barney doll to you, but not when we showed other dolls. however we didn’t buy you the talking Barney cos the price was… hmm.. next time la sayang ya. when watching Barney at home, you’ll look at the TV very seriously when Barney appears, when he’s not in the screen, you’ll scream like “where’s my Barney!”. hehe. eii geram la.

today for the very first day we left you alone with Bibik. Mommy had course at Marriot, i left my telekung at home, so after sending Abiy to office, i went back home to take it, and i saw you were on Bibik’s gendongan, holding your bottle – thing i never saw.

about solids, we stopped it since 2 weeks ago, since you were not interested in any. so, we decided to wait until you ‘request’. actually, you like to participate in our mealtime, but you don’t like your food. you prefer celup2 tangan dalam mangkuk than eating. so, no no lah.

some said you are going to get your first tooth because you like to put anything in your mouth, including Mommy’s toes.. but i tot you did it since 4 months ago! and nothing appears on your gum. furthermore, Mommy don’t anticipate your to teething sooner. hehe. now pon very2 the sakit when you gigit my nips by your hard gum…

Hafiy my love.. Mommy miss you so much!

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18 responses to “7 Wonderful Months”

  1. Babe Avatar

    Hafiy is fast growing,

    cute gambar last tu

  2. hafiy hensem Avatar
    hafiy hensem


    saya hensem.

    saya hensem.

    saya hensem!!!

  3. jua Avatar

    susah woo nak dpt mommy mcm mommy awk. so, be a gud..very gud boy tau. ur mommy is the best mommy in d world.

    epi momy day,Lina.

  4. sinfullydeliciousmummy Avatar

    ooo. congratulations Hafiy! Crawl laju-laju supaya mami hafiy chase hafiy ye. hehehehehe.

    baby AH is like that! everytime he has a temperature, he gets spots on his arms, thighs and torso. Parents & in-laws cakap ruam panas, so nothing to worry, insya Allah.

    btw, yaaa. kat aminah arif a bit expensive for the ambuyat but at least its a one-stop tempat nak cuba. hehehe. glad you like it!

  5. muneera Avatar

    ha’ah laa..cute btol gmba last dlm entry nih…geramnye..heheh…hafiy syg…tumbuh gigi elok2 yer..mase keik tk sakit..nti bile dh umur 21 akan tumbuh gigi bongsu plk mcm aunty mun..sakit!heheh

  6. MommyAdam Avatar

    Hafiy boleh ckp!!! terernye!!! waaa!! so proud of you hafiy!!

    and the last pic is sooo cute…yum!

  7. rayyan Avatar

    ya tuhanku..
    sgt ensem la ini budak..
    geramnyer nk geget2 rasa..heheh

  8. suealeen Avatar

    ruam panas tu memang selalu jadi lepas demam (rindu kat abiy dia kot.. hihi). about solid. memang bebudak ni suka usha parents punya food. & ragamnya selalu celup tangan dalam air. this is for adam. sampai la sekarang ni.

    cute la hafiy sekarang ni… tunggu la sampai anak cecah umo 3-4 tahun. lagi rasa cepat masa berlalu dan bila kita pandang wajah mereka masih akan terbayang susuk tubuh mereka semasa bayi dulu..

  9. Zuhaini Avatar

    Alahai comelnye gambo last tu!!!!!
    seronoknya hafiy da pandai berkata-kata.. lepas ni leh la borak2 ngan dia.. heheh..
    mami hafiy, tanya sket, u ada ajak hafiy baca/tgk buku budak2 tak..? yg kadang2 tu ada title My First Colour, My First Alphabet etc..
    Dia minat tak tgk buku2 tu..? heheh

  10. iryani Avatar

    dah crawl!..amboi cepat nya masa berlalu..:)

    btw, Hafiy hensem!

