Of Being Alone…

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i have many things to say… but this time i wanna tell you how i miss Abi so much this time.
this is our second time, left alone by Abi for a week. remember last time, i spent my time crying while kissing Abi’s shirt & pelikat 😛 i thought i am going to have the same phase this time, but up to now, i don’t ever had any tear! maybe because you are a big boy now, so you give Mommy you strength and toughness. last time you were still very small and indulgent 😛 manjanya anak Mommy ni…

This how you should be by now.

this time, i don’t feel like crying. even if you’re very heavy, some of my friends think i’m gonna give birth very soon because of my big tummy, but till this second day of being alone, i feel happy OK, even if Abi is not around. maybe because of you, i feel accompanied.

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You can guess the location this pic was taken… A big boy you now, huh?

actually, this what makes me feel proud of being Abi’s wife. even before we get married, Abi told me that he won’t let me being a pampered wife. he wants me to be independent (& sometimes being ridiculous, how can he asked me to go for check up by myself?) and self-standing. he always remind that, the sky is not always blue, so prepare for the time it turns dark. if we are always hang on him, if something happen, who the hell are we going to hang then?

i wasn’t a strong person. i cry sometimes. i think, all the time. but Abi always teasing me everytime i’m started to cry. then sometimes if it’s not really a need to cry, i don’t cry. huh. he’s so mean, rite? he’s not a romantic person. always straight to the point. i never heard from him any sweet-talk-word. it’s only A or B or C. never be any Aaaaaaaa or Baaaaaaaa. sometimes i just want him to say “no sayang, this can’t be done this way, you should…” but instead, “this thing pun you dunno ke?!”. sometimes i want him to offer me massage everytime i’m complaining about my back or my muscle, but instead i have to ask for not-more-than-30-sec massage. sometimes i wait for him to help me doing housechores but instead, rather than wait for him better i do it myself.

however, those are the things that teach me an art of being a wife and a mother. while others maybe when looking at other couple with a very volunteered-type, caring, romantic, husband, they might feel jealous, a least a bit, but i don’t. i feel so lucky for having Abi as my husband. he’s romantic, caring, & helpful but in his own way. in his very special way that makes me fall in love with him over and over again.

in our early days of marriage, sometimes i felt like we rather be business partners than husband and wife. huhu. when i talked about family planning e.g. how many kiddos we’re gonna have, he talked about family’s financial & structured planning e.g. how much money needed to raise a kid, how does it take to get that amount, how should we raise our kids, etc, with structured plans! it was ridiculous to me at first, but now it really makes sense. now i am able to map my own plan for you, and myself, and also for you siblings. i used to be a hentam-sajalah kinda person, and with Abi, i become more structured and organized. thanks God, Abi is a persistent-hard-hearted person, imagine if he wasn’t that tough in educating me from zero, if he was softer, maybe i am not able to write this, but instead, uploading pic of a crying woman. huhu.

i always tell Abi that i feel very lucky being his wife. and i am. his tough ‘training’ teaches me to be more independent, brave; and gives me courage to achieve my ambition & dream as a lady and an individual rather than only give me lots of love as a wife solely. of course he wants me to success in everything, career, life and family. and the most is, he teaches me to be strong and appreciate what i have rather than weeping for something i don’t have. oh, i can’t describe in any word how happy i am, being Abi’s queen. sometimes i just want you to be like Abi 🙂

and those qualities i’m looking for in a man, assemble in Abi. and he’s my guru in other way. so don’t notty2 with Abi okeh?
thanks Allah for this very2 perfect family~

Today is 21st August… it’s 3 days before our 1st Anniversary…

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24 responses to “Of Being Alone…”

  1. 13may Avatar

    Hepi Anniversary in advance 🙂

  2. ms ayue Avatar
    ms ayue

    hehe. part massage tuh tak tahan. serupa, sama. sebijik jugak dgn my hubby. but u are right, they are unique and romantic in their own way.

    m0mmyA pun mmg jenis penyabar tahap gaban. ayue nih kdg2 ada gak membebel dgn hubby yg x ringan tulang nak tlg house chores. ahaha. biasa la, kdg2 lelaki ni kita kena cakap. baru dia buat. kalau nak harap automatik tu susah skit.

