When Fahry's Weight Doesn't Hit the Desired Target

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After being transferred from incubator to the babycot, Fahry didn’t gain weight. Today he gains some grams but not as what he did before.

Date (08-09) Weight (kg)
5/12 1.19
10/12 1.23
17/12 1.26
22/12 1.33
24/12 1.38
26/12 1.45
29/12 1.50
31/12 1.56
2/1 1.62
5/1 1.62
7/1 1.66

We thought it was because of the new place. Maybe he made lots of movement, or maybe restless or lots of maybe. But today I knew why.

He doesn’t like the EBM. Last time he took it via tube, so all of the milk would flow into his stomach. Now he’s using cup and he doesn’t like it. I was there this morning, to breastfeed him. As usual he was very OK breastfeeding. Then a nurse approached me, informed that Fahry is lazy to take his milk via cup. The nurse is actually my friend, so she has  special concern on us. She said she tried to feed Fahry more often to make him gain weight faster but Fahry didn’t want to take it. Hulalaaaa…. My boy…

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And that’s it. The next feeding time I tried to feed him using cup and yes, he reluctant to take it. He closed his mouth tightly, blow away the milk, spit out he milk, etc. I don’t know why he didn’t like EBM. He never tasted any other food pun… Perasan nak pakai tiub lagi la tu…

If say he couldn’t swallow, he swallowed well when I direct feed him. He even suckled like what Hafiy does. It is just his preference la kot. Or ‘genetic’ problem LOL. Hafiy pun didn’t like EBM when he was a baby (now counted as toddler lah). 😀

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We decided for me to room-in with him sooner. Most probably next week cos my brother will arrive tomorrow night. It is important now to put him on desired weight as soon as possible so that the operation would be expedited and we would reunite as a family.

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hafiy_superkids7Poor Hafiy, he really needs attention. I really don’t have much time to spend with him. In the morning, I go to the hospital until noon. Now that I drive by myself, I can spend more time with Fahry. I’ll be with Hafiy from afternoon to late evening, then I’ll go back to the hospital with Abiy.

Hafiy now can relate what he sees in his surrounding to what he sees in the book or TV. Thing he like the most is fish. Wants to see fish, wants to eat fish, ‘read’ the fish book… (or he just knows how to say ‘fish’ je? :P). Even if he is yet to speak but his gesture is understandable, especially when his diaper wets or he wants to see birds at our backyard.

Best kan kat sini rumah siap ada backyard bagai. If kat KL, ada space kat dalam rumah for families pun dah cukup bagus (for people like us lah).

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18 responses to “When Fahry's Weight Doesn't Hit the Desired Target”

  1. Sufira Avatar

    Takpe Fahry slowly…so nak kena banyak direct feeding yer Lyna?

  2. mirah Avatar

    Lyna, mmg normal baby agak sukar nak gain weight once dah keluar dr inkubator. Kan dalam inkubator tu ada siap temp control, air semua kan. Sebenarnya ia menepati environment like berada dalam perut kita lagi. Baby pun selesa, rasa protected. once dah tukar tempat, temp pun berubah2, kadang2 sejuk ke, terasa angin bila ada org lalu sebelah kan. Tu semua mempengaruhi dia, sbb dia kan kecik, sgt sensitif towards surrounding.

    However, khadijah pun sama mula2 naik berat sket je, tp takpe, kerapkan direct bf dia dan kalau NICU sini, mereka guna syringe bg EBM kt baby. Syringe without needle lah kn. Bila letak syringe tu kat mulut baby, dia akan suck sama mcm mnum botol. Dari situ juga kita blh observe yg baby blh suck ke tak. Kalau tak juga, maknanya memang mommy kena room-in cepat2 lah tu.. And i dont think dia taknak EBM sbb dia blh differentiate rasa. Rasanya at this stage, taste buds dia blm fully function yet kot. Tp khadijah jug begitu mula2 dulu, suka yg fresh je, tp bila mirah keep on juga bagi ebm, lama2 ok je.

