What I Want You to Be?

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freedomland movie Hafiy: ni map nakgi cari harta karun tau.
Adam: ala takyah kelentong kita tau ni alas meja.

“awak kita nk cakap samting kita terpoo-poo dalam suar”
“hehehek geli jela awak ni”

“hey tepilah!”
“lu apehal bro?”

salem s lot dvd

when i was in primary 1, my teacher asked me about my ambition. i still remember the answer was “saya nak jadi askar cikgu!”. and the teacher replied with “perempuan mana bole jadi askar” hehe.

at age 10, i asked my dad about what did he wants me to be. he said, he wants me to be an architect. at that age, i didnt know what architect is, but i wrote it in my books, and told everyone that i wanted to be an architect. i put my target in studies, to study hard in order to achieve my ambition, which i believed it was a little bit harder than to become a housewife. hehe.

however, i wasn’t exposed to what i should go through i.e. courses at university, which campus, etc.
i just went with the flow, until i had to make my own decision on what i should take after my secondary. i applied all unis, other than UPU, i sent forms to all unis in the papers. but i terlepas pandang on overseas application 🙁 i got almost all offers, from UIA, Uniten, MMU, UTP… but i chose UTP because it came first 😀 it was soo no direction, and it was no more architecture.

and now i am not an architect, but somebody with no value to the nation oh d****!!!

during my internship, i still remember my conversation with a manager in that construction site. he told me something like,

Malays’ parents usually don’t know their role in helping their kids pursuing the future. unlike other races, they already have in mind what should their kids be in future plus the resources, and they use it to encourage their kids, so that their kids will have clear direction and avoid them to be unemployed.

my mom told me to study hard so that i can get good job, but i myself didn’t know what good job was, until i finished my degree and hunt for job like a crazy. luckily i took engineering.

very significant isn’t it?

i went through that, and i dont want my kids to walk through it again. we don’t map or plan on what our kids should be in future, but we encourage and help them to have a better picture on what they should consider when thinking about their futures. i have a dream that my kids able to say something like this:

i want to get *As in my UPSR because i want to study medicine after SPM at a medical college in Ireland and i to be an oncology to do research for cancer’s treatment before i reach 30YO.


i don’t need my kids to be a super genius like can solve Calculus at age of 6 or can create any Physics formula at age 9, enough for they can use their potential to help themselves, our family and most importantly our nation.

for us (Abiy & i), a true genius is not a super-intelligent, but someone who can help himself & others.

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14 responses to “What I Want You to Be?”

  1. suealeen Avatar

    yep.. kebanyakan kita takde direction. bila di sekolah walau pun ada kaunseling tapi cikgu sendiri tidak diexpose kepada kerja2 lain selain dari perguruan. mak pak of course le tak letak high hope. & of course kerja2 ‘pelik’ tak pernah masuk book. contoh clerk-of-work/resident engineer/quantity surveyor (dulu bila cakap ukur bahan.. macam pelik sangat la bunyinya).

    i think for social contribution, these corporate companies should try to reach the schools from the very beginning. buat sekolah angkat untuk terangkan tentang profesion2 yang ada di malaysia ni. give talk & guide.. just like parents who guide their children.

    as for me, dari awal lagi nak jadi project manager, 2nd neurosurgeon… memang ended up bekerja dengan project management team. alhamdulillah Allah s.w.t. berikan jalan walau pun ‘buta’ pada mulanya.

  2. Babe Avatar

    agree with you!

    and hafiy is so adorable in the first pic!!!

    just want to let u know i am now a proud Mama Min to a beautiful niece.

    susah woii nak jaga orang pantang ni:)

  3. anamiraa Avatar

    aminnn to your du’a.

  4. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    on ur posting, i xdak comment ape.. sbb until now i xtau apa cita2 i.. walaupun dah keje.. funny kan?? pagi2 bgn pg, xdak goal.. just ingat nak cari duit utk tlg income family…

    oh.. ada la.. cita2 i nak jadi isteri n ibu mithali.. insya allah…eceh!!!

    anyway… cute giler caption utk pics tu… u boleh jadi copywriter la.. he he…

  5. mamadanish Avatar

    i agree with you tat genius is somebody yang mmg tak menyusahkan orang sekeliling..and full with love..

    May Allah bless you

  6. MommyAdam Avatar

    waaa comelnye diorg berdua!!
    pandai u buat captions..cute!

  7. zuhaini Avatar

    Alahai comelnyer caption tuh…
    bagusnye mama Hafiy ni ada cite2…
    saya dulu cite2 nak jadi dentist.. pointer ciput! langsung berkecai harapanku.. hihihi

  8. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    salam kak lina.

