Perkahwinan Ustaz Akhil Hayy dan Waheeda – Selamat Pengantin Baru!
Saya tak pernah ambil tahu tentang kisah mereka-mereka ini. Cuma baru ni macam terbaca di paper yang isteri (ex) Ustaz Akhil Hayy tuntut cerai dan akhirnya mereka telah melakukan…
Ustaz Asri Rabbani Meninggal Dunia .. Al -Fatihah
I was browsing my FB while breastfeeding my two sidekicks, sambil sponging Hafiy yang demam panas. (pakai handphone mmg bole surf sambil buat ape pun) Tengok di status Eyzzah…
It's MSK Get-2-Gather. Again! At Sarakids Open Day!
**this is a sticky post. my latest entry is in the teaser boxes below this entry ** Phew~ Remember I mentioned about Family Day to gather blogger families after…
Breastfeeding Celebrities
I think this is not uncommon now. Everybody talks about breastfeeding, including this city of angel’s babes. Definitely because they are breastfeeding… Charlotte Church I can’t imagine not breastfeeding….