The first day we touched down Kota Bharu, the boys down with. And worse for Fahry cos he got phlegm in his trachea. Just after buka puasa, Abiy told me that he felt unwell, I checked his body temperature and he was 38degrees! I brought the boys to a clinic, but Abiy was very weak, even he couldn’t get up from bed.
Dr Napi said Fahry was about to get pneumonia again. But he said no need to bring him to hospital, just put him on antibiotic. I gave him 2 days to get better but it wasn’t.
The next day I brought Abiy to the clinic. Alhamdulillah he recovered after several doses of paracetamol and antibiotic.
The last 5 nights of this Ramadhan was really something. Actually this whole Ramadhan. The boys weren’t in good condition since the first week of puasa, they got flu, mild fever, runny nose… But the last 5 days was climax. Hafiy’s temperature went up to 39.7 degrees and Fahry got a little infection in his lung.
Any parents would feel anxious.
Alhamdulillah they were OK during Raya day.
Thinking about Ramadhan things we missed, however it pays us more by having sick chidlren. I don’t feel ‘rugi’ for missing terawikh for many nights to take care of them, because it’s more important, even an obligatory than sunat terawikh. Despite the feeling of worry to the max I felt so happy counting the blessing I got when they fall sick.
Ibu mana yang nak tengok anaknya sakit bukan. But when our children fall sick, it’s actually a bonus for us. Taking care of a sick one is a big kebajikan. Masa anak sakitlah biasanya kita banyak berdoa supaya anak kita cepat sembuh. Tak perlu rasa hairan ‘kenapa anak saya masih sakit sedangkan dia mendapat penjagaan sempurna, i.e. breastfeeding, hygiene, makanan dijaga, diasuh di rumah, etc’. Setiap penyakit datangnya bersama rahmat:
- Doa orang sakit mustajab dan dimakbulkan Allah.
- Datangnya penyakit adalah tanda kasih sayang Allah.
- Dosa2 orang sakit diampunkan.
- Pahala buat yang menjaga dan menziarah orang sakit.
Abu Hurairah menangis kerana beliau tidak sakit dan beliau merasakan Allah tidak sayang padanya.
Semoga musibah penyakit yang menimpa diri dan keluarga adalah tanda peringatan dan lambang kasih sayang-Nya.
*sedang mengalami sakit tekak, suara serak, ulser di seluruh lidah yang menghilangkan nikmat beraya… hahaha. Segala puji bagi Allah…
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