  3. bAiTi Avatar

    Lina, Happy Belated Annivessary!!

    You will absolutely be a strong woman. Yup, sometimes we had to be independent in order to prepare for unforeseen circumstances. A good tarbiyah though ;).

    Dear baby, please take good care of your mommy ,OK? Buat ler tarian geduk2 selalu kt tummy Mommy tu, hehehe 😛

  4. Alex Lacey Avatar
    Alex Lacey

    memang sangat perlu kita be independent….kalau nak berharap pun, berharap pada Tuhan…yg tu kita tak kan putus asa punya lah dan takkan hampa..hehehe…

    kalau rasa sedih-sedih, rasa susah hati, bacalah surah Al-Insyirah 7 kali tiap lepas solat…insyaAllah, jiwa akan tenang, buleh terima apa saja gitewwww…..

  5. Dandelion Avatar

    Entry ni does remind myself supaya berusaha lebih keras utk jd independent. Sure awak ni pun sabar sgt orgnyer. Saya ni dahla tak independent, spoilt n sket2 penyek (nangis). Hubby dh slalu pesan tp mebbe dia xsmpi hati kot nk berkeras sgt. Saya kena latih diri betul2 ni to be more independent 🙂

  6. mommyA Avatar

    hihi. maceh2. doakan kami berkekalan hingga ke akhirnya.

    ms ayue:
    hahaha. mace adik beradik plok serupa 😛

    xdop saba mano pom. huhu.

    hehe kak Baiti.. lom lg 😛 anyway thanks!

    kita br setahun jagung je. byk blaja dr yg expert cam akak. hehe.

    Baby arini tido je. penat tu smlm main bola malam2. hehe.

    alex lacey:
    betul tu kak wear. tima kasih pesan kak wear tu. insyaAllah kita sama2 amalkannya 🙂

    hehe, manader sabar pun huhu. jom2 meh kita sama2 melatih dr jd independent women!

  7. SitiNur Avatar

    Salam SitiLina,

    Terima kasih meninggalkan komen di blog saya. Saja berkunjungbalas.

    Wahhh.. nampaknya dah dekat juga waktu nak melahirkan ye? Moga selamat semuanya juga ye… Pengalaman pertama, ngeri juga. Hehe. Tp nak masuk pengalaman kedua pun tak kurang seramnya! Huarks!

    Take care.

  8. AbiyA Avatar

    adeh, abiy plak kene..
    mcm salu je basuh pinggan n tumbuk2 bwg. yg tu xdek include dlm entry ek..

  9. mommyA Avatar

    salam SitiNur..

    hehe, terima kasih juga.

    sama2 la kita menunggu kedatanga org baru ye tak. 🙂

    amboi… berkira sungguh. ye la..

    H****, Abi kan sangat rajin kat dapo tau. dia suka kopek ikan bilis, tumbuk bawang, goreng nasik, basuh pinggan..


    hihi. jgn mara B.. 😛 miss u!

  10. Suriyanor Avatar

    Assalamualaikum..tumpang yek.
    Saya ada beberapa brand new Avent Out And About Set for sale.
    Price is RM 290 for each set,inclusive of postage.
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  11. mommyA Avatar


    owh. kitorang dh ada breastpump & the appratus. maybe i can recommend to my frens.

    anyway tq for dropping by 😉

  12. simah Avatar

    happy anniversary yea…

    ala adik aiii… jangan la sedih angat rindu abi tu… balik la dia nanti…

    guys… always lookat the pracitcal side of things kan? n we the ladies more on the emotional side… tensen kan bila kita nak mushy mushy kejap dia tak nak hehehhe

    51 more days eh? good luck for the big day..insyaAllah ok..

    wahhhh ni anak gajah ker ni? *wink*… masyaAllah besar yea… take care!

  13. Yatie Avatar

    be strong ok .. and nak wish Happy Anniversary in advance la nieh… apa2 pun take care ye .. tak lama jek lagi tuh ..

  14. shsuya Avatar

    Thats the spirit! We can’t seek to change the man we have married. Instead we have to learn to accept him warts and all and make the best of the situation. After all we are not perfect ourselves aye?

