Panasonic DH-3P1M is Good, How About Others?

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We’ve been looking for a good water heater, after few months without hot shower. Agak penting juga water heater for us especially bila time sejuk2 menggigil takdela excuse nak delay masuk bilik air.

We went to several electrical equipment outlets and out of our knowledge that there are many types of water heater, varies from fancy to funky to funny…. (nampak sangat tak pernah kisah pasal water heater before).

Brand LG mmg banyak yang cantik2. But we fell in love with this Panasonic DH-3P1M. It has a very simple design, yet looks so exclusive. Yang paling best sebab the jet pump lah coz ohhh pressure air kat rumah kami adalah slow. Jet pump ni bole tingkatkan the pressure so that air jadi laju, tapi bila dah laju tu kuranglah sikit panas dia…. Or memang tak panas langsung.

So far so good, tapi brand lain yang macam2 jenis tu kami tak tau nak rely on ape sebab tengok sama je semua.

Yang ni lagi satu best sebab nak tukar2 kepala shower tak payah pusing2 the head cos dia ada butang just press je.

Ada lagi 2 bilik air nak letak heater, maybe ada somebody out there with good testimonials about water heaters?

Oh the Panasonic heater Kami beli di Sen Heng for RM5 hundred something plus RM75 installation.

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5 responses to “Panasonic DH-3P1M is Good, How About Others?”

  1. UmmiNor Avatar

    kat rumah saya pakai Alpha..ok tp leceh bila nak tukar kepala shower, kena pusing2 .
    .-= UmmiNor´s last blog ..Yang mana satu…. =-.

  2. aidie Avatar

    i’ve tried alpha & panasonic..both work out ok. i pernah tny the SA kat electrical shop, which brand is better. He mentioned that Alpha mmg specifically for water heater. plus its Malaysian company kan..apa kata..belilah barangan malaysia 😀
    .-= aidie´s last blog ..Kak..mintak tolong.. =-.

  3. ida.z Avatar

    I pun pakai alpha..ada pump jugak and air still panas. Design pun lawo2 and slim.

  4. cutiecaliph Avatar

    me too wanna install the water heater..good timing la entry u ni;)
    .-= cutiecaliph´s last blog ..A reader today is a leader for tomorrow =-.

  5. Hanis Avatar

    alpha pon ok..i pasang yg paling murah… the function still there kan..esok2..nak reno the toilet ala-ala hotel, baru find out the matching one..

    mine..installation and the heater rm349 only…

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