  11. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    afiy suka mummy’s toe ek???

    ryan lak SEMUA benda dia nak… rasanya kalau bg kayu pun dia nak…

    mcm mana tu???

    ryan x penah pulak ‘gigit’ nenen mamanya, cuma suka sgt tarik nenen mamanya, nak2 pulak time dgr bunyi2 spt montage AF, montage Ceria n suara org bsembang…. mcm la depa semua tu dok bsembang dgn dia…

  12. izawani Avatar

    dah nak semacam jer rupa anak kita… beza pun beberapa hari jer… rambut pun tak berapa nak banyak… hehehe… pun dok jadi askar sekarang… dok bergerak dengan lengan dia… ekekeke… apa ke sebutan tak tau la utk bergerak meniarap dgn lengan tuh… (Najmi akak makan nestom beras merah… rege dia mahal skit, tapi anak sukaaaaa…)

  13. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    woooh.. hepi mother’s day juga… sungguh kutidak tahu bilakah mother’s day itu 🙁

    mummy AH,
    hehe. dia laju bila Mommy xnampak, Mami tgk je dah xbegerak…

    hmm if that case i shud not worry dah lar.. hehe. takut denggi la ape lar 😛

    isk teringat la kat ambuyat 😛 i shud go to Brunei again! this time, better arrangement!

    ehehehe. aunty ni saspen betol la.. igtkan sakit ape, sakit nk tumbuh gg upenye… huhu.

    tp dia suka bebel sorang2. bila orang nk borak, dia diam pulak. huh.

    waaaaaaa jangan gigiiitttt!!! sakittt!!! 😛

    kak sue,
    hahaha. agaknya la, rindu abiy or rindu pengasuh 😛
    hah itula…suka sgt usha fud orang tua, sampai bibik ckp ‘sian afy nk makan mammi xbagi’. huh, nk bagi ape nye..kasik bubur/biskut dia xmo, nk kacau2 orang jer.

    hmmm…kak… skg pon duk tingat2 ms dia baby2 kecit2 dulu. huhu. rasa cepat sgt plak besarnya 😛

    tula xsbr tunggu dia leh borak2. skg ni dia suka ckp sorang2 je.
    hafiy xminat buku2 budak2 mcm tu hahahaha. board book dia jadikan teether… dia suka belek2 buku yg mami dia baca. habis bukuku menjadi sasaran dikoyak2nya. huhu. utk benda budak2 mcm ABC, colors, numbers tu dia suka flashcard. huhuh.

    hehe tu lah. xperasan plak skg dh 7bulan wuuu~

    mama ryan,
    hah sama je la ni ha.. asal sapu je benda depan mata semua jalan. baru ni tiba2 ada calar kt mulut dia, ntah ape dia mamam xtau la huhu.

    hafiy dh abis kot fasa tarik2. skg fasa suka gigit2 sambil sengih2. nampak sgt saje je….

    k iza,
    hahaha tu la, tengok kepala najmi tu semacam je ngan kepala hafiy hahaha.

    saya kan kalo tgk nestum2 tu, terasa nk beli tp bkn nk kasik hafiy, ni haa maknye ni teringin nk mamam nestum baby hahahaha.

  14. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    alamak tadi tak leh nak comment dah komen dah :(.. anyway, hafiy si comel 🙂

  15. Fahidayati Ramli Avatar
    Fahidayati Ramli

    yeyyy… hafiy dah beso! hafiy dah sihat! tu demam nak pandai lah tu…

    aysh oso likes barney very much! siap nari tergedik2 depan tv bila barney’s show. aduhai mama and the rest takleh tengok citer lain kalau dah bukak cd barney! all kena join tengok barney sampai aysh jemu or tido!

    yang akak perasan… kids kalau baik dari demam akan active semacam… macam balas dendam sebab masa demam duk melepek.

    btw… hepi 7 months utk hafiy… & hepi mami’s day utk siti!

  16. noorina Avatar

    lg 5 bulan jugak hafiy akan dpt kawan baru..tp lum tau lg la boy ke girl. ntah2 nnt bday sama ngan hafiy 😛
    Happy 7th months dear 🙂

  17. prifiz Avatar

    hafiy, happy 7 wonderful month dear..

    Lina, Happy Mothers Day!


  18. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    ibu emir,
    hehe. hafiy comel sbb nk lawan abg emir hihi.

    k fahida,
    hafiy belum tegedik2 lg. dia cuma bg full attention aje. hahaha.

    org tua2 ckp dia demam sal nk turun berat, nk lg aktif. huhu.

    ahah. best tu sama bday, bole celeb bday sama2 😀

    mami damia,
    thank u thank u!

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