We’ve been with Palestine for quite some times. I mean in term of boycotting and setting mindset towards the Zionists (OK we don’t boycott them 100% but for some items with alternatives, we opt for the alternatives). The tyranny faced by Palestinian begun since 60 years ago, not only during the final week of 2008. This episode is not the first episode of the cruelty in Palestine.
Beside telling ourselves and our children to feel sympathy & empathy about Palestinian children who died before the Zionists’ bombs and mortar, anger toward the Zionists, etc, what we can teach our children, and ourselves too, are:
1. The history
- Masjidil Aqsa (Jerusalem) is the place where Rasulullah SAW was ‘mi’raj’ to Sidratul Muntaha. It had been the fisrt qiblah of ours before it changed to Masjidil Haram in Mekah.
- Palestine – was opened by Khalifah Umar al-Khattab r.a. – 400 years later was conquered by Christian’s army – Salahuddin al-Ayubbi got it back in Perang Salib.
- Palestinians – residents of Palestine since ever and still fighting for their rights.
- Jewish – Bani Israel which had been broken into pieces after some dividing and conquering in their land centuries ago.
- Zionists – immigrants who came to Palestine & claimed Palestine as their land.
- Palestine had been divided, 2/3 fall to Israel and only 1/3 left for Palestine.
2. Lessons learnt from the Palestinians
- They keep on defending their country even if they knew (and we all knew) the Israeli have more technology, more support, etc.
- They don’t immigrate to other countries even if their houses are bombed.
- The mothers keep on ‘producing’ the mujaheed, even if one by one their children are killed by the Zionists.
- Even if only with small stones, they still fight the Zionists, and they don’t run away.
3. Lessons learnt from the Zionists
- They are immigrants, yet had no countries but now they have a country mandated by US as ‘Israel’ because they grouped as one Zionist Jews and work hard as one to get the land of Palestine.
- They are unite under one name – Zionist.
- They have strong supports from the biggest power, have strong economic resources, have strong technology resources, etc. because they have strategy and specialists.
- They followed the teachings of Kitab Talmud, even if they killed their Nabi-s.
4. What can we do as Muslims
- Please see Palestine as a place for the Muslims of the whole world, not only Palestinians’ because Masjidil Aqsa is not belong to Palestine people alone.
- Get the motivation and lesson from al-Quran as what the Jews get from their Talmud.
- Give some effort to improve our ibadah and good deeds because it is the root of Allah’s blessings.
- Improve our knowledge, efforts, lifestyle, etc to be better and progressive Muslims so that we can be better or stand at the same level with those high-level Jews (Albert Einstein is a Jewish, ain’t he?).
- Involve or at least support the efforts and campaign to beat the Zionists i.e. boycott, demonstration, etc. If we can’t join (especially the boycott), please don’t object.
- Install in ours and children’s heart that Zionist is our enemy.
- Watch movies or videos about Palestine (just get from You Tube). There’re some animation movies about Palestine’s mujahidin.
- Be consistent. Don’t do any effort (e.g. boycott, doa, etc.) only for this time, and when it slowing down, we come back to the old lifestyle of ‘don’t care’ and consume again the brands we boycott *grin*. Remember the Zionist won’t stop… and a little, consistent effort is better than a big but once-in-a-while ones.
- Unite as one – Muslims.
[UPDATE: from IbuKauthar’s suggestion] : Boycott Israel Campaign
And the points below (I tried to make them not redundant) are dedication from my beloved sister ShaSha, as a sharing to all my blog readers (I never address you as ‘my blog readers’ ain’t I? *grin*)
ShaSha, thank you so much for contributing!
Berikut adalah option-option yang tersedia untuk membantu Palestin.
1. Sumbangkan seikhlas yang mungkin, semampu yang dapat. Ingatlah, walau kita menyumbang dengan RM1 hatta dengan kadar 10sen sekalipun, in sya Allah amal ikhlas itu akan diganjari berlipat kali ganda
2. Sebarkan tentang penderitaan Palestin. Tentang kezaliman regim Zionis. Tentang keperluan manusia serata dunia untuk bangun menentang keganasan melampau yang menidakkan hak kemanusiaan melalui pelbagai cara spt edarkan risalah, blogging, forward emel, buat perbincangan harian bersama kawan dan keluarga dll.
3. Boikot barangan Yahudi dan Amerika. Wang Amerika telah disalurkan untuk membunuh rakyat Palestin. Pimpinan telah bersuara dan merancang membawa usul boikot ke Parlimen. Ayuh, kita sertai kempen boikot ini.
4. Tunjukkan protes anda kepada dunia. Jadilah insan yang ambil peduli. Sertai rapat umum anjuran aman palestin yang mengutuk serangan ke atas Genting Gaza.
5. Dermakan wang anda dengan membeli tiket untuk konsert amal Gaza. Bukan sahaja anda berhibur, namun anda juga berpeluang mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Palestin dan peranan anda.
6. Jika kesemua diatas ini tidak dapat dilakukan, istiqomahkan bacaan doa Qunut Nazilah dalam setiap solat anda. Bencilah kezaliman itu di dalam hati, meskipun itu selemah-lemah iman. download count of monte cristo the movie
7. Sebarkan juga kepada semua akan keperluan dan kepentingan jihad dan juga bahawa ada kumpulan iaitu Hamas yang sedang berjihad dengan sepenuh jiwa mereka disana untuk mempertahankan bumi Palestin. Jarang sekali dalam media diketengahkan perkara ini. Banyaknya dalam media isu keperitan org Palestin yg kurang membangkitkan semangat jihad hanyalah membangkitakan semangat simpati. Itulah yg dimahukan oleh puak-puak zionis ini. Bangkitkan semangat jihad seperti HAMAS di negara kita untuk berjihad melawan segala bentuk kezaliman keatas Islam dari segenap segi. Tiupkan semangat jihad untuk mengembalikan Islam yang syumul.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Sesiapa yang tidak mengambil berat di atas urusan orang muslimin maka bukanlah dia dari kalangan mereka. Dan sesiapa yang pada pagi hari mengutamakan perkara selain daripada agama Allah maka bukanlah dia daripada golongan orang yang diredhai Allah”
* After showing Hafiy the pictures of Palestinian children. “These are our brothers in Palestine. Poor them, they have no house. You be a good boy to help them OK”.
You must have better ideas and practices, please share!
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