Taking Putra LRT Kelana Jaya Line With The Kids

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Thank God we’re not public transport users 🙂

Oh we used to. I took komuter from Kepong to KL Sentral, & took LRT Putra from KL Sentral to my workplace.

It is in our list to bring the kids to ride the train (komuter/lrt/simply KTM express), so the previous weekend we took them to Amcorp Mall by Putra LRT. Park our car at Setiawangsa station (it’s a carpark there charged RM2.50 per entry but we got it FOC for weekend (?)), and bought a ticket to Taman Jaya (Abiy got his Zing Card and the kids got free ride).

It was not so many people in the train.  I guess people are not using the LRT during weekend, only on weekdays to go to work, perhaps. After all it is more convenience to travel by car because not all interesting places located in the LRT boundary.

Even though not so many people but there are still no empty seat. I guess somebody would be prihatin seeing me holding a baby (Hafiy was in the stroller and we have only one stroller) but gladly all of them just buat-buat tak nampak je LOL. I stood very near to the seats with this sign:

prihatin lrt putra

pic credit to GulupGulup.

Impossible those young ladies and gentlemen didn’t see me and Fahry. Or maybe because ‘Lady with Baby’ is not included in the signboard, kah kah kah.

Fortunately after few stations there were few seats available after some passengers went out.

Hafiy came out from his stroller to give way to Fahry and he stood on the sit beside me to see the scenery. Hafiy was very afraid to enter the train, I guess because of the noise but later after seeing cars on the road, he caught up the mood.

We ended up at Taman Jaya station, which is near Amcorp Mall. Putra LRT provides elevator for OKU (and of course stroller too) but it doesn’t has stroller path from the station to the main road. SO we had to usung Fahry with the stroller down the stairs.

It was a business fair in Amcorp Mall, I wasn’t sure what but I saw lots of Simplified.Com posters everywhere.

We went to Popular Book Store but the boys started to be cranky. Usually I brought their bottles but this time I forgot and since old mall building doesn’t has baby room so we went back to the LRT.

Fahry was sleeping while Hafiy was clinging on Abiy. Luckily a lady with stroller (who was happen to be a mother too) offered her seat to Abiy.

That was make me thinking, maybe because some people who are not prihatin, it is not because they don’t but because they can’t feel how urgent and why there is signs and special seats for some special people. Only mother knows how it feels to be pregnant and holding a baby while travelling in public transport. Only elder knows how to be old and travelling 🙂

On top of that, it was fun riding the train with kids, cos both of us were free to entertain them, rather than driving, only me who has hands to handle them. Don’t forget to disinfect ours and their hands too!

Putra LRT is the best transit service I ever used!

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21 responses to “Taking Putra LRT Kelana Jaya Line With The Kids”

  1. eyriqazz Avatar

    Putra LRT memang best…namun public transport always crowded especially peak hour…bilakah ianya akan berubah?
    .-= eyriqazz´s last blog ..Mister Potato Fiesta 2009 =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      bila ada lagi banyak rangkaian LRT agaknya kot? 😀

  2. Asiah Abd Jalil Avatar

    Saya banyak kali juga naik LRT dan Komuter time tengah heavily pregnant dan bawa anak-anak kecil. Saja-saja nak berjalan sambil bagi exposure to anak-anak. Selalunya naik kat hot station, macam KL Sentral, which means most likely takkan dapat seats la. Dah la masa beratur nak masuk kena tolak, kena rempuh, kena himpit… 5 kali naik, ada la sekali orang offer seat for me. Padahal bukannya satu gerabak tu tak dengar anak menangis nak menyusu, or bukannya diorang tak nampak perut I tengah memboyot.

    Mungkin kehidupan bandar yang menekankan “survival of the fittest” yang menyebabkan masyarakat bandar jadi begitu. Siapa tak bijak berebut, tak kuat melawan, tak berhati batu, tak sihat tubuh badan, maka tinggallah di belakang. Tak payah pergi jauh melihat ke dalam syarikat korporat atau perniagaan, just naik LRT or Komuter, buat pemerhatian sendiri. Yang dalam LRT dan Komuter tu bukannya CEO besar-besar, hanya orang-orang kebanyakan, tapi dah slowly adapt dengan hidup selfish demi untuk kebaikan diri sendiri.

    Saya rasa lelaki-lelaki muda yang masih duduk di seat dalam LRT or Komuter, sambil membaca surat khabar, menghadap laptop, melihat pemandangan kat luar, usha-usha perempuan cantik, etc. sedangkan ada perempuan mengandung, ibu dukung anak, orang buta dan orang tua berdiri kat sebelah dia, lelaki-lelaki macam ni memang tak gentleman, kurang iman dan kurang akhlaknya.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      saya rasa kan Sah, it’s not about being “bandar”. people are selfish and they dont have to stay in bandar to be so. kalau dah perangai teruk duduk mana2 pun sama jer.

      from my experience, kalo org2 yg nmpk educated biasanya offer seat. yg mcm ala2 kampung tu yg buat2 tak paham. my la… lain org lain pengalaman kan.

