A Friend Indeed…
I’m not in the mood of writing about kids because my blog theme mengalami kerusakan & now I am in the midst of tensen teramat. Jalur lebar pulak very…
Let's Do Makeover!
contact free This was me suatu masa dahulu. This is the current me. Lihatlah betapa berkelipnya daku suatu masa dahulu….
What's His Learning Style?
i always like to have a glance on other moms’ styles of teaching, on how do they teach and what do they teach their children at home. as nowadays…
Mommy – A BFing Promoter
i was away from office on Monday & Tuesday, attending a presentation skill course at Marriott Miri [i’m really into this course bcoz my presentation skill is almost 0…
8 Things About Us Me
we’ve been tagged by aunt chivv. let’s do this together since my new update is still unreleased. legend of the tamworth two the dvdrip download ♠ Post these rules…