    Anyway, fahry cepat cepat gain weight yea…

  3. JieyMien Avatar

    From my reading, premie ni, bila diorg kena sesuaikan diri kat tempat baru, mmg weight pn expexted to gain slower than before.. Tp as long as weight dia tak drop, ok la..
    Hafiy pn dah makin besar & pandai.. Hopefully Fahry will join the rest of the family soon.. Kelik Klate ko, KL ko, oyak la.. Nk jupo nih.. 😛

  4. mama emma Avatar

    fahry nak suruh mommy dia dok sekali dgn dia kat spital tu… nak bau mommy dia lama sikit….
    hu hu….

  5. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    fahry rindu mami dia nih…

    hafiy…concentrate baca buku yer? sampai tak sempat nak duduk 😉

  6. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    TQ everybody!

    i CAN’T read about preemie cos what’s in the net sgt menakutkan bunyinyaaa kahkahkahkah.

    semua infos are from my observation, nurses & doctors aja. waat nurses said, itulah dia.

    thats why i write a blog, so that everybody can share. takdela menakutkan sangat LOL.

    (ops dah lambat pegi hospital!)

  7. NeroEcha Avatar

    Maybe take time tu dia nak terima EBM tu..lama2 nanti i’allah ok nye

  8. intan Avatar

    Fahry takes time nak sesuaikan diri dengan environment baru tu. Mommynya kenalah direct feedingnya slalu kan…

  9. qay Avatar

    salam perkenalan lyna, mmg biasa nya bby if kita bg ikut cup dia akan kurg minum..mcm NICU dkt husm, kitrg bg milk tru syringe..mmg dia akan suck skit2…bila dia dah takmo, dia ttp ja ulut n meleleh kuar sume susu tuh…heheh..maybe u can also ask the nurses whther diorg ada Human milk fortifier utk add to ur EBM..sb human milk fortifier ni mcm mct oil gak bleh tmbhkan berat bdn bby by increasing calories intake..papa, u just tnya i ok..I am a dietitian n handling paeds and nenonate..papa i bleh tlg i tlg..hope fahry is getting better…

  10. qay Avatar

    satu lg, mmg seloknya u room in if bleh..dia rs cmfort ibunya dia akan cpt skit naik brat..rs comfy kan..

  11. ummi sa'eed Avatar

    Congrats on tandem nursing! Sa’eed dah tak minat, tapi nak pegang jek..haha..geli geleman. In my observation, dapat anak 2nd dekat2 somehow or rather has forced Sa’eed to be more independent. Tido pun dah tido sendirik je, takyah nak tepuk2 ke, dodoi2 ke. Don’t worry too much about Hafiy, insyaAllah he’ll be fine.

    Mesti u tak sabar nak tgk your kids play together kan. hehe.

  12. anamiraa Avatar

    lyna, selamat menenen! 😀

  13. kakLuna Avatar

    just do the best! 😀

  14. suealeen Avatar

    sebenonye dia perasan dia masih dalam kandungan ibu. that’s why incubator suits him the best like mirah said.

  15. Mommy Lyna Avatar
    Mommy Lyna

    why lah the nurses risau sangat sebab dia taknak minum dengan cup. maybe babies lain OK agaknya minum macam tu. about 20+- babies kat situ.

  16. kak ida Avatar

    tahniah sebab jadi mommy yang sangat kuat semangatnya..betuahnya hafiy dan fahriy dapat mommy mcm along..apa2 pun along jaga diri, jaga kesihatan sebab kita nak jaga 2 org anak ni.ok take care!

  17. puteri1@mama_aqilah Avatar

    manja fahry ni…dia nak momy dia sentiasa kat sisi dia jek..kan…

  18. puteri1@mama_aqilah Avatar

    hafiy dah besar dah kan…dah tak sabar nak tengok hafiy n fahry main sesama…

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