    Masa I baru2 kenal my husband pun mcm tu. I ni kuat shopping. Kira Orchard Rd tu mcm playground I la. Tapi my hubby paling tak suka shopping. Dia kata waste time. Kalau I paksa2 dia ikut pun after 1 hr max dia cakap dia lapar la, kaki die sakit lah, perut sakit la. Geram betul rasanya sebab die tak nak share my interest. Lama2 I terima and now I go shopping with my girlfrens instead.

  15. iejal Avatar

    uish!!! mana dpt kemre HP tuh? siap leh buat xray tuh… lepas amik gambar, boleh view dlm perut!!

    hehehe… gurau jek…

    Salam time sih sudi lawat blog ambo…

  16. mommyA Avatar

    tq kak… 🙂

    hehe. lg 3 hari abi nk balik nih. hehe. tol tu kak, hehe tp xpela. itula namanya give & take kan?

    waaa arap2 betul2 la dia ni kuar 51 hari lg. huhu. jgnla awal! besar ke??? huhuhu. 😛 takutnye… kang besar2 susah kuar plak huhu.

    🙂 tq kak yatie! tak lama lg kan? tp rasa cam laaamaaaa jerk lg 😛

    yeah u r rite!

    hehe. betuah hubby u dpt wife yg bole tolerate. hehe. xdela pening pala dia asik kene paksa je kan? lg best kita dgn kawan2 kita yg share same interest kan 🙂

    eh. betol la bole view kat dalam. mana tahu? hehe.

    salam time kasih jugok 🙂

  17. mama fatini Avatar
    mama fatini

    Hepi Anniversary in advance kak lyna
    mase sy pregnant dulu pon slalu aje gi checkup sengsorang hubby bukan tkde mase nk teman tp dia suh berdikari sendiri jgn asik nk mengharapkan dia aje.. heheheh

  18. nonie Avatar

    u & ur hubby engineer ke? I have the feelings that engineers memang agak sepesen sketla… & my hubby is one too… i selalu panggil dia kepala otak engine heheh… kalau nak citer kat dia pun tak boleh nak cakap pusing2 sket, pastu selalu kena ada reasoning.. adehla heheh… & memang kita kena jadik independent selalu.. tapi nak all the time pujuk diri jadik independent lemak la dia huhu… so at times i’ll be a manipulative wife hehe… then he’ll show his ‘manja’ or romantic side that i would prefer… huhuhu…

  19. mommyA Avatar

    mama fatini:
    maceh aida.. 🙂

    wah.. adekah akaks je yg terlalu manjes ni 😛

    tak engineer pn kami. separa ke kot 😛 hehe tu la. itula nature org lelaki kan. sbb tu Allah kawenkan kita ngan diorang. utk derang jd ‘soft’ sket & kita jadi ‘keras’ sket. hihi.

  20. Ibu Emir Avatar
    Ibu Emir

    thats the truth about marriage!! both of you complete each other, and that wat the marriage is for. moga2 berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY

  21. Mommy of Triplets Avatar
    Mommy of Triplets

    it’s true about the need of being independent, since in my case hubby is more often away than at home, mmg tepaksa jadi independent. tapi there are times we simply want to sit back and relax and be pampered. ape salahnye sekali skala kn.

    wat’s important is we know our capability, that we can stand by ourselves for unforeseen circumstances….but if hubby is around, don’t we hv the rite to be pampered…kan kan? hihi

    hmm…kpd hubby2 di luar sana…phm2 lar ye kekadang bini mmg sengaja nk berngada2, act as if we can’t do things ourselves…so rajin2 lar layan kami…hihih (afterall if we act like we can’t do things ourselves, it actually makes u feel like a hero, wont tat make u feel good about urselves? hihi 😉 )

  22. mommyA Avatar

    ibu emir:
    yeah u r rite! mira mesti lagi byk makan garam dr kita 🙂

    thank u for the wish!

    mommy of triplets:
    ye betul… knowing my frens ramai yg away from husband makes me feel like i ni mengada je sebenarnya. hwa3x.

    i hope my husband baca la komen u ni muni.. hehehe 😀

  23. abiya Avatar

    ye, bace2…

  24. MommyA Avatar


    i luv u la!

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