tok ayah

  • Fahry dan Aisyah – Di Sebalik Gambar


    During our final week in Miri, we utilised the time to visit some friends, beside the ‘farewell party’ kat rumah. Dua malam before departed, we went to Uncle Din’s…

  • Pray With Baby


    sembahyang dengan baby. ops, ustaz Mami kata seeloknya pakai word ‘solat’ sebab sembahyang tu general term. orang non-Muslim pun sembahyang juga, tp kita orang Muslim ada term special, solat….

  • 7 Wonderful Months


    oh dear my baby is 7 month old today! how fast time flies… you have only 5 month to go to your first birthday! i reminisce back… what have…

  • Tok Pa Part 1


    Mommy is very busy so she handovered to me to write this time in laws the divx it was a definite shock news for all of us. Tok Pa…