    sy setuju dgn apa manager akak ckp tu. for me, im lucky enough to hv parent who encouraged me from the very beginning. i only asked them once abt what doctor is all abt. only once. i could say, it was 18 yrs ago when i was 5. later on, when i was 6, pple asked me what i wanna be in the future. with no doubt i could tell them i wanna be a doctor. they might laugh because maybe i just mentioned that particular profession because i admired those doctors who had entertained me all these while. but the fact was, i really knew what it is all abt. since my mum did tell me that to further my study in medicine, i need great grades in school n hv to be multipurpose n not a kuat nangis type of person, i gain n try to develop all that in me. ohoo.. but rite after SPM, i was confused, whether really to study medicine or to read law! haha. n here parent need to play their part again. not to push the children but to advise them in what field do the children love more. not in what filed do the parents love more. parent should give some choices to let them pick n not to let them feel the pressure of being forced to choose particular course. after all, kalau dipaksa ke apa ke, dibuatnya anak tak boleh perform, nak salahkan sape plak nnti kan. hehe. im not a parent yet but this kind of basic psychology n children development ideas are a must to all parent. kan kan? kak lina, u never fail to open my eyes on basic parental knowledges 😀

  9. PuteriSatu Avatar

    kelakar lak baca dialoq2 hafiy ngan adam tuh..

  10. KV Avatar

    dari kecik akak takdak cita2. Takdak target nak jadi apa. Huhu
    Tp sungguh. Masuk u, amek QS tp bila keje walopun bidang teknikal tp jarang gunapakai ilmu masa belajar. Semua guna try n error. Pelik kan. Hehe
    Tp alhamdulillah hidup tak kelam kabut. Harapnya anak2 nanti ada lah target dorang.;)

  11. mrs noba Avatar
    mrs noba

    kiut hafiy dgn adam!

  12. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    K SUE,
    cikgu kaunseling??? ahh tidaaaakkk. beliau cuma tempat saya meluahkan perasaan saja. huhu.

    tu la kak, ms sekolah tau keje engineer..tp engineer civil? mekanikal? elektrikal? hagham.. dah masuk u br tau haha.

    my co ada amik budak2 sek rendah jd sek angkat, tp xtau cemana derang wat pasai xjoin huhu.

    mana ko pegi selama ni?
    apsal aku tableh masuk blog ko?
    kat mana aku nk korek cheta pasal beautiful niece ko tu Mama Min?

    K ANA,
    amiin 🙂

    daku pon sama la skg, xde goal pun nak keje ni. smlm HR bg development plan suh isi, xtau nk isi ape. har har har.

    isteri/ibu mithali pon xberapa nk jadi gak daku ni sejak2 ada maid huhuh.

    takpa jom kita sama2 mencapai cita2 murni itu.

    ya itu. yg penting, kalo xleh bg manfaat pon, jgn nyusahkan org, ye dak 😀

    may Allah bless u too 🙂

    tuhla. hari2 tgk gamba derang berdua. hihihi.
    i mmg suka buat caption merapu2 nih. cuma xpenah ada peluang jd team editor majalah sekolah, kalo x mesti sonok ah wat dialog meraban2 kat majalah tu hahaha.

    hahahaha. daku pon xmencapai cita2 jugak. skg? lagi la. huhu.

    salam sarah laling,

    itulah sebenarnya to me parents should be the one yg main peranan penting utk help anak2 dlm merancang masa depan. i want to parent yg macam tu (tolong anak2)… sbb i face kesusahan nk cari keje b4 dpt offer dlu (mujurla dpt skolarshp dlu). dgn my course, xde org nk amik pompuan keje (ada tp xbanyak). tp my parents mmg byk berkorban lepas SPM, derang yg applykan sumer Unis kat mesia ni hehe. cuma bab course, keje, etc. many of my frens yg amik course itu ini tp end up xdpt keje & kene plak sambung stadi dlm bidang lain utk dptkan keje. oh to me itu sungguh tidak berbaloi (rezeki lain citer..), for economic reason hehe.

    hidup ni pendek je, cuba jadikan dia simple, sweet & meningful huhu.


    lagi 5-6 bulan kita jumpa kan lg tgk ape pulak dia borakkan hhahaha.

    K KV,
    huh. saya benda yg belaja kat U ada la pakai 89%.. tp yg belaja ms sekolah dulu xde pakai pon. wat ape belajar benda2 geografi segala tu tp skg ni xtau pun psl solstis musim panas, ekuinok musim dingin etc. –> sbnrnya merujuk pada statement seseorang dalam majalah tempoh hari yg berkata “dunia dh nak kiamat. bayang2 pokok selalu berubah2. bulan ni pendek, bulan depan dah panjang”. ayooo memanglaaaaa! kan bumi berpusing senget & matahari tak berada tegak kat Equator je…. buat ape belajar geografi masa sekolah duluh kalo tu pon ckp benda pelik dunia nk kiamat!

    hehe sori gak. lepas geram sikit.

    tgk mak-maknye la 😀

  13. mommysarah Avatar

    yerps..saya pun dulu terlepas pandang overseas application. nyesal sesangat. parent memang guide, tapi biasa2 jeklah..masuk u..keje bagus2..parent saya tak baca the star, so scholarship pun tak banyak yang dia jumpa. ada pun, jpa, mara..tapi kita2 nie dah terbuka pemikiran..haruslah guide anak memasing..kan?

    li apehal bro? ..ganas hokeh!!!

  14. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    know what… i berangan nk anta bebudak ni stadi obersi sbb i & hbby xpenah ada can hahahaha.
    arap2 zaman derang kelak ade la lg skolar…

    dernag berdua mmg GANAS!

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