  3. DBalkis Avatar

    They are not in our shoes. That’s why most of the commuters hati kering. There was a time when I gave my seat to 8-9 mths pregnant lady who stand in front of an ignorant gentleman. When he saw me standing (I’m 5 months pregnant at that time) he offer me his seat..Saja nak kasik dia rasa bersalah, I just say, “Takpe..saya masih sihat dan ada orang lebih memerlukan. Dah nak sampai pun”..
    .-= DBalkis´s last blog ..We offer you Seng Heng Vouchers =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna


      memang patut

      they all just buat2 tak nampak je or segan nak offer? kut2 PEREMPUAN MENGANDUNG 8 BULAN tu kata “eh takpe, saya larat lagi, awak duduklah” kan jatuh pulak air muka 😛

  4. sitisifir10 Avatar

    prefer motor dr LRT masa di KL… 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      (takut naik motor di tengah2 jalanraya)

  5. saudah Avatar

    saya bersetuju dgn komen asiah. sememangnya hidup di kotaraya memaksa kita menjadi seseorang yg selfish atas alasan utk terus hidup ie survival of the fittest.

    but remember, what goes around comes around.
    .-= saudah´s last blog ..Jangan guna telefon bimbit di stesen minyak: Petronas =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      mungkinkah sebab kita tak kenal antara satu sama lain so menyebabkan kita jadi acuh tak acuh je?

  6. zuhaini Avatar

    oh.. saya dah lama x naik lrt (dengan alia).. kalau sorang2 tu ada la a few times.

    yup. patutnya ada la gambar ibu dan anak kecil! kan..??? 🙂

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      gambar ibu dgn anak kecil memang dah adepun zu hehe

  7. sayahappyslalu Avatar

    saya setuju orang sekarang dah kurang prihatin.. yang menyampah bile tengok orang lelaki yang buat bodo aje bile nampak pregnant lady berdiri dalam LRT.. tak gentlemen langsung.. 🙁
    .-= sayahappyslalu´s last blog ..Berkongsi Kereta Amalan Mulia.. =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      mungkin mak dia tak penah bagitau tentang perasaan seorang pompuan mengandung yang tepaksa berdiri while ada tempat duduk yang diduduki oleh orang2 yang gagah je nak berdiri.

      oK patut tak salahkan mak bapak tak ajar anak dia? hehe

      1. sayahappyslalu Avatar

        tak elok la pulak kalau salahkan mak ayah.. hehe
        .-= sayahappyslalu´s last blog ..JCard Day Jusco Cheras Selatan… =-.

  8. mama emma® Avatar

    even kat klinik kesihatan pun sama… pak2 suke2 dok sambil bini kat sebelah landing kat bahu.. kekonon nak manja2… or pak2 dok silang kaki sambil baca newspaper… baca ttg keadaan semasa negara lg bagus dr tgk keadaan sekeliling.. huhu
    .-= mama emma®´s last blog ..– KOMPLENNNNNN JE… – =-.

    1. Mommy Lyna Avatar
      Mommy Lyna

      pak-pak ingat mak-mak boyot kat depan tu memang saje suka nak berdiri2 hehe

  9. rina Avatar

    lama tak komen..salam kak along..
    tadi saya, azhar n fatin pegi imigresen…ramai gile org..n ramai gak yg bawak anak kecik..saya nampak just sorang je yg offer seat to org yg bwk baby nih..(nasib baik ada gak yg offer kan..yg lain sume buat bodo)..saya pon kena duduk lantai, penat dukung fatin yg tertido.
    zaman naik lrt ke ofis dlu, byk sgt la lelaki2 gagah dan perempuan2 sehat tapi ignorant naik lrt ni. Once during morning rush ada sorg minah ni duduk menyenget taking seat for 2 ppl (ni STAR lrt..star lrt bangku panjang n u can seat 6-7 ppl kalau duduk elok2).and standing right in front of her (nose!) was me and one pregnant lady, rasanye 8-9mths dah.this minah buat bodo, even after i told her to sit nicely and give space to this lady..she just bergerak sket but not enough..n other ppl sebelah2 dia pon buat bodo je..sgt geram masa tu, thank god she exit from the train tak lama lepas tu..

    for me kak..menda ni adalah adab..kalau sorang dua yg ignore..its okay..tp kalau sume org pon ignore, maksudnye masyarakat KL ni mmg tak beradab la..alah tgk je la kat atas jalan raya macam mana..kan??

  10. kamal Avatar

    Putra LRT is a joke, small 2-car train going through highly populated area. The only reason it exists just for a show off during sukom-08 otherwise we would still dreaming on how LRT would look alike.

    p/s: 2 hours from now, would be boarding the ‘joke train’, with so called ‘educated urban people’ that act like a joker.

  11. Nic Avatar

    Tu yg nic pelik kat mana yg orang dok heboh2 orang malaysia bersopan santun berbudi bahasa bla bla bla..
    Nic biasa travel dgn komuter/lrt and jgn harapla orang nak bagi duduk walaupun once Nic bawak luggage & beg laptop & beg shooping (ohh this one couldnt help – balik dari KLIA to Sg Buloh) and preggy 5 month time tu.. ada orang kisah??? diorang lagi pentingkan kelesaan dan kesenangan diri sendiri..

  12. aida Avatar

    along, kat sini ade sign utk people holding kids for priority seating. however i think the situation sama jugak kadang tu, ade je org2 muka poyo yg tak offer pun seat to me eventhough i’m pregnant and bwk stroller lagi sorang2..

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