formula milk

  • What LCs Say…


    this is the compilation of among the LCs advise on my current problem (for my friends’ and my future reference [if this happen again]): from Rita (Moms Little Ones)…

  • Starting Solids


    there are many theories about starting solids: 1. anytime even if since birth coz the baby is hungry —> yg ni langsung xleh pakai! huhu. 2. the earliest is…

  • Why Does She Fail to Breastfeed?


    i have a friend, who was really keen to breastfeed. but now she fails, a total fail. and she’s kinda ‘why you still can breastfeed your baby and i…

  • Breastfeeding Experience


    love sex online burping session with Abiy i am a very amatur but yet try my best to ensure the ONLY milk goes into your tummy is my breastmilk….