Starting Solids

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there are many theories about starting solids:

1. anytime even if since birth coz the baby is hungry —> yg ni langsung xleh pakai! huhu.

2. the earliest is 4 month, the latest is 6 month.
3. @4 month.
4. @6 month.
download beyond borders divx 5. the earliest @6 month.
6. doesn’t matter as long as the baby is OK but after month 6.
..and many more.

as for me, it must be after you reached your 6 month, doesnt matter when. and initially we planned to intro solids ater 8 month, but now Abiy yg tak tahan you! tak tahan tengok berat badan xnaik. hoho~

and you have to know that this is a very drastic decision. i never prepare anything for starting solids @6month! so i made a quick, fast track plan for solids introduction, in a day!

demon hunter dvdrip

i listed several recipes for your first week of solids intro. (more to come lah)

1. nasik lecek + ebm* ===> the very first food. just make it a bit thicker than breastmilk.
2. milky carrot**.
3. milky green vege**.
4. milky apple**.

*lecek the nasik with strainer, and add EBM.
sleeper the dvdrip **boil the vege with formula milk, when it soft, strain or blend. i use Dupro (the cheapest!). and add EBM to make its gravy just before eaten. -froze to be used in 24hrs only.

my way:
1. only 1 tablespoon for the very first time feeding.
2. wait for 3-4 days for new food, to ensure no allergic.
3. no sweet2 food. let you get used to plain food flavor. huhu.
4. do it gradually. i wait for you to poo-poo before start the next feeding to ensure no problem with your poo-poo.
5. be creative in cooking depend on mood, time and availability. huhu. – steam, boil, microvawe or bake.

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some useful websites:

wholesomebabyfood (don’t mistake by

so excited!

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19 responses to “Starting Solids”

  1. MummyHanis Avatar

    i started solid kat hariz at 4 months, but bagi buah2an dulu coz dia constipation. Alhamdullilah bila bagi je the next day kuar semua taik. wakaka

    Anyway, mmg tak tahan punye kalau tak bagi solids kan. bila time makan, terjelir2 lidah diaa.. haha cian!

  2. erynn Avatar

    dupro tu hape?

    bukan dugro kan?haha.. pandainya mama pilih dugro!

    cik syifaak’s first solid nanti, i wanna make mashed avocado.. hahah..poyo.. manala nak carik avocado kat kuantan nih!

  3. Diyanazman Avatar

    hey thanks for sharing this…
    i think its so the very penting untuk
    memastikan takde allergic reaction… kang tak pasal2 lak.. hehe.. but y u boilin formula? boil dalam ebm takleh ke? hehe

  4. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    hehe tak tau la mamat ni cemana kang. arap2 xsemelit la.

    tu la kan. kita makan dia pon duk kunyah2 nikmatnye~

    hehe. Dugro itu utk 1thn ke atas. Dupro utk 6-12bulan. kedua2nya product dumex.
    –>menservey FM dgn jayanya di atas kidmat nasihat juniorku ayue. thnks yue! 😀

    kami jua ketiadaan avocado di sini. perlu menunggu lawatan ke KK utk mencarinya.

    tu lah. kang bg mcm2 terua tiba elegik susah plak nk identify sbb ape.

    ebm kn xleh boil. over 100degree C zat2 dia musnah, rugi woooo! hehe.

  5. siti salwa Avatar
    siti salwa

    lina sy started solids on kauthar at 9 month old. sbb itu budak sgt2 suka breastmilk,buat mcm2 puree+ebm tapi dia luah balik.

    anyway, nape nak tambah dupro?lina mix dgn ebm je. sy dulu wat pureed banana,dates,papaya,avocado,pumpkin,sweet potato, sume mix dgn ebm.
    another tip,jgn bagi acidic fruit mase awl2 intro solids.most citrus are acidic so avoid them ya.

    kauthar dulu sy bg brown rice instead of yg poloshed rice tu.brown rice ade iron yg try selang seli dgn beras biasa jg sbb too much iron intake may lead to canstipation.

    tak sabar nak tgk aksi hafiy 1st time dpt solids..mesti berselera habis dia kan… =)

  6. siti salwa Avatar
    siti salwa

    lina,ebm tu tak yah boil, letak yg freshly expressed lagi bagus. instead of dupro baik u bagi soy protein.
    kalu fruit puree tu:

    steam the fruit,than mashed it thoroughly,finally add the ebm until u get the desire consistency.

  7. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    ibu kauthar,
    nk start lambat tp mcm xdpt je. huhu. instint mommy yg xsampai ati tgk budak ini semakin kelehatan kurusss…

    kita boil sesayur tu dgn Dupro, sbb rasa xbest plak rebus dlm tap water camtu je. ntah, rasa nk kasik bersusu stiap masa. hehe. (another mom’s instinct). EBM tu campur lepas boil tu. huhu. bole x. huhu.

    brown rice yg kat supermarket ke yg kat kedai SI?

    nt sok tempek gamba dia mamam. haha.

