My bother in law has just finished his schooling. Biasala after SPM we’re start to look for places for study at the tertiary level. Now he goes interview everywhere while taking driving license.
For us last time, we just have several weeks (I think 3 weeks) after SPM ended to take a break before called to register at the uni. Rasa macam sangat pandai sebab result SPM belum keluar dah masuk U 😛 But I never went overseas la. Dapat Tronoh instead of Toronto pun OK lah.
For his brother, Abiy really hopes that he could go overseas. For him and his sister had their tertiary education at the local universities, so must have one sibling to graduate from overseas. As for me, my sister soon-to-be graduates from her life-long-learning at Melaka-Manipal Medical Centre that sent her to India. OK what, those Malaysian astronauts studied at India OK.
If Uncle Muhd boleh pergi UK ke, should be good.
We (my girl friends and I) have a keji nice theory about UK & US graduates. Disebabkan kami bukan grad overseas so suka hati je nak compare2 orang kan. Oh itu memang sifat manusia yang biasa, kalau perkara tu tak dialaminya, dia pulak yang melebih2 ‘mendalami’. – kami sebenarnya jealous. Jadi nyatalah kalau orang yang suka kutuk/compare/judge orang lain tu sebenarnya dia jealous dengan orang tu.
Daripada observation at our workplace there are some differences between UK and US graduates (UK & US grads jangan marah pulak, this is just meant for joking).
UK grad = bijak.
US grad = bijak bercakap.
UK grad = skema dan ikut rules.
US grad = pandai putar.
UK grad = naik pangkat sebab kepandaian mereka dalam buat kerja.
US grad = naik pangkat sebab kepandaian mereka putar alam.
*Habisla aku kena kejar dengan budak2 grad UK/US ni*
Betul ke? Hehe. Sorry for the fact yang direka2. To me doesn’t matter where we go, if it’s in our blood then it’s us. Tak kira lah belajar kat mana-mana pun, yang penting otak jalan. But could be a big bonus for overseas student, because they learn survival better rather than us the local universities’ grad.
It’s a big investment sending a student overseas. As compared our fees at the local uni and overseas, ours are 80% much cheaper, so hopefully overseas student could give back 80% better services to those yang sponsor diorang belajar la kan. It mustn’t just giving chances for some people to catch holidays overseas.
It’s just like the idea of sending people from working organization to someplaces (overseas and local), for some trainings and on job trainings, in order to grab some skills so that they would be competent to do job.
Today’s student still have chances to rejoice scholarships and sponsors from our government and some big companies. So, money is not an issue as long as they do their job and compete between themselves to grab the chances. Yang penting belajar le betul2. Most of those companies are giving pinjaman boleh ubah, so kalau taknak bayar banyak/taknak bayar balik langsung, make sure bring back good result. First class le kalau nak jadikan ia full scholarship.
Way to go Uncle Muhd, make sure you’ll get a placement somewhere in London or any 4-seasons country because we wanna go there for holiday. Save duit can tumpang his house LOL.
*I have a cousin who is studying in Japan. If you’re reading this please contact me ASAP.
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