  8. KV Avatar

    lina, setiap baby berbeza. Cam dina akak bagi dia makan seawal 4 bulan tau. Mmg la kalo ikut pesen ibu zaman moden, katanya tk elok. Tp bila bagi makan di dh tak meragam. Tu yg bagi jgk dia makan. Haranya tak de apa2 la kt perut dia. Mula2 akak campur nestum beras dlm susu dia (minum ngan botol). Dah lama skt baru suap. Nestum beras 2 susu campur susu 1 sudu. Lina tgk lah ikut kesesuaian.
    Sbbnya, bila dia dh aktif n lasak (dina salah sorang) nurse yg suggest bagi makan. Mula2 tu just sua je. Jgn bagi byk2.Dina la ni, walo demam cemana pun, makan tetap nombor 1. Susu dah kurang lah pulak sbb dia suka air suam.

  9. Sarah Mohd Shukor Avatar
    Sarah Mohd Shukor

    salam kak lina.

    end of pediatric cycle last week (b4 exam), kitorg belajar tajuk breast feeding. sepanjang dlm kelas, sy duk teringat kt akak je. smpaikn bila bincang2 tajuk exclusive BF, sy teringat ilmu2 yg sy dpt kt sini. lepas tu sekali tu bila cikgu tnya apa cara pam yg terbaik, i could come out with precise answers which i got from u. hehe. siap boleh mention nama avent lg tu :p then bila bincang psl starting solid in kids, sy teringat si hafiy ni. sy x perlu ulas byk dh sbb all the info u shared here are corrects. ehem. ni sy menempelkan gmbr si hafiy hensem kt blog sy. sy guna pakai gmbar2 yg dh dicuri je. hihi.

  10. siti salwa Avatar
    siti salwa

    sy beli brown rice yg ade kat supermarket je. selalu beli brand sakura sbb wangi skit banding brand yg lain.

    tapi yg kat SI tu organic rice and the rice seeds are smaller than regular rice seeds. i think the SI brown rice lg baik la sbb organic n kecil2,very suitable for hafiy and all babies yg baru start solids.

  11. mama ryan Avatar
    mama ryan

    weeeeeeeeee.. happy 6th mth old afiy… best best!!!

    wah wah… nnt boleh la afiy mkn 1 meja dgn mama & abiy yek.. selama nie just mkn ebm dlm mangkuk jek, tp lepas nie dah ada betul2 food la dlm mangkuk tu ek…

    ryan ada lg 2minggu lebih je lg……

  12. ummi sa'eed Avatar
    ummi sa’eed

    instead of boiling, i lagi suka kukus. coz bila boil tu, the nutrients suma goes in the water. unless you’re making something like applesauce where u use up the water.

    i read somewhere that if your baby badan tak naik2, avocado is a good choice since it has a lot of calories aka lemak berkrim..eheh, but sa’eed tak suka pun masa i try kasi kat dia.

  13. Fid Avatar

    wahh hafiy sungguh2 nak mkn ya



    baca info dr pakar ya..jgn percaya sgt pakar2 tak bertauliah…


  14. mami Hafiy Avatar
    mami Hafiy

    UPD8 on SOLIDS:

    hafiy bila kasik mamam dah x excited mcm dolu2. dia last2 cari nenen, so.. teruskanlah menenen wahai anakku, sampai masa kamu sudah mahu mamam kembali, mami akan watkan.

    hm, pn kamariah kate itu dia pakai beras borneo. bole la i cari kat sini. kalo sesapa nk order pon bole hahaha.

    k KV,
    haha. nk bg nestum tp abiy dia nk yg homemade. suruh rajin masok la tu.

    wah u.. wat i segan la. huhu.

    neway kalo nk gamba2 yg exclusive mtk je kat YM, hehe. jgn malu2 😛

    mama ryan,
    hafiy ni gatal je. dh bg mamam, bkn nk mamam pon. huhu.

    ummi sa’eed,
    a ah.. that’s why i use the FM bila boil to use up the water.

    ayark, kat sini xde avocado. woo~~~ kenapakah keadaan bersifat kejam pada kami ini.. woo~~ 😛

    k fid,
    taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak pooooooooooon!!!!
    gatal je. xnk mamaaaam pooon. nk men sudu je. heh.

    hehe. tu lah. sebut sal pakar xbertauliah, tingat kes member saya, pegi klinik cucuk baby, nurse kasik sample FM & ckp “awak kene ajar baby minum susu tin, nanti nk keje senang”.


  15. WanHidayat Avatar

    Salam akak…kat luar jumpe…dalam blog pun jumpe…hikssss…ni lah cotoh ibu mithali yang bekerjaya….hehehehehe

  16. ayueayang Avatar

    hik hik, ada jugak namaku kat part dupro dugro tuh..

    btw dulac/dupro/dugro bknlah the cheapest sgt2, nestle lactogen, dutch lady etc lg murah dr dumex punya product range tp kira dulac/dupro/dugro ni antara yg reasonable price jugak la, kategori mampu utk dibeli utk ibu2 yg mcm diriku ni.. hehe..

  17. PuteriSatu Avatar

    dah besar ye hafiy..sedar tak sedar kan…

  18. mami hafiy Avatar
    mami hafiy

    salam dayat..
    huhu. ameen.
    btw akak 10-15hb xde kt ofis. away to parkcity & marriot 😀

    haha. boktam cikgu ajar dupro gak gi cari dupro jahla, hahaha.

    tu lah. besar + gatey~~ 😀

  19. -me- Avatar

    waaa…hafiy sudah 6 months yer?
    sudah start solid..nyum nyum nyum…

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